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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. My car never did that in gear though. Hissing was only ever heard on the over run whilst not in gear. Never really did it with the HFC's.
  2. Decats hiss on the way down from the rev, and in gear it never drops like that. Hence why it doesnt do it in gear. HFC's only do it slighlty.
  3. Nope but it only does it when you arent in gear.
  4. If your car isnt lowered, you could happily use the zed with winter tyres. Cheaper than a shed IMO.
  5. Most likely as long as it isnt leaking.
  6. If its not leaking 100% then its the decats that give you the hiss.
  7. This needs to be stickied.
  8. He will only be going a few miles an hour for that shot. doesnt it look like he is in neutral and look at his speedo.
  9. What type of 350 do you have bobbyheinz?
  10. Ian is the man you need to speak to
  11. I should keep some cards on me really. Might print some tonight.
  12. Gunmetal 350 import from the looks of it. Behind me on broughty ferry road Dundee. Local owner?
  13. That's the Market they are going for though. It's a good investment. You sped 7k on royale you can bow charge whatever you want for a detail. You will most likely only do cars worth more than £100k. So you know the people have the money if you use supernatural your not going to get the ballers knocking on your door though are you. You are passing the charge on and people always think you get what you pay for. Davekg did a test showing your vert expensive waxes no better than collonite. But on his jobs he still uses a more expensive wax. Why because collinate is cheap so people think it's rubbish. Also you use a higher wax you can charge more. It's also a boasting thing.
  14. Dblock

    my zed

    Don't think he has been back on.
  15. Because you can usually get free refills and your passing this expense onto the customer. It also gives you an air of prestige.
  16. Dont know why autos get hate. I will probably never buy a manual car again ever.
  17. I'd email them to double check the flexi's ate covered in the warranty. If not I'd go for the stillen.
  18. Surely if you needed to use that you would get a faster lens or a FF camera.
  19. 1000d or old 400d or 40d with kit lens and a niddy fiddy. Im not sure on Nikon numbers and lenses. If she isnt getting good low light performance a Dslr with a cropped sensor will be much better than a bridge and with a lens like the 50mm @f1.8 you will get decent low light shots.
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