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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. instead of rim tape what about alloy gators? They are functional too
  2. Ohh so your post is more important than mine. you can post crap and thats fine but if I want to post on a public forum its uneeded. get a grip.
  3. Its not the amount of debt, but the ability to pay it back. This is where Greece has failed miserably. They collect next to no taxes, export next to bugger all, and haven't a hope in hell of paying it back in our lifetime. Its like The Eurozone had a great big BBQ party, most of the nations brought along burgers, steak, some stella and a couple of bottles of plonk. Greece however rocked up with a half full bottle of blue nun, and yet we still let them have an equal share of the party food and drink. Now its time to pay the supermarket bill, they find themselves in the sh*t and looking for the exit. Yes I agree but the problem with the eurozone is that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link, and when under pressure there are alot of weak links. If I was Germany I would leave the eurozone before everyone else does.
  4. Yes cos the usa is doing great
  5. Politics and the UK's involvement in various wars, and non-involvement in the Euro...nothing to do with music. you'd think helping the Balkans out, along with Greece and Malta, ( forgetting the rest of europe) we should have some loyalty You think the UK is so high and mighty and has no debt? The UK has much higher debt than Greece.
  6. It was fine on my phone?
  7. It is have you listened to his 4-7 show? He is very witty and clever. He takes the mickey out of himself but alot of people think he is rubbish without listening to him. Sowee about the smileys
  8. Chavs dont rasp they always have boomy droney systems. German cars like M's and amg like to rasp
  9. Ive not heard a buddy club in the flesh but either way it will be bloody loud lol.
  10. Not really. A mint 3.2 986 S with lowing miles will still be worth over 10k. They where about 40k new.
  11. I had the hks replica with decats. It was silly silly loud. I didnt really get on with the deep burble (some people like that) I prefer a throaty raspy sound. The HKS was bloody loud though it would rumble on start up like thor had rolled out of bed. Even keeping it below 2k was dash rattly loud. about 6k it was so loud you would have to shout to make convo. You could here the car coming a mile off. Im not sure if the buddy club would be louder or about the same. My car is fairly loud now but before it would make people jump.
  12. Right that idiot ben cooper has done it now. I dont listen to greg james as he actually makes me angry. Westwood is getting taken off 4-7:bang:
  13. On Thursday, Saw you in a blue import at the mcdonalds roundabout. Give you a smile and got a mad schneider back
  14. But you went to a car which is slighlty heavier plus it was designed to take 400bhp. Also you feel it alot less in luxobarges, mercs, bmws and the likes. I've been in a 4.2 and it takes the edge of the silly speeds;. Imagine nearly doubling your power in your 350 it would be different i'd imagine. Especially with a TT about 2-2.5k rpm your going to get a massive spike of power and most likely wheel spin. So buy a HR and boost it or buy something faster.
  15. At what point does it get to where traction is a problem? I know Alex runs standard sizes on his zed but surely around normal road speeds you would spin everywhere?
  16. IMO I woundt bother supercharging unless I had a HR. They can handle more power under a stock engine.
  17. May the 24th be with you? Nah il get my coat Good to hear you sorted it
  18. Alot of the better stuff from like i4detailing isn't acidic. It can be diluted too.
  19. Wonder wheels is highly acidic and will dull your finish and then it will eat into your wheels.
  20. Congrats but would it not have been easier to replace your clutch at the same time?
  21. posting to subscribe. Will read all relevant info.
  22. Professional gamers You ever used an SLI setup? That might be better now but alot of the time they are buggy or just dont work. What about that thing where you pay a subscription and all the computing is done on the other end and you just play. Gamefly or something? Buying from curry or comet will land you in the same boat tbh. They always cheap out of their mobo, hdd and ram as they arent attention grabbing specs like quad core or X ghz. Some are bad some are good. I bought a Dell for about £300 (Was about £700 (base unit only) but bro worked at PC World and it was discontinued then discounted for staff), then upgraded the graphics card, took my old sound card & hard drive over and upped the RAM to the max. Old pc custom built motherboard died and couldn't be arsed with the cost of making another. £ for £ a built pc will ALWAYS be better. The mobo would have been a low spec one. Generic cooler, slow hdd and so on. They will charge for the name, customer support and the cost of someone putting it together and building it. Unless your getting a mad pc like one of the top of the line scan ones you will be better off with a diy build. Graphics isnt a massive thing to me so with that money I saved i got an SSD so it can be tailor made to budget and use. But horses for courses.
  23. Professional gamers You ever used an SLI setup? That might be better now but alot of the time they are buggy or just dont work. What about that thing where you pay a subscription and all the computing is done on the other end and you just play. Gamefly or something? Buying from curry or comet will land you in the same boat tbh. They always cheap out of their mobo, hdd and ram as they arent attention grabbing specs like quad core or X ghz.
  24. Not in the fog. If you have harsh directional light it will just bounce back at you.
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