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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. I personally think the car might be a bit rubbish. They are trying to beat a time and not make a better car. If you offered me an Astra Vxr or a nice ep3 id take the civic as its just a great car.
  2. With work or in general? If its just cos your here we should have a mini meet. lol work during the day. Usually found at nethergate area. I'm in the work van when I'm up Ahh, was going to say if your ever up here and free give us east coasters a shout
  3. With work or in general? If its just cos your here we should have a mini meet.
  4. Did you just use a meme and then tell me to get out more? :lol: I was only joking why you getting your knickers in a twist?
  5. Come on you know that was taken in Glasgow. Don't be mad, be proud. I know your I left out the picture of your kappa trackies, the socks tucked into them and a knife possibly
  6. If you move to Dundee, you will have to speak proper English. LOL I know in Glasgow you guys have too many shoes. They are always tied and thrown over lampposts and wires.
  7. I went for Ceramic as to me it seemed the better coating plus SS was mega bucks. I heard you shouldn't wrap them as it can cause cracking and the ceramic is good enough. Do some research but I don't think wrapping it would be that bad but it might not help either.
  8. Stay in Glasgow? That crack your smoking working? Dundee is the city of angles. Good people who don't sing when they speak.
  9. Dblock

    DPE Wheels

    You said they won't get bought either way, either way meaning whether the DPEs or another set. Either way I'll be buying a set of wheels that look exactly like that that weigh the same. I meant those DPE won't get bought. Looks like I was right. Dblockstradamus.
  10. If you think £400 even though it's £500-£600 I don't know what you have drove in the past? It's a lot of money since you have to strip half the engine lol. A "normal" car is usually a few hundred pound including belts.
  11. Bottom left hand corner should say mobile theme on the 350z homepage.
  12. You sure about that? Rs engine cambelt changes are usually pricey. I'm sure parts alone are £150. For a clio F4R it was about £600 from Renault and about £400 from an indie specialist. A specialist had to do it also.
  13. Dblock

    DPE Wheels

    Lookalikes? Look at my previous post where it says they won't get bought. Talks balla buys replicas lol
  14. Captain, do most people from Dubai buy their car cash? Edit, genuine question have always wondered this.
  15. Dblock

    DPE Wheels

    I look forward to it. You will save up realise its a lot of money and sell the car.
  16. Cheap and heavy are opinions. If your on a £150k + salary then they're cheap. If your struggling on £15k a year they may well be expensive. Michelle McManus to some is heavy, to some guys she's just right. LOL!!
  17. Thats true. But people having mentioned wolfrace but no actual wheel picture has been posted.
  18. Dblock

    DPE Wheels

    We are allowed opinions are we not?
  19. Look above. RT says in your opinion and then your the one going at it saying not just mine.
  20. Cheap, lightweight, look good. Pick 2. Your the one saying its being jumped on. We all have opinion's. If your differs from mine then thats all good. Rota, konig, dotz, jade etc are all just copies too. They are heavy too.
  21. Dblock

    DPE Wheels

    They won't get bought either way...
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