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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Thanks for the reply, been reading about using a voltage meter to set the gain etc. Confusing as hell, seems to be a lot of different ways, will just have to experiment, as I don't seem to be able to get a definitive answer. usually scoping the system gives the cleanest sound but not always the best. IMO if your hu can do the crossover duties let it as it will send the right freqs to the right amp, but I would turn on a lpf/hpf on the amps but not too near the crossover point as this would be a safety mechinism.
  2. Dblock


    IMO the best way is fission ATM even though what's happened in japan. Solar has an effecienty of less than 5% and is still in it's infancy. The real way to make power is fusion but we still way off.
  3. Again because people have different opinions that makes them wrong?
  4. I'm guessing because he gets them dead cheap from work No doubt but for what it's worth he might ruin something or not understand how it works. Maybe as a second machine but for a price of a kestrel how much can he save?
  5. Why can't you get a g220 or a kestrel? Surely if it's your first time your better with something tried and tested no?
  6. A much more balanced and reasoned debate rather than your wrong cos I said
  7. Presumably you also include those like Topshop, Vodafone, Barclays, Boots and others allegedly avoiding paying their proper taxes, not to mention all those millionaires and billionaires off-shoring their riches in various tax havens around the world. The words "noses and faces" leap to mind when you say that you'll take most of your cars off the road and just drive cheap ones in order to avoid supporting those you define as "undesirables". Just hope with all your pomposity, you never find yourself unemployed and with no hope. I've have. Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. Maybe if tax was fair in this country there would be more companys paying tax more people employed paying tax and millionaires and billionaires staying here as they arent getting taxed the crap out of.
  8. Dblock


    Ofcourse they will as thats billions lost in revenue, If they cant tax the fuel the will tax cars or companys that produce hydrogen there will be no getting away from it. Unless we all unite about it and do something around the world there has been change of goverments so Im sure something could be done about fuel
  9. Dblock


    Fuel here is still only about 30p it's tax and duty that make it expensive.
  10. Hmm. That's sound quite hard. Do you offer a fitting service Alex?
  11. So with at least 10 of us getting pulleys in the next week or 2 could someone make a better guide thats already on the internet? Also could anyone help me, mine is an automatic and I dont know how to lock the crank If anyone could help with pictures or is willing to do it for me then that would be great Thanks
  12. Not really, the high cost of fuel causes inflation and thats alot more serious than our deficit.
  13. The notch gives it away to the people in the know.
  14. +1 if your drifting or something possibly but if its running fine leave it. If you put a radiator which is too good it you might not get the car up to proper temp and waste fuel.
  15. shouldnt of taken it to nissan, you still think its worth the stamp? You should be using 5-30 or 5-40
  16. I personally perfer the old wheel you hard IMO they look much better but the rays are forged and are light so I know which ones i'd pick.
  17. Dblock

    audi rs3

    a guy i knoe has a s5 with a 3l v6 diesel remaped to about 300bhp and god knows what torque and it kinda slides but then it doesnt drift its weird. agree though completly photoshopped.
  18. +1 the snow foamer is completly different. I4detailing for the snow foam gun
  19. Dblock

    audi rs3

    i know the its usally a 60/40 bias but could a quattro drift though?
  20. Good guys but website prices aren't right. They say it was due to the exchange rate but I don't know.
  21. People generally see a 6-11bhp increase throughout the rev range with all 3 pulleys lightened. Your making a heavy part on the car lighter and stronger. As the crank pulley spins the belt which drives the idler and alternator pulleys it's causing a parasitic drag on the engine. It's not making the engine technically lose power but it's stealing it before it gets to the wheels. Reducing weight on something which spins makes a big difference. So the car with gain power all through the rev range, be more responsive and efficient.
  22. Apparently a couple of hours diy Will take your weight saving up a notch buddy DBlock - will be in touch once the numbers are in I know that's what I was thinking, not only that but potential gains up front. You wouldn't need to map these puppies in either!! Oh man I must resist, I need to do some calculations. I think they are about a good 2.5kg lighter than stock which is a good gain. Like you said no remaping need and its making the car more effecient. also has the metal sleeve on main crank pulley for a positive seal which means you wont get a leaking main seal which you get on the cheaper kits. This kit is also fully balanced so even though I have heard it doesnt make a difference it wont affect how the engine runs or knock its balance.
  23. thats a pretty good car for the money £900 underbudget too.
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