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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Keyser induction kit. Drop him a pm see if he has any spare.
  2. Bob is that you in that magazine? If so we need better pics lol!
  3. Parcel monkey and paisley freight both generally use City link. They aren't actually delivering your stuff they are just like a broker or middle man. If you have the cash a man in a van might be your next best option.
  4. I wear sunglasses at night. Makes you look cool plus you don't get dazzled by lights.
  5. Onto the what now? Eh??? Bee see Dee Eee EFF GEE
  6. Eff Onto the what now? Eh??? Bee see Dee Eee EFF
  7. I run a plate probably about the same size but because there is less letters I have the correct spacing and BS logo.
  8. 5 minutes with a hair dryer before setting off should do it... Yeah or tyre heaters until you take them off and start driving lol. The ground sucks the heat out of everything when cold. Doesn't matter how cold the ground is tbh. The weight of the car and the friction is what generates heat. Ive used r888's in damp/wet days and found them better than the ps2's in similar conditions. R888's don't like standing water and thats about it. Its purely because the compound is medium/soft and they're very easy to warm up in comparison to other tyres. Even if the ground is freezing, any traction will cause heat, how much depends on conditions etc but there will be heat because of the friction.... you could rub 2 bits of ice together and get some heat You could be right but if your driving on the dual carriageway at 70mph and the ground is cold I'd still rather run winter tyres than 888's.
  9. 5 minutes with a hair dryer before setting off should do it... Yeah or tyre heaters until you take them off and start driving lol. The ground sucks the heat out of everything when cold.
  10. So says there is no snow. Its -5c. The ground is probably even colder than that how do you get heat into the tyres?
  11. No. Just no. The compound of winter tyres is softer for the colder weather therefore giving better grip. Full throttle acceleration you will get better grip but the big winter block move around making the back feel odd. Also the tyres are made to grip and bite into snow and slippy surfaces. Something summer tyres aren't made for. I can 100% guarantee my winter tyres will be better than summer tyres in the snow. They aren't just for cold and wet but the m&s means mud and SNOW which they are made for too.
  12. Yes petroleum attacks it.
  13. Dblock

    Test pipes

    I didn't realize the zeds had two sets of 02 sensors, I just assumed it used this to adjust engine timing for emissions, if you remap does the engineer just disable the secondary 02 sensors then? Yep . Secondary ones are purely to check cat efficiency.
  14. If they where winter tyres then it was too hot to be using them like that. Winter tyres won't stop your car ending upside down if you drive like a fool when cold though.
  15. Had this happen to me the day I picked up my Zed. Nearly took the front end off my car and I couldn't find the horn quick enough to say thanks either. Was a close call. The roads are a nightmare nowadays imo. I agree! You could always leave your doors unlocked when you was younger, wagon wheels where bigger and chips tasted better wrapped in the sun.
  16. I don't think I've ever been called a troll before
  17. Not hot hatch drivers just vauxhall drivers in general
  18. It was a silly comment :-p. I agree lol.
  19. Missed you too! No ones missing me Absence makes the heart grow fonder
  20. Sorry man, I didn't post that as a response or counter argument to your statement, I hadn't refreshed my browser to see your comment until I posted that image. I think it fits in well with the rest of the cars attitude FWIW. No worries. Differences of opinion is what makes the world fun
  21. Again I don't see the point from an aesthetic or performance point of view. I quite like the twin exhausts at the bottom of the zed. It's like a feature of it.
  22. Be that as it may your still hitler to flexi
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