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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. I'm in Scotland it's nearly 4am and it's 10c outside. That's not just parked up tempreture but driving around. It was-2c the other day. What's going on is it just warm up here or all over?
  2. I always try to leave a solution in my thread if I had a problem. Your helping others and adding knowledge to the forum.
  3. +1 sarnie. I think he shouldn't get charged. If your on about people calling the police and what not come to the real world. He was being abusive to an older just doing his job. The jakey expected the police to be called and so on if he expected a bang in the puss he wouldn't have tried it. It's this soft touch approach which leads to people getting away with things like that. Tbh if that was me I'd be more scared of the beating my mum would give me You can't do anything for assault now. At school A teacher couldn't break up a fight for being charged with assault. We was watching a fight and these two pussies where scraping so the teacher grabbed them to separate them. They said there necks hurt and they are in agony cos the teacher grabbed them yet they where fine when knocking each other out.
  4. Plus fitting too which is about 1-2 hours. Plus it's not super 4's. The V makes it a pain to change.
  5. I forgot how much running the 350 costs although them prices are much cheaper than Nissan. I work on it myself but for jobs like spark plug changes you shouldn't grumble about paying if you have done it yourself before
  6. If they are in good nick then yes I was but im thinking depending on how it sounds with decats i might leave it , already got the non silenced ones . Just need to find somewhere to get the gaskets and bolts to put them on after xmas Zmanalex is your man for that stuff Is it possible to reuse the existing bolts and gaskets ?
  7. It's got a screen to stop you getting a hose down there.
  8. Sounds like as you said its the demister isnt working. If the window is heated even if its wet in the car you shouldnt get steam on it. Check the fuse It might be your seals aswell though but there will always be moisture in your car. I use Silca gel that you get with a sofa (big things) and have them in my car to suck up some moisture when its cold. I then leave them on the radiator to get rid of the water. Works really well actually.
  9. I was but im thinking depending on how it sounds with decats i might leave it , already got the non silenced ones . Just need to find somewhere to get the gaskets and bolts to put them on after xmas Zmanalex is your man for that stuff
  10. +1 The clio had a special Sachs suspension that costs 3k alone! The clio trophy's are still worth 6-10k so not depriciating.
  11. I bought my dad an Ah531 for £350 new so I dont know if this is a great deal? But its got good spec and it is sub £300. If its older then batteries tend to die slowly but with laptops as fast as this one battery life is never great. You do have 2 x 2.1ghz, 4gb ddr2 and 320gb of spinning metal
  12. are you considering changing your exhaust?
  13. Dblock

    What colour

    Silver, gold or red. Anything else makes them looks "lost" or like a ghost car. Black wheels on a black car isnt good IMO.
  14. What exhaust you got? Otherwise silenced ones might be better? Ive got "silenced" ones but its still loud
  15. Yes thats what you need. Zman might be able to do you a better deal though Door card off 1 million bolts and replace it. About 1hour to do I'd say.
  16. Keep slamming it shut and pressing the up switch until it comes back up. If you can still grab the window wiggle it about as you press the up switch.
  17. Get your crank sensor replaced first to test it. Im sure the front wheel sensor might be affecting your abs/tc and therefore causing them to come on but a serious enough fault causes that too.
  18. He already has the codes, what help is that?
  19. He already has the codes, what help is that?
  20. The dial doesn't have accurate marking so is hard to tell. Get a multimeter and put it on v. Check what the battery is running new batteries are 12.8-12.6 anything lower is considering on it's way out but should be ok till they die Then get someone to turn the car on whilst it's cranking get a voltage reading then aswell.
  21. +1 RWD is scary for most still is to me Some people won't buy a rwd car. The will alway stick to focus rs dc2/5's megs and the likes. They are eaiser to drive won't spin and have traction control. Alot of people my age still think fwd is better as it's more point and shoot and they will reject anything rwd. For the old schoolers they always had rwd and no tc or anything so they are comfortable with rwd.
  22. Dblock

    40 Profile

    Have you tried to run non standard wheel sizes? If not your speculating where as I have tried it. It makes no difference to drive and to the traction control. If it did I wouldn't recommend the it to the OP. What questionable things are people doing to their zeds?
  23. Is the CEL still on? If so read the code
  24. Ahh, used to go there ages ago. Im at DL now. Someone drives a 350 there thought it might have been you.
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