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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. ahh so your already running the blue. Cool didnt know that
  2. Why would you want a normal coloured fluid rather than blue?
  3. Yes, but you are forgetting the noise they would make.
  4. hydrate 80 to treat then paint over or, deox gel then brush and rinse then paint over or protect.
  5. The black really really pulls that off
  6. German cars are much nicer to work on IMO. They are better engineered and they knew someone one day would change the part. Nice big bolts and space for you to work. Japanese cars generally have loads of little tiny bolts which are rusty. You are going to need a fair few tools. I've spent a crao load on tools but now I have a decent collection and can do most things. It's still growing though. IMO you want a low entry high lift jack. Good axle stands. A nice halfords pro socket set. An impact wrench and a decent penetration fluid like plusgas or ferrosol. Gloves and a boiler suit too.
  7. My JDM's been run on super always. So will most other imports. If Sarnie keeps quiet the value of them will rocket.
  8. I bought a Belkin wireless range extender. Piece of crap only worked with other Belkin stuff. Moght be different these days though. Unless you are going to get an ethernet cable and plug one side into the router and the other into the access point?
  9. We used to do this thing where we would sand the top of the heatstrink (if they had one) smooth. Do people still do that? If was to get a flatter surface for the cooler to sit on. Amd isn't doing great these days is it? The barton Athlon xp's and athlon 64's where much better than the net burst p4's. I've had a few pre made pc's and they have come with intel core2 or core quad's I thought it was just because intel had more PR behind them. Some 6 core amd's are slower than lower clocked intels. Hmm is it worth getting the hd3000 over the hd2000 graphics if it's only for hd video?
  10. He knows it's just banter. But the coupe could have been something great. More than just a pretty car. My auntie had a 2.7 v6 one and it was so slow. If they put a fizzy engine in there it could have a hoot.
  11. an i5 is to much for the office pc its nearly double. For a home pc I would get one but with the pennies Im saving the idea was to get a SSD and a bigger hdd. Do all SSD's have trim? Whats a good read and write speed? the ocz vertex Read 185MB/s Write 90MB/s but OCZ 60GB Agility 3 "claims" - Read 525MB/s Write 475MB/s. I'd prefer to build it myself as it pretty easy. I just hate using TIM if you still get it these days. i3 will do the job then I guess if it is just business orientated. I would personally avoid OCZ SSD's, they had horrendous problems and poor customer support, just google it and you will see.... ok almost all SSD suppliers had problems with the original ones but I would avoid OCZ like the plague.... I got a crucial one and it has been great, just make sure it is SATA III and not SATA II as that makes a big difference, and that your motherboard supports SATA III obviously and you are good to go with super fast data transfer.... I couldn't go back now I am so used to loading up applications in an instant and no loading times in games etc. It even loads iTunes in about 10 seconds which considering it has over 300GB of music in it is no mean feat Yeah just read about them. The negative reviews where at the bottom. I ordered a crucial m4. The ocz speeds are mad but alot of people say they crash alot. I think its something to do with the sandforce controller. I love speccing up pc's though. Came in at £250 which I'm super happy about. I already have a case. Will the onboard graphics handle hd video? Thanks again
  12. The mobo im looking at has sata 3 and the likes on it. Its a h61. Overclocking doesnt seem to be very good as the multiplyer is locked. What FSB are these things running these days? Will the onboard graphics be able to play hd video smoothly though?
  13. an i5 is to much for the office pc its nearly double. For a home pc I would get one but with the pennies Im saving the idea was to get a SSD and a bigger hdd. Do all SSD's have trim? Whats a good read and write speed? the ocz vertex Read 185MB/s Write 90MB/s but OCZ 60GB Agility 3 "claims" - Read 525MB/s Write 475MB/s. I'd prefer to build it myself as it pretty easy. I just hate using TIM if you still get it these days.
  14. Hi Guys, needing some help. I've been out of the pc fold for along time. The last pc I built was a socket 754 amd athlon 64 3200+! So im needing a new PC for my office. It needs to be fast and play HD video smoothly. Decent on power too as it will be on for long periods of time. I was looking at the new AMD APU's and they dont seem as fast as intel's for processing. I was looking at either an Intel i3 2100 or 2105 (sandy bridge). Do they seem good benchmarks say they are good. But can their intergrated graphics play HD video off youtube or a disk smoothly? I have an ati 5450 and that seems to manage. I was going to match that up with a H or Z series mobo with some 1600mhz ram. The last system I built was ddr400 with cl2 now its cl10. If they cant play video smoothly I can get a cheap gfx like the 5450, but if I dont have to then it saves me money as I wont be gaming at work. Thanks
  15. sounds like the cats. If its a sulphury rotten eggy chemically burny smell then its most likely your cats.
  16. horsham or motordyne. best gains and retains strut brace. You get angled and taller ones and some people say they work and some dont.
  17. DAB is decent but its old tech now. They need to upgrade it all but doing that will render all normal DAB stuff void. DAB in the car is great but the cost of it and considering the quality it isnt great. But 1xtra and radio4xtra are great.
  18. It looks a bit master chief halo on the inside. Looks pretty cool
  19. My car has 1 adjuster knob (JDM) it makes the base of the seat change angle. Maybe the uk cars have lumbar support?
  20. Yes the vreds are more feedbacky. But the mps3 are better IMO. I'm running them at the moment and that are decent. They also clear standing water better than the vreds. They are more pricey though.
  21. Hose clamps or a glove tied up high on the spring works too.
  22. i have the swatches still lying around at home i'll try and take some pics and post up for you tomorrow That would be awesome. I want something textured for my dash. If you have any of the faux leather type stuff that Hexis do that would be great also.
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