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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. I'd keep it on tbh. If its coming on your pushing to hard.
  2. No really you're the stupid one here. You don't phone up Argos about a spare part for your toaster do you? Manufacturer or rep. and say what? excuse me break a 70 odd pound torque wrench and sell me the 1/2" drive for 12p? I'd email your manufacturer of your torque wrench or if they have a rep here speak to them. They might sell spare parts......stupid
  3. IMO microsoft is never any good at playing catchup. They need to innovate and I think win 8 was pretty kneejerk and just to tie into their mobile/touch screen market with windows mobile. Looks like too little too late IMO.
  4. and say what? excuse me break a 70 odd pound torque wrench and sell me the 1/2" drive for 12p? I'd email your manufacturer of your torque wrench or if they have a rep here speak to them.
  5. Ok, the 9.5" is the width of the wheel and the width makes a difference on what size tyre it will take/run. Also if its too wide it might not fit. As for spacers it depends on offsets there is a thread on here atm.
  6. I think your weights are way off IMO. but who cares...
  7. Are they? Im not denying anything you have said btw its just because they are about 1300kg and a zed is about 1600kg? Yes the cayman is down on power about 300bhp but surely the weight makes up for that. Also the newer ones are 320bhp.
  8. you sure he was trying? right gear? Full throttle? at 40 he would need to be in 2nd thanks to the super long gearing.
  9. Its faster. 5.2seconds. Plus better traction and its lighter. Drag or track its faster.
  10. 15mins Im sometimes stuck longer than that. Depending on where you need to go you could turn off before Arbroath into Arbrilot and then come into Arbroath but thats only quicker around 5pm when its mad busy. I'll keep an eye out for you
  11. Nope he will smoke you. Even if he was in a 2.9 he will most likely smoke you too. Nice cars. Straight line I dont know but on a track or on b road the cayman will be gone most likely. Im not condoning racing BTW.
  12. Yep that was a nice supra. Did you see my failed atempt at plastidipping on the front wheel? Il keep an eye out for you so if you wave Il wave back. That road is so annoying because they have closed it off.
  13. I personally found that the car does drive a little more smoothly with it off. Its like its not having to go through the TC. I know it probably doesnt but it feels more responsive. It could just be a placebo. Doesnt VDC stay on all the time though? My car doesnt have it but im sure UK ones do?
  14. I saw a GM 04 Z with black standard wheels at mcdonalds in Arbroath. I peeped and waved but you either ignored me or didnt hear lol.
  15. When I ordered from Mitsubishi customer service was excellent and he did above and beyond the norm. He has helped me out on a few occasions. Thanks again
  16. That was him at his best. He doesn't do that stuff anymore I see what your saying but he has matured and is funny in a different way now, he is funny talking rather than doing pranks and features. I really really like Chris moyles show but Im never awake so I just get the podcast Not meaning to be rude but I surprised the amount of people that listen to Radio1 considering most arent in the demographic...
  17. Which is why traditionally AMEX is rarely accepted in restaurants and the like, as they charge something like 7% to businesses! Lots of advertising at the moment to try and encourage people to use AMEX for smaller purposes as they realised they had priced themselves out of the market... Yup no one takes my Amex except the bigger places, Tesco and asda. Alot of online shops dont take them which is rubbish as I get cashback on it
  18. Yes it is. You need valve care and its fine.
  19. Just a minute is good. I also like cabin pressure, the now show, milton jones, flywheel shyster and flywheel and they had a thing with matt berry on recently called I,Regress. Old harry's game too. But Mills is hilarious go on youtube and watch pizza man prank by Scott Mills
  20. Prins are working on injecting lpg as a liquid with out heating it for a gas. That should be cool pun intended
  21. Depend what system he is running. If its a Prins system you can run the car on as close to standard as possible. I don't see why people knock LPG as the new systems are great. The old ones where cack. They also have load based valve care dosing systems to.
  22. I think Chris moyles is hilarious personally but each to their own. One good thing is on 1xtra Gemma carnie is being replaced with Sarah Jane Crawford Also getting a dance anthems on saturday 4-7 with some new guy. Bring back Dave Pearce
  23. Well, the cost of the additive worked out at about £3 per litre, I worked for the company that supplied an early version to Shell, it actually cost us £2.20 a litre to produce it. However, the treatment level is fairly low so the profit that Shell is making is not that excessive, you're probably looking at somewhere around 2.0p worth per litre but bear in mind that Shell have to blend it and that'll take a fair bit of time and energy plus of course the R&D that went on before it came onto the market . Pete I'm not denying that but 99ron is 3-4p more where as vpower is 9-11p more expensive a litre. The tax is the real killer though
  24. Firstly if your like aww radio 1 is rubbish anyway, beat it They are swapping Scott Mills for greg james WTF. Scott Mills is a legend really funny with Beckola and Chris I cant belive they are swapping I'm either going to buy a DAB for work and listen to Westwood now Or listen to Scott Mills on the iplayer. Why did they do this Also Jameela Jamil and Gemma Carnie? Gemma is proper annoying on 1xtra plus the music she plays is pants. Westwood or Trevor Nelson are wayy better. Anyone agree or disagree?
  25. That one is ment to be a good one. The aluminium one Ive heard is supposed to be borderline dangerous Ac jacks if you can get them from the states but sealey and ranger do some pretty pimp ones too.
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