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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. ITB's, ITB's, ITB's Cant wait for this, no pressure
  2. What's HR? newer engine. Still a Vq35 but its a Vq35HR instead of Vq35DE. Has more power 309bhp and twin intakes. Then you could FI if you feel its worth it. Why not jump in a members car who is running a charger and see what you think
  3. Agreed its the cheapest but nutters like you are never happy with 400bhp
  4. I wouldnt as if your talking about running stock internals then you wont get to enjoy all the boost from a TT setup. Go for a DE engine and forge the internals and use the TT setup to its full potential. Wizard, can you post pictures of your car please mate. Heard you talking alot about it but never seen any pics. Would love to see it Isnt there a guy on here running 500bhp from a supercharger with a HR? Yes you can build your engine but thats mental money and its done you cant really undo it for selling. Whats a built engine plus tt kit costing nowadays 15-20k? I know thats not the reason why you do it but you will take a massive hit and that would make me sick
  5. If going FI id go for a HR. They seem to be stronger and have better gains when it comes to it.
  6. , y pipe and exhaust for the noise! Depends on what you want. instead of spacers i would get some poly bushes for the front. If your after handing. Exhaust if your after noise. Or a remap to get better mpg and power.
  7. Dblock

    VQ35DE NEO

    Hi guys, My car has a vq35de NEO. Its a JDM. From looking about its a variable intake valve I think. So is it the same or different to uk VQ35DE engines? Ive read the wikipedia page amongst others. Tried to search here but neo ninja and neo kept coming up Cheers
  8. phone admiral up when going for insurance you can pretty much always knock £50 off. Not this time but the time before I got £200 off from haggling.
  9. Buster always has a cigarette in all the photo's. Does he help or just smoke
  10. +1 could have been alot worse. Id maybe email the seller and tell him what happens. If he doesnt care fine but I think he should know that happened. He might of knew but not said anything. He might not have known either.
  11. Rays are lighter than the 17's plus have more tyre width so more grip. Also look alot nicer.
  12. Can't compare it to the 17's. But put it this way I wil only ever buy forged wheels now. It's like the car has special sonic shoes on. Its lights more nimble and you get more feel through the wheel.
  13. Did you not sell it a while back? I dont know why but I got a massive shock. Good luck with the 500 the interiors on them look so funky.
  14. uneven tyre wear. see if the car feel tight if not bushes are on their way out. Rust, check for it. Under the car and around the sills. Check the condition of the exhaust whilst down there.
  15. Italy is broke and desperate. It will hurt their economy. If they did that here I just wouldnt pay. If enough of us did it they couldnt enforce it. We take too much laying down IMO.
  16. Is it the seat that gets you or the bump? Some coilevers with soft settings should work then? Also try riding in a uk z I was told the dampers are softer but not sure
  17. ok bare with me on this one... I just px'd my zed after 2 yrs of ownership for a Saab 9-3 Areo 2.8 v6 Turbo rag top (just one car Ive always liked to try) and tbh quite honest im gutted. I really miss the torque of the zed coz thats what gives you (me) the ultimate buzz. The Saab has enough ummffh to keep up with my old zed, but its the power delivery i miss...ive now had this saab for appox 2 weeks and already looking to get rid of it. Im now looking to get myself Merc slk350 or 55 AMG to try something differant........maybe I just get bored of cars easily lol." ( approx 24 cars in 24 yrs of driving) So I guess the moral of the story is.........you never really get bored of the zeds power ... slk350 hairdress mobile slk55 amg hero chariot
  18. Sadly people always chase that last bhp regardless of cost, despite the fact that just losing a kilo or two of bodyweight would actually give them the same benefit. Actually more of a benefit, as you'd increase your power-to-weight ratio as well make for less mass which in turn improves both the handling and the brakes. It's human nature to want big numbers rather than small ones, but I'll always have more respect for someone like djtimo who has ripped the guts out of his than I do for someone who just bolts another large turbo to their car. Each to their own though, I was the same when I was younger! but then you make the 350 useless. The 350 is a cruiser. Its comfy and kitted out well. Once you start stripping it (unless you are hardcore) you make the car less useable. Quite a few people strip their 1*2's and then sell them as its not a nice place to be. If you want something lightweight in the first place another car like a s2000, elise or vx220 is probably a better base to start with. A car cant be everything at once IMO and if it tries it usually fails.
  19. Never, still scares the crap out of me personally.
  20. You will see in time how many people say how much bhp can I get from my car.What do you mean I cant get 400bhp on n/a and just a remap. So will this £50 remap give me more power than a porshce? I know you didnt say that but a hell of a lot of people do. I dont agree that pulleys are of no use because they make the engine more resposive. going 1k to 6.6k wont do much but if your at 1k the engine will spin a littl e more easily not massively but it will. Lol about manufacturers though no offense but to trust them you must have been born yesterday. They test what and how they want to and only tell you part of the story. E.g. plenum spacers gain up to 14bhp. so people think that makes a car with 276bhp have 290bhp but it doesnt. Many reasons, was the testing done on the same car and same tempreture? Or they tell only part of the story like UP TO 14bhp. No one gains 14bhp but 5-10bhp is possible in the mid range. up to it hardly helps at all. I dont mod to add power as such but the exhaust is for noise and so on but to get the best out of the car. It is a very expensive hobby for little reward hence why people say its cheaper just to charge it. I know you wasnt having a moan and are just disapointed with your results. You have put in alot of time, effort and money for such little reward I get that but thats the way it is and people have spent the same if not more for similar results.
  21. Who said its on the way out? as its a Vlsd (unless its broken inside) should need new fluid and it will work again no?
  22. Yep thats true. I saw the road and it doesnt look like they have done anything TBH. We have also been having all the lights go dim in Arbroath today. Arbroath, the third world
  23. You obviously cant read can you. I said you DONT phone argos. Blind much. Yes reps do deal with the public I get all my snap on stuff sorted by a rep and Im not trade. You put a random tool shop in google big whoop. Anyway OP has sorted it so chill and say what? excuse me break a 70 odd pound torque wrench and sell me the 1/2" drive for 12p? I'd email your manufacturer of your torque wrench or if they have a rep here speak to them. They might sell spare parts......stupid
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