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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. This one is a better size. I already bought a cheapy toyosports one. Unscrewed it added a copper pipe so the air is diverted down the way. Then drilled some holes in the pipe and used stainless steel scouring pads as a baffle. The only problem is that the can is massive and I have had to make a long pipe for it to fit so it sits near the airbox now. I'm going to take off the plenum to clean it one day. Do you have to take off the throttle body to take off the top bit of plenum?
  2. The crankcase vents into/ is sucked in the plenum. Maybe this is what's causing the sludge?
  3. clicking heater? That when the rest button keeps popping out or am I off the mark?
  4. I'd say if your flush get a 3. If not get an apple refurbed 2. I can't tell the difference tbh even side by side it's not massive.
  5. Dblock

    Few new snaps

    I love your wheels. What that hiding behind your exhaust?
  6. My dad had a s500 w220 so same engine. Cooling/heating massing seats are awesome! Its not really the same my car averages 27ish mpg. My dads s500L used to manage about 20mpg round town and 23-4 combined. You can get 26mpg on the motorway though. Yes the CL will have more niggles as its a car that was 100k brand new and shares its parts with the s500. Remember S klasse means "in a class of its own" and its true. My dad has a e270 w211 now and its nice but not as nice as the s500. The leather will be nicer/softer in the cl500. More toys in the cl. nicer ride. More bang for your buck. nice stitching in the leather, nicer interior. but on the flip side more toys more things to go wrong. Nicer ride but if it has airmatic the ride will be sublime but when it goes not if but when its big moolah. They also have the cool suction door thing so you tap the doors to shut them thing shlick they are sucked closed. The CL is a S class coupe really. Its not sporty but if you drive the way it wants to be driven rather than the way you want to drive it, it will be awesome. E.g. try and throw it into a corner it will under steer and not do much. If you take the corner wider wait for understeer then push it out of the corner it likes that and you can keep up with smaller cars. Epic cruisers, tired when coming home or need to do a daily work grind takes the misrableness away as your in an awesome interior with a great engine. But this comes with the cost of being more detached than the clk. But the CL feels german through and through. its built like a tank. Engineering is fantastic. Every material you touch or look at is expensive. This isnt the case in the CLK. The CLK is just a fancy C class coupe IMO. It looks less dated then CL though. Cheaper to run on fuel but maintenance too. Its not that special on the inside compared to the CL but you could say its more focused. No airmatic Im sure so cheaper there too. They handle so so much better though they dont feel wallowy or boaty on a b road. You can give it some stick and the chassis is great. Lots of feel and confidence. Looks nicer too. Eaiser to park as its smaller but CL's at low speed have finger light steering. So what should you get? Drive both and see. Engine note is awesome but highy silenced. Get an exhaust they sound great. The 5l v8's are torquey as hell and rarely need redlining to get performance out of them. I think they are decent on fuel as the CL isnt that much heavier than a 350 plus is the engine isnt labouring at all. Thats the best thing you think the 350 is torquey a 5l v8 shows you what "effortless power" is. Check for snapped springs funny noises and a few other things on the CLK (cant remember now) Check the car lowers and rises properly on start and stop for the CL. Check the multi cd changer works and check for water getting into it. Check ALL electric buttons, masaging heating cooling dampener stiffing, raise car, tilt sensor off sunblind up rear headrests down. Check kick down works and the car changes gear with no stutter or jerkiness. You shouldnt really be able to tell when its shifting. Engine should idle under 1k. It should start cleanly first time if not CPS is broke only £50 to fix but problem will become worse if you dont change it. Make sure hot air comes out of the vents if not the duo valve is broke. Check the doors suck in properly. Check the glass is the same all round, my dads was double glazed but some people dont put double glazing if it smashes. the engine should be silky smooth you can do the 50p trick. Handbrake is where your clutch would be and your handbrake release is where your right hand usually is. Dont look an idiot like I did the first time They are great cars and with them being worth so little dont get them serviced off Merc do it yourself. 90% of things are so so so easy to do on merc they are fantastic in someways. Hope that helps.
  7. Looks pretty cool. Good on you for not just getting spacers and rays. Im not a huge fan of the black bits paint them yellow then it will look awesome.
  8. Really? Not a clue. Doesnt really have a British name either?
  9. I wouldn't buy a clk personally but if you put in a little more you can get an e55amg w211 the superchaeged one. The my dads old v8 was on 170k and was still sweet. With a clk I could be wrong but no airmatic no fibre optic bus so it will be straight forward. There isn't many gremlins bar if it has it the SBC pump.
  10. Yep, was in the shed, overtaking the queue doing 20 when i noticed you. Seems that some people think that stretch is still at traffic calming speed Tell me about it. That road is bad enough but some people dont use their common sense. Although there is always one guy who bombs it and then wants let in right at the last minute. I have no idea what they are even doing there.
  11. Yep. You should have waved even if your not in your zed.
  12. His wife is pretty hot. You really think she would have married him if he was a penny pinching mink?
  13. I dont really see the point in volvo's. They are fwd. They are all silly thirsty even the 2.4 diesel. They arent as nice to be in as a BMW or Merc.
  14. It's impossible to make the hks raspy. I had a hks rep with silenced decats it was proper loud. I never had it with cats so couldn't compare.
  15. I could easily live there or Qutar. Petrol is cheap.
  16. Yes the Emiratieys(spelling) will treat any none Emiratiey as an outsider. Thats the way it is. Its very multicultural though. Yes its pretty safe as tourism is their business and they dont want to mess that up. agreed though I would go for a quick trip, you might love it
  17. Dave are you sure every person who has ever had it has run it on 99ron? Maybe you should annoy abbey or horsham to see if its ok...
  18. Why do you think there is so many Polish people here
  19. TBH I dont see the point in shelling out so much money to save £210 a year? Unless you just want a change?
  20. Ive heard these are awesome when they are supercharged...
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