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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Well really you need to do alot more than 10 journeys. How long is the trip? wind speed has alot to do with it, other cars and so on. Also you should try trips where acceleration is required e.g. town driving or stop start. Im not sure about everyone else's car but if im tootling around the zed seems to get slower. When I floor it take a a few runs for it gain power. Im sure Abbey and Rstuning find the same on the dyno.
  2. Dblock

    Toyota FT-86

    Then in that case they it 110% gonna be a hit. Cars are so much cheaper over there.
  3. Dblock

    my zed

    Well atleast you have had the decency to not say anything. If I slag your car and you mine it's ok I don't really mind but it's no way of welcoming someone especially when you have put time and money in. If they like it you can IMO politely say you don't like it. What's the need in coming across like a prat? IMO one of the best things about the 350 is the usually freindly forum. Shame there is so many sheep on here.
  4. Dblock

    my zed

    If it's not your cup of tea why bother insulting this guy? You wouldn't do it to his face as he would probably kick you teeth in. Get a grip of yourself thinking your god gifts to modders in your old nissans. If it's not the way that you want it, it's horrible and because your behind a keyboard it makes you hard? If this was someone who has been around for a while fine it's banter but this guy is new so potentially you've made him think we are all a set of prats. After your comments you really think he is going to want to come to meets? You might feel the big man now but your just a tw *t.
  5. Dblock

    ouch :(

    Doesn't seem like much damage for 160mph?
  6. Dblock

    Toyota FT-86

    If it's coming out in the US it will be a hit there 100%.
  7. Can you not just drain it from the drain plug and refil it with a pump that fits on the bottle and a plastic tube.
  8. Yeah no problem Il do it when I'm on the pc
  9. Ok so lets say the under strut box gives you 0.7cuft before displacemnt Id go for a 10" sub if I was you. Id try car audio direct or the classifieds on TA.
  10. Space isnt really an issue , still not convinced by those flat subs after looking up the specs and prices even the cheapest on those choices looks like it outperforms it, space isnt really an issue id rather have a bit more power Space isnt too big of a deal since i dont ever need to put shopping ect in there just the odd jacket lol , Id like to keep it hidden to people looking in , i.e behind the rear strut unless u can get a cover or something. Budget is £300 including Amp , Iv already got a Fli Loaded 1000M amp here i can use though depends on size of sub if it will fit in the car as its rather large. Id like it to go either side of the strut , preferable behind it so not visible to thief's , I listen mainly to HipHop and Grime and like my deep low bass Well I have the understrut sub box and empty its 0.7cuft. Ive seen bigger ones that you can get 2cuft. So its 500wrms @ 2ohm your amp that is. So You have the choice of a small under strut box being sealed as it will drop low with a 10" sub. Because you havent got that much power a more effcient sub like a Id Max would be good for you IMO. You could get something like what ive got a Fi Q but that can take 1000wrms but Im giving it 1200wrms @ 1ohm. Or you could get a big box made that would fit under the strut but would take more of the boot up and have it port tuned to about 33hz. My last sub was a RE XXX v3 15" in a 4cuft box port tuned to 32hz and it was awesome with the lows. It was very clear to but I was running 1600wrms. So you could maybe get sub that needs about 2cuft ported and that could work for you. Do you perfer vented or ported?
  11. budget, what amp, what size, where you putting it, what music do you listen to?
  12. Dblock

    BMW123d v 350z

    I've just personally found when they try to make the diesels to powerful most of the economy is lost and they seem to chew through expensive parts. They don't happen to everyone though. You have to be doing a lot of miles to make a diesel make sense. So even with a car that *might* cost you good money to fix as long as your doing enough miles to offset that cost your ok. Yeah definately. I do about 25k a year atm (down from 40k a year a few years back), so for me last time I worked the numbers out diesel would save me a good few quid. Last 2 diesels ive had i did 80k on each of them with no major problems at all save normal wear / tear. The engines still ran perfect, one of them was at 165k miles on the original clutch / turbo etc.
  13. Dblock

    BMW123d v 350z

    They don't happen to everyone though. You have to be doing a lot of miles to make a diesel make sense. So even with a car that *might* cost you good money to fix as long as your doing enough miles to offset that cost your ok.
  14. Dblock

    BMW123d v 350z

    New they seem silly money and depreciate rapidly. Id be looking at one a few years old and probably the coupe. Are they that bad? Twin turbo, 0-60 in less than 7 seconds and 60mpg all sound good to me. I maybe weird, but i dont mind diesels. never get 60mpg. Injector, pump, DMF, clutch and DPF failures are common. Higher milers need turbo's and seals and all that usually.
  15. I think the ds2500 are a good pad but they lack feel to me.
  16. A dealer is £100-120 an hour up here Motortune is Shotts (Scotland) is pretty decent. I think Manchester or leeds has Porshceapart. There is only one trader really doing parts thats zman but with porsche's there is many and competition leads to lower prices.
  17. no more rediculous than nissan prices and any sensible person would be going to good independents not Porshe unless it was still in warranty. and with so many around 2nd parts aren't that expensive. Thank you. Alot of people on here have never owned a Porsche and dont know what the running costs are like. Parts are much much cheaper. Even new parts. I mean a hell of a lot cheaper. They are easier to work on and as said they arent much more expensive than Nissan dealer prices but indie's are a hell of alot cheaper. Only really 2 main problems which where IMS and RMS. They carry the miles much better than what the nissans do though.
  18. In your words, use the search. Keh? IIRC the Zed outta the factory does not have WOT on 1st 3 gears. Hence why I said that getting the car mapped with UpRev will allow WOT
  19. They do open to WOT I'm the first 3 gears
  20. I think it's that easy not tried mine yet. Copper grease works nicely on the back on the pads
  21. Warms up in the spring? This is as warm as it will get in Glasgow On detailing world Davekg has some awesome guides and theory about polishing. Well worth a read
  22. Porsche parts are much cheaper than nissan parts don't know why anyone thinks Nissan parts are cheap as they aren't and porsche parts are expensive?
  23. I was only busting your chops mate. You was on here alot when I first joined up but not so much. I always remember the pictures of you when your car was being dynoed
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