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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. No zedders dont seem to wave, when I wave they look at me like who the hell is that. I still flash at rs clio owners as they wave back lol.
  2. Dblock

    Oettle Mod?

    My brother has a boxster and he is going to do an Oettle or bypass mod. Basically it makes the car sound mad under acceleration but is the same at steady speeds. All it is, Is a pipe coming from before the silencers to the tips via a small pipe. But no butterfly valves or anything. Would this be possible on a 350z? clicky
  3. any pictures on a car, Im just interested to see how it looks, I can see it looking nice
  4. Nice guy if only he would return his PM's. He doesnt have the 350z anymore so its kinda useless visiting the site
  5. oh Stan ROFL I nearly used Mr Muscle on the alloys at the weekend 'cos I've got Bilberry mae up in an old mister muscle bottle - always check have right one Nooo nooo nooo Wonder Wheels is king just dont leave it on for longer than a minute if you value the laquer on the wheels! Noooo, wonder wheels is just slightly diluted brick acid Try to use non acidic ones like bilberry etc
  6. Its sold not to me. Nice guy though
  7. If your needed to paint or clean calipers (not brembo or fancy painted ones) cilit bang is great
  8. True the 350z is a better looking care alot more mainly and fat and wide it looks wicked. But my brother 3.2 boxster s is better to drive IMO (runs for cover)
  9. Rainbows are good but speakers depend on you more than anything. Dont order off CAC as they have a really bad rep, stick to CAD or CAS. Some people like warmer sound some people like sharper more defined sound. So listen to them before you buy if possible or read up like mad. Also are you amping them or running of the h/u?
  10. Same in Scotland, Its like people built such awesome roads in the middle of nowhere and it like they have been forgotten about as there is a dual carrige that now takes the traffic.
  11. is Alex just a supplier or does he do fitting and stuff too?
  12. Are you being serious mate you have heard good things about In phase? Dont buy them much better stuff for the price. No doubt you will be buying it from CAC (caraudiocentre). Trust me both companies are pretty bad just check on TA.
  13. Dblock


    check my previous post I did state I dont see much traffic. When its a nice day I enjoy the car but I cant be bothered driving it hard to work and back as Im usually tired.
  14. Dblock


    Spaceman if it had been lpg converted I would get less mpg I drive at night about 3am and there is no traffic which makes a big difference. TBH if you believe me or not i dont care, why would i lie. If you dont believe me fine.
  15. nice big towels them Asda also selling a pack of 6 smaller ones for 3 pounds near me. or is it 4 for 3pound
  16. this needs to be one of those pics which has the black border and says you will drop bricks when you see it.
  17. And prob an obvious question, but would this mean you lose cruise control? AFAIK its Gen2 ECUs that support map switching, and I think that means 06+. 03-05 doesnt support it But you do keep cruise control. could jdms gain cruise control if the right stalk was fitted?
  18. Dblock

    Mix and match

    Probably a legal requirement elsewhere but don't think it's an issue here. You must have reflectors on the rear of a car here though. the reflectors are there due to the fact the concept car had l.e.d's where the strip is but nissan had to cut costs etc so they put the orange reflectors there instead!?!?! iirc!! -ho ps: good choice on the mix and match.. exactly the same as im running atm Really like your car with the white and the black looked spot on.
  19. Dblock

    Mix and match

    Also why does it need reflectors at the front is it so its legal or just there for design?
  20. Dblock

    New Keys

    Revive on old thread. How do you actually get a new jdm key. Search doesnt get much
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