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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Dblock


    +1 You can either just not post or say well I think the work thats gone into it is awesome but it isnt to my taste. Its good we have different taste though Or something like that. We all have different taste and our own tastes change.
  2. Dblock


    No mate, it just annoys me when people do these petty snipes at peoples cars. Yes they should man up and take it but when someone has put care and attention into it its hard to hear your cars crap doesn't really show us being a friendly lot either, when we are. All forums have their certain sheep look cars here its rays with spaces or rota gtr's but when people are like look at this car its soo ugly because I dont like the wheels. It just winds me up
  3. Dblock

    22's on a 350z!

    I quite like the ones in that bottom picture. A bit mad but its cool to see what can be done.
  4. Dblock

    22's on a 350z!

    Theres a Z in the U.S running on 22s PICS!
  5. Dblock


    I wish people would grow up sometimes, that car is too low and it doesnt have oem rays or rota gtr's its crap. I've read some of the stuff he has done on driftworks you can tell he is a knowledgeable guy. Also the car is hero spec IMO. That sunset is probably my favourite car on the forum.
  6. What and tell him how your taste is better than his. Was you just looking through pistonheads to take the pee, you already own a 350 do you not. If only he would impress people on the forum with gtr's after all who else is your car there to impress?
  7. Dblock


    There is a guy with a slammed 350 with 7series wheels. Looks awesome! Check on driftworks
  8. If you was going to go for brembos but now a bbk its worth it IMO. Ive heard you should do them both at the same time though as it could unbalance the car?
  9. Dblock


    do it and I will put a picture of you on my wall. Hero.
  10. Nice work, could I have some more info about that lead and cable please. I have a jdm and not much reads it. Cheers
  11. Just get an import with heated seats?
  12. Most s2k ariels look like that. The c2 aerial is MUCH better.
  13. Pardon theres alwasy one!! who invited the wise guy! Dave doesn't need an invatation. If there is a joke to be made SMD is there
  14. I dont see whats wrong with it? The wrap/paint job is funky and promotes a good cause. The massive spoiler and the front ducts are functional because its a track car. I'd rather a track car with cool brakes than a smooth bumper and no brakes
  15. You can use the standard bits for using the stands if you put the stands parallel to your car.
  16. Well good luck with your build. As the bannatyne says, " I'm out"
  17. I did say that it comes across like that but it wasnt meant that way. But again and don't take this as an insult, but you don't seem to know what your doing. An mrev2 on a de? Who told you that. If you want to modify the lower collecter clean up the casting marks and take a little bit if metal off. There is a thread on One of the us 350 forums. I wanted cams when I first got the 350 but n/a tuning is a dark art. Oversized valves multi angle valves port and polish. Every mod I a highly tuned n/a directly effects the next one. It's your money and you don't have to take my advice it's a discussion board at the end of the day.
  18. e270 or e320 diesel. Will give awesome mpg carry 5 in comfort and they cruise, handle and soak up bumps in one car.
  19. IMO i wouldnt if I was you. No offence but you dont seem to know that much and this is something that needs alot of thought. Also you say its all about money but a n/a is going to cost you more than an fi setup as everything is so precise and you cant skimp and save. Also vtec in a vq35 The m3 also uses ITB's. Yes vanos is like vvt but thats not the main reason it makes good power. Do you know how vtec works? I know this probably comes across as I know more than you know nothing but I'm only highlighting that without solid research you will be left with no money and a zed which is not much faster than standard Why not give abbey 10-15k and they will most likely give you a decent car. I thought cams wont give you any increase without increasing comp? You really need someone who knows their way around a zed for a good build IMO.
  20. Im sure someone said you could run ITB's off a standard ecu if the itb's where in a box as such. I think you would need a brake vacuum too?
  21. Are you planning on doing a high power n/a zed?
  22. Lol I wasn't sayings to become an REO. But if a Scottish member is reading this and wants to give it a bash why not take team up on the offer. As Neil said it's hard for someone to commit full time to being an REO but if their was 2 then less burden on each person.
  23. 16 pages! I'd add my drivel to it. I think everyone is getting a little bit defensive here. NeilP and some of the team. I'm not saying that to wind anyone up but Im looking from outside the box and this is what it seams to me. Mods, team and admin. I think your getting defensive because you feel that you all work hard and put your time, effort, blood and tears into this place. You never get a thank you and are blamed for alot of stuff. Sometimes I bet you think why do I even bother. But when it all going good I bet you guys love it and you have taken the club strength to strength. But look at it from Neil's point of view. The boy is probably on here 20+hours a day. He stuck with his 350z over a 'rari because of this club. This will be more than a forum or an internet club, this is where he can speak to like minded people. One of his social networks. A learning resource and somewhere he can organise meets ans drives to help the club which he enjoys. So you have to see his side. Neil You got to see it from their side too. Like you said you dont want to be a mod cos you know what a pain in the backside it would be. I completely see where your coming from and I'l add my 2p under this but it looked like you was saying you guys suck we want someone else. Now I read all 16 pages and your not even hinting that but thats how it reads on the internet. I bet this was face to face it would have been different but things just read different on the web. These guys muck in and take their own time out to do stuff. They will have kids and jobs and other stuff going on too. You only said what you said not to ruffle feathers but you love this place and want it to be even better. The mods/admin and you are aiming for the same goal but I think its got misunderstood. The club and mods cant be everything to everyone. This is an awesome forum. There is a few people I like to have banter on here with SMD, Ricey, rt, neilp, keyser, andlid and lots more ( I love you all). I even get decent banter with Dan(ekona) bar mixed tyres . Because of the times and hours/days I work I cant usually go to meets on weekends and so on but its good that they happen. Im not saying the mods need help but what happened to Lincolnbaggie. If he isnt on here much can you not demote him and get another person for the mod job. If you mods are less worked you will enjoy coming on here even more. If someone inst pulling their weight get rid and start new. In Scotland why not have another 2 REO's? Its alot of work for 2 people so why not ease the burden? In England Zee, Woody, Martinopy and Jerry havent visited this site for some months. Some even last year. Can you not find people to do the job or is no one standing up for the job? My only criticism to the team and not all are that bad but sometimes it may come across authoritarian when someone asks for something and they get shut down and you guys say your busy. Alot of us know how busy you are but I think a little bit of tact would make the no a little less harsh? Alot of us have been here for a good while now and this is my 350z crew. We all behave pretty well and moderate ourselves usually. All we ask which we do get most of the time is a say or input. I know we dont pay or put in hours coding but look at the "other" 350z site.
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