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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. No one want a great discount on bushes? I want that 10% off. It will really liven up your car.
  2. You was overcharged about £127 but each to their own.
  3. The boxster is a really relible, not to thirsty cheap to maintain car. Which of the cars in pictures above can claim that. IMO id rather have a fully speced boxer and look like a hair dresser than in a gt-r and look like a 12 year old thinking people will think im "cool" me because I bought a silly fast souless car.
  4. WD40 isnt any good IMO. Its only a water displacer. Get some spray grease or ferrosol.
  5. It's a 20-30min job. You just knock the old ring off and brush it all down grease it slightly and then knock the new ring on. Sounds like he rung you out tbh. If it was the passenger side you would need your oil replaced too Yeah, they replaced the entire driveshaft, so effectively £130 for a ring . Seems to be a common problem with Clio's, I've spoken to someone else who also had to have the entire assembly replaced. Pete
  6. You paid £130 for an abs ring?
  7. Its at the flywheel. Hubs or wheels not sure but Im sure you said hubs so it will be hubs. You take away transmission losses. I dont know what they are. Manufacturers mostly say cars make more power than what they do. Your car isnt 313bhp though is it its 309bhp 313ps. You see they have mislead you already.
  8. The fly wheel power is irrelevant if you have power at the wheels IMO.
  9. If you have mods on it, then your most likely running lean which is worse for the engine. Getting an uprev will be fine even on a higher miler as it will run better.
  10. Seems like a lot of laptop for the price. I believe HP are going to stop making PC hardware soon, but that shouldn't really matter. Yeah...I heard that too! Probably can't compete with the big boys hey... HP is one of the big boys, but since cheap laptops and tablets its maybe not worth it for them for a small market share and relatvly low profit for them.
  11. +1 Better off with a good few hours on here and a few US sites.
  12. Its the tensioner that moves in and out. I don't think you can have a belt too tight unless it doesn't turn? Could be wrong though.
  13. Yeah because the power isnt going through the belts but on them. You could try it yourself, ask a member near you or take it to another garage.
  14. Mine does this but it needs tightened and I'm chafing the pulleys soon. You got the right size belt?
  15. You *should* be ok. But if I knew I was going on a spirited high rev drive id maube stick some octane booster in just in case.
  16. Dblock


    Chris, Manifolds is one of the best mods for the 350. Most people running them Ian, AdrianK and others reported higher bhp than standard unmapped. It's just very poor £ to bhp wise.
  17. Dblock


    Japspeed dont, trust me they dont.
  18. Well it is unproven unless he owned and compared each tyre. Just because something is more expensive doesnt make it better, usually it is but not always. Its even worse if he hasnt compared them. Even if he didnt want to use them on his car how can you say something is rubbish when it isnt. Also my previous points still stand true IMO. Falkens are a good decent tyre no matter how much they cost. Goodyear effcient grip which arent grippy at all are more expensive than VUS and Falkens. Contisport 3's are more expensive then MPSS so your theory is out the window. If you had researched and actually used some of these tyres which you right off then you would have some credability. Also you take people for idiots you think if someone has crap tyres or worn tyres they will end up in a ditch? You not think we can drive to condition or to the grip levels available. All out grip isnt everyones priority some people have to BALANCE cost vs performance. If you got off your high horse you might see that
  19. Dblock


    their not that bad, but if your going through the expensive of getting them fitted just get better ones. If fitting yourself then japspeed or the likes will be fine. You will notice though they cheaper ones arent ceramic finished usually stainless or chrome. The insides of the cheaper ones are more rough at welds and joins. They dont feel like they will fall apart but the more expensive ones are nicer and smoother. You cant use OEM heat sheilds. It makes no real difference to the sound of your exhaust.
  20. Dblock


    M3's are 3.2. 3k IMO wont get you anywhere near as fast as an M3. They are faster, I dont mean to sound like Im saying your idea is stupid but Ive spent the money. Im happy with what Ive got and its all been done on the cheap but Im happy with it as thats what I wanted. If I wanted to beat m3's and 911's then 1, Id be unhappy as id still be slower, 2 I would be just as much out of pocket. I love the Z for the way it drives not its speed. Also Ian is it faster than an m5 or e55amg? Do you see what Im getting at there is always someone faster than you.
  21. But you guys are saying falkens are good, but they are cheap which after reading the first post means cheap=rubbish. Either you guys are wrong or the OP who hadn't even tried these tyres is giving out unproven advice
  22. I believe Dan has driven his brother Zed alot on the tyres he is discussing here. I wouldn't say he is slagging them off either. More just discussing the pros and cons of certain brands. In this thread look at others. Why a post based on here say and telling everyone we are idiots because we don't know the function of tyres and should buy the most expensive even if we don't need the extra performance, was stickied i dont Know.
  23. So you slag off tyres you have never driven with or put on your car? You tell people that they are rubbish or to avoid them yet you have not even tried them? LoL
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