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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. The problem isnt with ragging it, its looking after it properly. You need to feed it the right fuel and keep it in tip top condition with the right fluids at the correct level. The most problems I've seen on the 350z are from oil starvation which now it appears may be a byproduct of using the wrong fuel and damagine the engine. Not sure if that holds, but certainly the Zed does use more oil as it gets older. The harder you want something to work, the better you have to look after it. Looking at my push bikes as an example. My commuter gets treated like @*!# but it doesnt really have to take a lot of abuse, just road riding but a lot of it in all weathers. My MTB on the other hand gets beasted whenever it goes out (AK will testify this with our last ride in the lakes) but then when I get it home it gets washed and lubed and all parts checked to make sure they are working. Yes but putting salt in the wound is abit harsh. At the end of the day its him thats forking out the money and Im sure its not nice getting stick on here for it.
  2. Would they not send the TC in to a spaz?...... especially being winter when your more likely to have slippage TCS doesn't really care as long as you drive to your own and your cars limits. If you push past that then you're not driving correctly, so for the purposes of using winter tyres for more grip in the snow then you really shouldn't be pushing any way. For once I wasn't even being sarcastic! Truth be told though if people want to start mucking around with the only things keeping them on the road, and especially in the winter, then they probably will anyway. Personally I don't feel it's worth saving £50 and risking the car, but to others they're happy with that risk. Each to their own, and I genuinely mean that. I've said in the past njthat I'll only give general advice on tyres now anyway, after the abuse I've had in the past. So, in all seriousness, they probably will be okay as long as you don't drive like a tit. The one place I would agree with you is dont mix summer and winter tyres
  3. That's abit harsh. He didn't know it was to be run on super and the zed is a sports car it should be driven hard now and then. Who here doesn't red line their zed once every while? IMO with an attitude like this against the car, along with poor maintenance I`m not suprised you have killed 2cars. I`m not here to argue your points even though you contradict yourself within the same post with reference to "ragging the s**t out of the zed" & "so I do know how to look after an engine and know what can happen if you don't" Clearly you need to adjust your approach to the way you drive & mainain your vehicles
  4. Its the same difference really, if your car is lowered there is no chance you can get to the front or rear jacking points easily. If Im doing it that way Id do one axle stand at at a time like drivers side, then passenger side then rear.
  5. Hi guys Im going to be doing my pulleys soon and my car is an auto so the normal put it in 6th and hold the brake wont work. No ive read from zmanalex and other people There should be a cover plate that you can stick something in to stop it turning, which stops your crank turning and then I can bust the nut off and put my light weight pulley on Ive got a nice 1/2" snap on air gun to break the nuts too but ideally I would want to do it without stressing anything. Any one have any idea where this plate is? A picture would be fantastic if anyone has one? All help is much appciated. Il try to make a guide for doing it too
  6. a g35 or skyline v35 with a nismo body kit is just as nice if not nicer than a 350.
  7. Never thought of that might try it I think moral of the story is always try to run your car on super. If you cant get super and your using regular dont take it above 4.5k revs.
  8. any real gain or loss jdm's not having a wide band sensor?
  9. not true, I have heard that both supermarket plus fuels are mixed differently to BP or shell. The additives are literally added in the tanker rather than at the refinery so can be a bit hit and miss and not as well made with less additives. Sainsburys is sourced from BP but that doesnt make it the same as BP ultimate. Learn something new everyday.
  10. Are you selling this or just saying?
  11. Thread revival! I know a few people have fit these now, any tips or tricks. A guide or anything? How did you guys get the other pulleys on? Ive got a nice snap on impact wrench which has got about 700ft of torque Any one got a decent write up or pictured guide? Mine is an auto but could learn from anyone else's guide Im guessing for the crank pulley its bumper off radiator off jam the ring so it cant turn ( need to research which blanking plate) crack off crank pulley lube up the sleeve fit pulley and tighten do the belts? Any help ow much appciated
  12. When the weather isnt great and its cold Im not a great fan of the zed as id rather be in an eaiser to drive quieter car and then I think meh its not that good. But then one day its warm and il take it out for a quick drive and its awesome I fall back in love with it.
  13. I use Sainsbury's Super which I understand it 97 ron or thereabouts never used a single drop of BP ultimate or suchlike.... Never had any issues and it certainly didn't stop my old girl getting sone good results at Abbey sainsbury's super is bp ultimate
  14. v power here is about 144 and tesco momentum is 136. It never used to be a big difference. V power is about 14p more expensive than regular shell unleaded.
  15. Im not sure where it is either, but Im sure JDM's use Jobd and obd wont read the codes.
  16. It's true. Filled my bike up at Shell and could see to the bottom of the tank. Filled up at supermarket and fuel was cloudy and could not see the bottom of the tank. Good to know, I used to fill at shell but its a big difference in price now
  17. cheers mate did you take any pictures on how to remove the rad?
  18. does anyone have a definative guide on how to bleed the rad and which coolant should be used. Im going to need to take my radiator off for my lightweight pulleys.
  19. thats my advert, but they have cut off alot of the text. I wrote 2 bloody paragraphs! Also it now just says its a hks but it isnt its a replica
  20. Some people say tesco 99 is 99 Ron with minimum additives. V power does seem to have more additives in it. Some people say that supermarkets clean there tanks out much less often but I couldn't tell you if this is true.
  21. Super after a tank or too should improve your performance
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