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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. NSFW but I don't like dance music but this is catchy. TBH I much perfer the Calvin Harris remix though
  2. Awesome!! Congrats on the baby too!
  3. Rac never had a problem with them. Get it cheaper through topcashback or tesco clubcard points.
  4. I'm not saying it does but that's also an extreme side of it. Most people love there kids very much and seeing their kids in pain hurts them more than themselves being in pain. like the OP. I bet if he could feel upset instead of her he would do it. It's heartbreaking to see YOUR kid like that. When your a parent you will understand…
  5. I bet there are plenty of teachers in that school who have degrees and could care less. The degree doesn't make you good with kids your personality does. Also it's hard to make a decision when you are emotionally attached to such item. E.g. We should all drive super Eco diesels but we don't.
  6. Don't get into as your wrong :-p. Being a teacher is a job. Being a parent is a responsibility. You have a bond with those kids which is unconditional. There is no doubt your misses is a great teacher but that doesn't automatically make you a great parent and vice versa.
  7. A degree means diddly squat. Being a parent doesn't make you know more but it would show you understand where he is coming from. Teaching kids is different to having them.
  8. Don't answer the 7:30pm one, it's just pandering to her. She's well supervised, clearly not hating it else she'd want to come home, and not speaking to her parents for one night isn't going to hurt her. Must be horrible for you to hear her so upset, but it desperately sounds like attention seeking to me. What is wrong with you. Best thing is he knows best and I bet you don't even have kids.
  9. In that case carparts4less might be cheaper
  10. I replaced my original battery with a Bosch one last month. Got it from Euro Car Parts for about £70 with a four year warranty and free delivery which I didn't think was too bad. Seems to have done the trick! Mbclub25 would have got you another 25% off.
  11. Think the problem is i never zoomed in enough... I don't think it is personally. I think the best photo is the one with your car further away. In the other shots the car is taking up too much room at a funny angle. But the one where its further back is more flattering to the shape of the car. IMO of course.
  12. Will.i.am is a great producer but IMO his flaws are he has a massive ego. E.g. most of his songs would be better without him. He was good on the BEP's stuff though. Also he doesn't really make interesting music like when he wore that gas mask for a while, its manufactured to be successful and there is nothing wrong with that its just abit soulless. IMO. I also hated that he was on the phone when he was running with the olympic torch.
  13. That was her exact word "marmite", but she loves it and there's not that many around and wherever she scoots about in it, it'll draw attention and comment, hopefully good attention, she's too excited to bother with comment. I can't wait for a spin myself. gonna get my Wil.i.am tunes on and go bust Dblock's chops (only kidding D ) aslong as your taking me to do rounds and there is space in the back for some ladies I'm in!
  14. Where from? More like £60. Most people will check their battery with a volt meter/battery checker and it will show 12v or 11.xx which is fine but thats not really accurate. If you want a true reading get a battery tester with a load. So e.g. your car might be 11.8v when sitting there but when cranked it might go down to lets say 9v which isn't enough to do anything. But checking the battery terminals etc is the first call IMO.
  15. Not on any social media lol so I'll just like you on here. Wait till some members who weren't happy about that stanced zed come and see this. That silver one with the porsche turbo wheels looks amazing.
  16. Even though it broke the equipment etc wouldn't the rapid decceration still mess up the people on the inside?
  17. Why would a lithium batter go nuclear? That's like Saying wait until that tank of napalm behind you explodes in a petrol car.
  18. It looks like a zed in some ways. And in some like at the back it doesn't. Cool anyway. I quite like he wheel covers although turning might be difficult
  19. These minis look really sporty and aggressive in the metal.
  20. Massive bargain. Need to see then fitted. Should look good!
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