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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Which basically means spend £7000 on wheels or Gtfo.
  2. Not on the zed engine. A guy in the USA did a huge review with many different types of exhaust. Scanenging only happens on the manifolds on the zed and not in the cats or y pipe.
  3. Since you got a gf that's all you bang on about! Some people think I have a 4x4 or winter tyres therefore I can stop like a hero. No always true. It's all about giving everyone room, anticipation and using the gears to slow down. If your and kicks in the snow or ice you will slide for 1/2 a mile.
  4. Basically it is a beneficial thing to have turned on but if your having trouble setting off in the snow as you described in your earlier post then you really should have turned it off. Once you get going in the snow/ice though it is best that you turn it back on, as you mentioned on slippery surfaces it can help you from slipping off the road and in to a ditch. No turn it off. Lets say you need power to do something and the traction control kicks in. Not good at all. It won't stop you slipping off into a ditch only if your ham fisting it. Plus the Z's tcs/vds isnt great. ABS in ice and snow is lethal too.
  5. Guy was 28. Maybe he bought it himself. Odd to make such presumptions without knowing the truth. Rip to this guy. He didn't think or plan on this happening but it just shows you that racing or driving very quickly is very dangerous and there is only one outcome at these speeds.
  6. As said resale value is higher so it works out about the same. Power flow systems IMO sound like powerflow systems. They have a distinct noise usually and IMO not a great one. Plus at least with an £800+ exhaust some research and development has gone into how it flows etc.
  7. Dblock

    headlight tint

    I wouldn't like to cut the % of the zeds headlights. They bad enough as is
  8. If you can supercharge the Z for under £4k I'd be impressed. Tarmac has a thread up about a Vortech bulk buy with about 20% off ATM, thats about £3k for that kit, then injectors, rails, oil cooler, and fuel return system = not to far off £4k Then I am impressed!
  9. At 4mm winter tyres are pretty much useless in snow and only really decent for wet and cold driving.
  10. If you can supercharge the Z for under £4k I'd be impressed.
  11. Back in the day 2k on wheels for a £15k car was sensible. Now 2k wheels on a 5k car its just silly. I agree, it doesnt make the wheels that cheap though. Atleast at that price whoever buys them wont wont lose money on them It's true but a person with a 15k car usually can budget 2k for wheels but a person with a 5k car usually can't budget 2k on wheels. GTR or driftworks might be a better place to sell them as they are top quality wheels.
  12. I didn't think they where all that tbh. Not as grippy has eagle f1's which to be fair ARE more expensive but the wear was terrible. Like so bad I wouldn't even consider them. I don't drive hard etc etc and my eagle f1's did double the mileage plus the better grip for only a small bit more outlay. No brainer for me tbh.
  13. I don't want to own something that ugly. Normally I'm quite happy to buy ugly cars (VXR, Zed ragtop) but only if they've got everything else where it matters. In this case, the drivetrain lets it down so much that I wouldn't contemplate it, no matter how good the rest of it may be. My loss perhaps, and I'd happily have a go in one, but that's about it. Do you really think the vx220 is ugly? I don't think its the best looking car in the world but it hasn't dated and its a 7/10 easily.
  14. Daily mail was the source. Teachers hate the word jamp but it's a perfectly good verb.
  15. Why no ? It's very Elise esq. I couldn't live with that on a daily basis, sometimes it's nice to just be in quiet comfortable car. Also it has to be serviced every 4.5k Serviced every how long? Whats the engine made of? Chocolate? It is an alfa... Plus I service my cars every 6k and the 350z engine apparently has a "short" service interval at 9k.
  16. Why did the water go black too? Or was it reflecting through the water? Anyone else see the t cut in the back
  17. Wow you guys are so dull. It's cool thats it. Would I paint my car like that probably not but I still think its cool.
  18. I don't mean that thr power steering made the cars heavier but they could make cars heavier due to it. Even some low spec 106's etc came without power steering but they weigh nothing lol. It's going to be constantly improving. It will get as good as hydraulic systems in the next few years. Plus 911 owners still bang on about water cooling is the devils work lol.
  19. You can have issues with it or not it will change over the next few years. It will also improve but will it ever be as good as hydraulics or will we get used to it? If your power steering pump fails you will see how that's dangerous. You have to be the Hulk to steer as your fighting against the fluid. I've not really looked into this but did cars begin to get significantly heavier after power steering was introduced?
  20. 350z pre bi xenon headlights are terrible.
  21. Alof of people say you shouldnt for various reasons.
  22. Dblock


    I doubt they will be great but no worse than the rest that cost the same.
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