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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. gutted for you mate but on the plus side no one was hurt. Good luck getting it fixed hopefully it isnt too expensive.
  2. its to read the code. Il dig the link out
  3. You could do the arb bushes but the rest you could take off and give to a garage to press in and out.
  4. Can I not ask for my posts on here to be tidied deleted? I'm not looking for a fight I was just trying to give advice
  5. One thing I will say is superpro have the advantage of Jez. The whiteline bushes I got the rears came with instructions but the garage are having trouble finding where the front ones go and don't seem to have much luck with whiteline at the moment. Il see in the next few weeks if they get back to me.
  6. Chris your spamming his thread! It's this bloody iPhone. If you quote you can't type properly.
  7. I never once said anything nasty to you, him or anyone on this thread and if you read my post above you see that I was trying to help but obviously the OP didn't want it. Anyway I think you aswell as me have block up his thread. Could mods delete all my posts from this thread otherwise the OP might have a hussy fit
  8. Where you getting them from the US? I take it there is a fair bit of difference in price?
  9. Where you getting them from the US? I take it there is a fair bit of difference?
  10. If you read hid first post he days he wants about 360bhp which the m3 is much closer to. Right or wrong? Also he comes from a noble and sub 3 second bikes so either he will find it slow or he will have to mod it. If he mods it then purchase price shouldn't make any difference as it's not cheap to get the that bhp. Did you miss the post where I said drive one you might love it? Erm no. You merely told me I'd be disappointed in a 350Z after my Noble, even though I stated from the get go that I will be modifying this car - I really could not have made it any clearer right there in the first post. So why on earth you needed to start with the whole "Are you saying your car is faster than a boxster S or m3?" to someone else and then derail the thread is only because you had nothing better to do than troll. Your advise simply wasn't valid and you all but ignored the question possibly because you just assumed I'm another "I'm thinking about a 350Z newb" and frankly I do find that a tad rude, so maybe go back and read the very first post again? he never actully said that he expects a Z to be as fast as a noble etc - dblock, you just started talking trash about the Z from the off saying how it won't even compare..... he knows that. think this thread should be locked to be honest...
  11. Why whiteline over superpro can I ask?
  12. Lucky escape. The wind has bad up here too.
  13. Yes thats a very good way of doing it, but you could miss the electrox for red oxide for a cheaper option but if your planning on keeping it I think its worth it
  14. As Im using the electrox they advised me to have clean metal and not have it treated other wise the zinc wont be a sacraficial layer as it isnt touching the metal. Ive used vactan which is pretty much the same as hydrate 80. If your not using the zinc primer or understand that it wont be doing the job of a zinc primer but just a primer on the treated spots you should be fine. Im going to use surfex hd first to clean it but once Ive cleaned it back I dont want to put water near it as I dont want to lock moisture in. I quick key then some white spirit. Surfex is better in 5l as it isnt diluted and you can mix it to your own strength. Thats pretty much my plan but I might paint my springs, shocks and any arms sticking out the car. I would also do the wheel arches and when you open the bonnet under neith the airbox is like a ledge thing Im going to put some dynax s50 though.
  15. Well they are still to go on so Im not sure. TBH i bet there is nothing in it.
  16. A few other bushes if you can afford the super pro ones?
  17. Dblock


    Just a suggestion but what about a 2jz I know they are heavy but they are powerful and realiable. Also a few people have converted them so there is more info around. I'm not sure about this but was told to hey power from the rb26 you still needed deep pockets. This is 400bhp plus. Can you confirm or deny this
  18. I'm planning on doing it myself but haven't got round to it yet. Bilt hamber says make sure the surface is rust free to begin with for the electrox or 5-10% rusty if your going with dynax ub. I've got some deox gel a wire brush and vactan if need be too. That should clean it. Rinse with white spirit then brush on electrox. 2 layers should do it then I could brush or spray dynax ub but you need at least 2 coats. For hard to reach areas I've got some dynax s50 spray. That's like waxoyl but better supposedly. I was going to cheap out but i though why not do this properly as it's piece of mind and it's a point when it comes to selling. On my 172 I was justinh going to clean it, red oxide then dynax ub but as I have 2 cars bulk worked out eaiser and will be a better product. Although on stuff I painted before is resisting rust with red oxide and paint so it can work. Pros of a place doing it is it's ment to be super messy, you don't have to do anywork and they might have specialist tools to do it. Cons expensive, they don't keep up to date with modern rust proofing. They won't clean it and so on as it's time consuming. They might not do as good job as you. If you use your own stuff and they apply it wrong they will blame the supplied stuff.
  19. Waxoyl is old school and isn't regarded as good any more. I'm going to be using electrox then dynax ub. Waxoyl can actually retain moisture and salt but it is self healing. It doesn't stop rust though and some people have removed it to find it's rotten underneath. You could go with something like stonechip or dynax ub which is rubberised to give it flex. I'm using electrox aswell as it's s zinc based primer which will actively stop rust forming. Also you need to treat any rust that is there first.
  20. Much perfer the music, dubstep is abit more neutral but really suits the video. Expensive euro cars make that evo and skyline sound rubbish
  21. NeilP has a scorpion going im sure
  22. I think Lum used them too and nicad7 maybe
  23. But then people wouldnt know who your talking to about what. If I did that sentence without the qoute that could apply to Riceys post
  24. I use my iPhone and the forum isn't the best to use on mobile safari
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