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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. for clay, Bilt hamber Clay lube, dodo juice born slippy concentrate Either lime prime or lime prime lite to polish and jewel the surface Waxes are generally the same so whatever takes your fancy.
  2. Dblock

    Which wax?

    +1 most people say its too hard to take off but they are doing wrong. I always find that with carnuba waxes just before they haze is best time to take off as its eaiser and gives the best shine.
  3. Dblock


    thanks thats only 10pound posted of camskills price plus they in stock. Someone from the forum should maybe email them as most tyres bought on here are either fk452 or the vreds
  4. Dblock


    camskill are out of stock on the fronts.
  5. Hmm ok any ideas how to get the plate off? I really hope there isnt to big gaping holes. Tarmac why you going to uk plate? IMO the JDM square looks alot neater.
  6. I have a jdm car, along time ago it had the square number plate holder/bracker/plimpf for the front. Since then it got a Uk bracket a long black one. Is there any way to convert it back to to the square jdm bracket. would I have gaping holes from from where the uk plate bracket was mounted? Thanks
  7. Whats the handling and torque steer like in that? I was gonna buy one but got a 172 instead.
  8. I'm in Dundee Like I said Mark if he wanted to, could stay at my house
  9. Dblock

    Which wax?

    FK1000P is great too.
  10. Looks spot on IMO. Btw how is the engine damper? Does it improve responce? Does it make the inside noisier? Does it shake the car?
  11. Not realy, Clarion make some of the best SQ HU in the world. Just this one is pretty rubbish.
  12. I agree with you but personally looks aside I perfer the 350z looks no because the other one is "hairdresser" i just perfer it. The boxster is a better car though IMO but you pay for it. interior is basic but good quality, leather covered dash. its spars but serves it purpose. Also the boxster is a convertable so thats +1. the engine is argubly in a better place. Everything on the boxster is typically German over enginereed. Great cars IMO. If you the best driving experiance the boxster wins hands down.
  13. It is and it isn't. Its such a good car, but is it £6000+ better than a Zed? I don't know. Plus I have had too hard a time buying one and the Zed was my original choice (see back to the GT4 Yellow Wanted thread). I just went off on a tangent and ended up in Boxsterland in which I thought £20k+ would make me a king. Alas it didn't and I've come back to plan A which is the Zed. I've been looking for value for money and I think the Zed is where its at. Plus I saw one drive past me today and it was hot. The girl driving it wasn't bad either. maybe not 6k better but why not lower you price range. you going for 986 or a 987? With a 986 at least its a very very good car. the 3.2 is faster than the z. it cornors a lot better than the z. It feels better as your not lugging so much weight with you. brakes are good re the weight. mid engined and a great chasis make it feel so balanced. its a great car. More of a sports car than the z but thats why its more expensive. doesnt look as cool as a z IMO though.
  14. you could get a peice of sting and tape it to the rough path it will have to take and add a little bit more on?
  15. have you tried KnuKonceptz.co.uk. they have the best cables pretty much most guys use them from sq install to spls. Their 0gauge wire is twice as thick as my autoleads one. Speaker cable and rca's are great too.
  16. Ive heard the apexi cones are the best. Also its smaller but it might be bigger as it has a dual cone design, more surface area? Also is Apexi pronounced Apex-i or Apexy?
  17. I also batter them Oh thats so wrong!! Il tell you something, because the battered smokie has no bones we outsell the traditional one 10:1 as we sell both we do salmon too video! Thats not me btw
  18. I perfer this matt cf look to the shiny real stuff.
  19. Dblock

    Which wax?

    Honestly, not long at all just dont let it dry in. even spray some quick detailer on the cloth to help.
  20. Car looks great mate, Havent seen you about yet. probably as im out late at night
  21. Dblock

    Which wax?

    Get collinite 476 or 915. On DW they compared 4 waxes DJ supernat, colly, Swissvax royal and another one. there wasnt a difference. The swissvax was the 4k stuff.
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