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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Agree with above also, getting better tyres doesnt make you any safer really as if you know the limits of your tyres your fine. Your probably pushing far to hard on public roads to need MPSS IMO. Plus if it does go all up then you will be doing more speed too. I put falken tyres on my mum and dads car as they are great tyres. They are much grippier than your run of the mill stuff. You talk down to people like they dont know. As said above we know these tyres are DECENT. Not the best but we drive accordingly. If we all had the money we would all run PSS wouldnt we? But this isnt practical for most people nor do they need the extra performance or cost. You talk about R&D money like its proportianal. Its not an exact science though. Look how much money intel pumped into their prescott cored pentium 4's compared to little amd with their athlon 64s. Intel spent billions, amd didnt. Amd's product was better. You still only answer half my post in your last responce.
  2. Fairly sure if alters the throttle response Fairly sure it doesn't. My previous zed was an auto and i'd say it improved throttle reponse as well as holding gears... but it might just have been like a placebo button. +1 throttle in mine SEEMS to be noticebly sharper, but in normal its smoother.
  3. Not entirely a fair comparison as the RE040 is now a very old tyre, and it's deliberately priced high because Bridgestone really don't want to have to make it any more: They'd much rather people went to the 050A, but some manufacturers still request it for OEM spec on older cars. What about the rest? Have you used VUS on your car? Have you used fk452 on your car?
  4. Re40 are more expensive then VUS and not half as good. Goodyear efficient grip are more expensive than VUS again not as good. RE50s are more than f1a2 but again not as good.
  5. Not renault when I took it to the dealer there was pads that had been used for 1k miles and they said they had excessive wear and would need changed soon. Still on my car now.
  6. Most people don't get that much. £120 a fortnight usually which I thought is a lot but really isn't.
  7. I have 2 Halfords professional ones (one low torque one high) and they are very good +1 Halfords stuff is surprisingly good. Someone actually told me teng make them but I cant prove that?
  8. My impact gun is snap on but powered by air. Ingersol rand are decent too.
  9. For £500 you can get a great air impact gun which is smaller and will last longer most likely be more powerful too.
  10. The guy is a lil old for drag racing, no one answered his question. I'd probably say 6-6.5 seconds.
  11. I think Salmond is great personally. He IMO has done a lot for Scotland in these last 3-4 years much more than labour. I think he is a true patriot and loves Scotland( who can blame him). I don't think he is your run of the mill white collor criminal that most MP/MSP are. I'm sure even he knows he won't get independence. He will have extensive statistics and so but it sounds good. Even if he gets Devo max he will be happy. I don't think independence would be right for Scotland BUT the way he sells it makes it sound like a utopia.
  12. I do wonder how the Scottish National Party intend to fund the health service in Scotland once they gain independence. The sums really do not add up there, but why let that get in the way of blind patriotism I'm looking forward to seeing how they pay for their free education as well, i do wish them the best with it, but having to use the euro might tie them in to a whole heap of issues that may put a halt to some of their grand ideas as they end up having to help bail out europe We didn't have the riots, we are obviously more grown up then our southern counterparts
  13. Cos they have cash they havent worked for. They spend it like it grows on trees which it does for them. They are great for the economy.
  14. Thats not why wikipedia cares, its to do with net neutrality. Its the way brutish way the americans tried to push it through and forced companies like godaddy to take it on. The bill would be abused like the one for stopping terrorism. It would and could be used against people, blogs and opinions. The US doesnt own the internet nor should they try.
  15. wow thats some miles, I had a 1.5TUD 106. I ran it on veggie oil and it gave at least 55mpg no matter what.
  16. I always thought they are fine for 100k plus. My 350 is on 90k and my 172 is on 106k and feels fresh. Aslong as engines are maintained properly and driven alot they will be fine. If you think a Japanese car will blow up at 100k you need a slap
  17. I wouldnt get them things IMO. I was going to get some too as I hate bleeding brakes but after reading reviews 70% of people say they are rubbish.
  18. Dblock

    maxxis ma z1

    VUS really aren't expensive, certainly nowhere near what the 050As cost so it's a bit unfair to lump them in the 'money no object' category IMHO. VUS at the least or nothing personally. Why put tyres on your Zed that will make you slower? They might work out about the same though, VUS's are very soft and only lasted me 15k miles and I really dont drive hard at all. No track days, and 400miles at most of B road driving. Im going with f1a2's for the rear soon.
  19. Does it sound like what it would when it's fully charged or does it sound sluggish turning over? Check the fuses maybe?
  20. thats what Ive got a feeling it will be but its just a process of elimination. Do you stock ABS sensors?
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