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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. The most likely answer. You could check the American forums as that's where the company is based
  2. Deffo off a non hr. If you dont want them il happily take them back.
  3. I love how much they weigh Good deal you got
  4. buster got his v2 and said it was fine didnt he? But I think if it doesnt fit the customer service isnt great. IMO Id go with Tarmac or epracing.
  5. I agree with you but everyone can make a difference. I opt to drink pepsi instead of coke. Small step yes but if alot of use change businesses will listen. We as a people have gotten into this rut that we don't question anything and put up with anything. If tax goes up10p on petrol or no food is locally sourced we don't care we just take it. It will take alot of people to really want to change up bring it though. That's gonna be pretty hard tho... If you have an iPhone for example, it says Made In China Most consumer electronics are made there because the businesses are outsourcing most of their production to China. And those trainers you wear are most likely to be manufactured in India. Us mere mortals are just pawns in the big businesses chess game.
  6. I still love the car though and to bring a car Market at the price they did is amazing. I'm Not sure about other cars but the 350z seems to have a real cult following
  7. The fuel tank is hardly huge. It's the same size as a 986 boxster and my mums c class. A boxster IMO has a worse engine smaller too. Less bracing but cos it's mid engine and weighs as my 172 it's quick. Although IMO anything less than 3.2/3.4 is a waste the chassis can handle much more. Boxster is comfortable to drive to albeit slightly small for me. I can see what your saying about the money put in development but nissan designed this car on the cheap. IMO in standard guise it's horrible. Until I modded this car I didn't actually like it. It's like the plenum spacer why didn't they put that in design the strut brace and bonnet around it? Cos they cheaped out. IMO weight is the biggest letdown on the 350z
  8. DYAC running! Honestly I wouldn't ge surprised.
  9. Climate change is happening I personally do belive we have somthing to do with it. I just think if only the people pushing the green stuff where business people and not patronising hippies it would be no problem. Is it an excuse to tax yes. If india and china pollute so much maybe people shouldn't buy from them
  10. Yes I know but it seems like Might be sticking up for a company I rarely use. IMO post office sucks they are slow break alot of things/lose things. Up my area they have big rubbing problems with the depot as we usually get our post on a Sunday.
  11. Im not sticking up for them as i only used them twice, but they picked it up from my house?
  12. i got my wheels delivered from city link and ebuyer always use them (computer bits) so I have found them usually good. I suppose no one is perfect though
  13. The problem I find with using your hand is you can't really get a thin enough layer, all you get is messy big blobs of carnauba, which won't be removed as well as a thin layer of wax. your doing it wrong then , ive done it once like this before but honestly isnt worth the effort. you have to massage it into your hands so its pretty much melted then work in lines. Foam applicators are better
  14. using your hand is the proper way to apply carnuba wax. IMO rim wax is a waste of time fk1000p is great. although I tried megs #16 it works better than most speicalised products.
  15. What advice is he gonna give other than what steddy has said? Have a look http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7744 right and pming him will do?
  16. yes because he is selling you it. What advice is he gonna give other than what steddy has said?
  17. Put a video up and we can tell you if it's rasp or rattling.
  18. you tried paisley freight? is it just a door? You can get pallets delivered for £75. I dont live near just trying to help.
  19. It wont damage it as such, but for example look at lets say bulletmagnets car. Speak to him look at his car you can tell he takes cares of it. This IMO is worth alot more than a crappy stamp and an oil change with the wrong viscosity (hello 80% of all nissan dealers). Or me I dont use a dealer to get my oil changed but I do it myself every 5-6k with silkolene. I bet my engine is cleaner than his. I dont rag it from cold. I take care of my car as do 99% of most owners on here. This is why buying from the forum is better. Im not saying he is a git, I dont know the guy. Its how you are protraying him that i preceive him. From everything you have said makes him sound like a git. As Sarnie has said if he did have other buyers it would have gone by now. I personally think and am only saying this because the forum is here to help people but to leave the car unless its alot cheaper. I know your the one with the money to burn but everyone has posted in here has taken time out to type their opionion to help you. You could ignore the opinions as you dont have to take all of them on but people have said what they have for your benifit
  20. service history IMO means nothing. Did he use 99ron? Did he rag it from cold. The way he is doing everything means that anything done sounds like a botch. Obviously you know the guy now and you say he is a nice guy but your doing him no favours, you make him sound like a right git
  21. why do you want this car? Nice people sell nice cars... I hope not but it sounds like the guy isnt nice and i can bet he hasnt taken care of the car. He could of sold his car that he no longer uses, remember he didnt even have an mot or legal tyres, doesnt sound like he cares for it much. all IMO of course.
  22. Do they give out better light?
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