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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. I had front and rear square plates and no one said anything?
  2. Not really. Go for a Merkur any number under £30. Buy a few different blades a decent badger brush and away you go. I dont really like the futur as its to picky IMO I perfer to have a set amount of variables I dont need an adjustable razor too You will start off with a small/light razor with derby blades then when you learn to shave with it 6-12months you can upgrade to better/bigger razors and blades. I have found something that works for me now. My brother got a slant and says thats great but I tried it and thought it was too close. But my growth is less than his too. Also use a shaving cream first as you will learn to lather. Then when you can make lather with minimum amount of cream change to soap which lasts much much longer IMO. In order of sharpness and smoothness I have found this, Feathers Treet Platinums Derby Persona blue pack Astra Trig Shark Merkurs own brand Treet Gillette 7oclocks This is in sharpness and smoothness as sometime sharp blades arent smooth. Connaught shaving has some great taster packs. Just had a look at prices for 200 Treet platinums (awesome) are £12 but feathers are £48!
  3. You have only got 5 letters on your plate? Mine is 5 letters and is on one line legally spaced and BS marked to. Sorry if I'm being dense here but doesn't that then defeat the purpose of a square plate if it's all on one line? No because its still square?
  4. he kept saying simpler but it seems more 7 series to me.
  5. You have only got 5 letters on your plate? Mine is 5 letters and is on one line legally spaced and BS marked to.
  6. Them fusions are proper expensive for blades.
  7. Awesome, shame it failed though but that guy has some skills
  8. Dblock


    Yes lets forget how the British empire (although I never heard of anyone Scottish doing anything) raped the world, killed millions of people and purposely hooked people on opium.
  9. Most modern Porsche's can tell you how many times the car has been redlined, fuel cut and so on. I'm not sure if the 350 ecu would log these things. Even if it did it still wouldnt show you any damage.
  10. If you do buy it will any sound the car makes bother you?
  11. I thought HR's had knock detection all the way to the redline. Also I think its a far smaller problem than people think it is. Would you rather a well looked after never drove hard properly warmed up 350z thats run on standard or a ragged the hell out of tatty run on super?
  12. Rich you ever shaved with a cut throat? They got that name for a reason. You can get close enough with a slant safety razor or double egged safety razor. Plus cut throats involve a lot of stretching you skin and angle of blade. Lol true enough I use Treet Platinums. They are proper sharp but not scary sharp like feathers. My beard grows fairly thick but not stubbly so it dulls super sharp blades quickly. Saying that I found derby's to tug slightly. Treet Platinums are super cheap too. Feathers work out more but my brother shaves everyday and the closeness and comfort are worth the extra few pence a day. Oddly enough though the blade can make a massive difference you how nice your shave is. Feathers are great as even when my beard is long and thick it goes right through it. If you cut yourself it doesn't even hurt. But on a daily basis I prefer the TP's. I personally found that most of these after shave "solutions" where not great. Try cold water than olive oil if you don't have coconut oil. It will soak in and soothe much better. only a little bit though oh and before that try the alum block. You can buy these in some health shops and Online. I used to use shaving shack but a guy on eBay does most of the stuff I want called Connaught shaving. Just email him to try see if he does what you want. I usually buy my blades in 100's as I know I like them but I'm sure he does "taster" packs with different blades. I think he has a website too. Have you checked out mantic's video's on YouTube?
  13. I sometimes use an oil. Can't remember which company but it's small and triangular looking. 3 drops of that and rub it in. It will sting for 30secs then lather ontop. 2 things I find make a big difference is how hot you get your face a good few mins of washing or a shower will do. The way you make the lather plumps up the hair and smooths the cut. I use oil if my hair is long or I want a smooth shave. I do 2 passes one with and one against. Lathering in between. After I have shaved I usually keep splashing COLD water on my face then get my alum block not alum stick and rub some of it into a cup of water. Then I rub that water into my face. You can feel it close and tighten. For moisturiser I use cold pressed coconut oil. Works way better than Nivea and the likes plus if you buy in bulk works out decent to. It's solid but a quick rub gets it liquid.
  14. People bang on about prorasso it's rubbish. I've got a super badger brush that I use with Mitchell and woolfat soap. I used to use old Taylor's of bond street cream both are ace. I think mines is a merkur 38c. Which blades are you using?
  15. All tyres sound pretty bad on the motorway due to the arches being behind your head pretty much. I found the re50's to be fairly quiet. I had gsd3's and they where much louder.
  16. The 350 in general doesnt respond to any mod particularly well they have to be done supporting each other so A plenum spacer will do a little bit but when its on there with decats it makes more of a difference. Not in the sense that the decats help the spacer do its job its just because each mod only usually adds a little power and a little power on a heavy car doesnt mean alot.
  17. Not really. Just mid range torque. I found that full exhaust plus decats makes it smooth higher up.
  18. Amt is a good laugh. He takes it on the chin and knows we keed. But awesome thread is awesome
  19. kestral das6 with megs microfibre 2step correction. With a bmw I'd be wanting to use a rotary personally.
  20. I work in Arbroath You said you probably won't be able to get a nismo kitted one which is true but there is plenty of great ones out there for that price. They are solid cars
  21. Hi mate. Where abouts in Angus? I personally think aslong as your not to fussy with miles you can get a great early car. It's a buyers market and a lot of people are desperate to sell with the highish running costs. So you can bag yourself a bargain.
  22. The assymericals are better. The gsd3's whilst great had a few problems. They would shred on gravel. They where noisy, I didn't notice how much until I replaced them and they had great wet grip but tending to hydroplane on puddles of a smallish size.
  23. Dblock

    22's on a 350z!

    That bottom 350z must have had ALOT of work done to have got them to fit
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