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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. A scorpion is half price of the milltek straight away and if your getting a discount then even better. But the Scorpion come with no Y pipe where as the Milltek does. The Milltek will be better quality but you pay for it so its up to you. TBH I would get the Scorpion if your getting it dirt cheap you can probably sell it on ebay for as much as you bought it for if you dont like it that is.
  2. Im sure the mods thought it was bordering on a for sale advert. pm the team and im sure they will give you the heads up.
  3. Fainting? Nah I keed. Glad you have it sorted. Must make you aware of how fragile life or a good quality of life is, if that makes sense. Was you born like that or was it an injury or does it happen over time? Cragus he wouldnt touch that chair the wheels arent matched front and back
  4. I have the same problem but havent had a chance to look at it properly. Fuse's then abs sensors would be the way to go IMO. It doesnt seem to store any fault codes either.
  5. You need a girlfriend or a trip to Amsterdam ASAP! You read the stories? Only when all the other pages were stuck together.... Lol. Mine is definitely a lady. I do enjoy taking her out every now and then for spanking. And when she's been naughty I spank her even harder. I'll tell you one thing, no man could ride her like I do or as hard as I do. Some days I just stare at her sexual curves and something stirs inside of me that I just have to have her then and there. Oh the endless nights I dreamt about her and even now she's in my possession, the dreams just carry on. Sometimes I wake up in a sweat. Yep the dreams have been that good! Oh how I love to get her all wet and then give that dirty girl a damn good scrubbing so she sparkles and looks her best for me. Then I give her a damn good polishing off and end with covering her all over with my special natural wax.
  6. Same situation (and also a corsa) but a little different. The clip posted in the original post could easily have escalated into this. The clip I posted, nobody was really hurt, just minor bumps. Luckily.... Where is that? The bit you turn into stonehaven?
  7. Mark down the value of the goods. Although insurance will only pay out to the value declared. As long as the company does that. I ordered something and asked for it to be sent by gift but they didnt (non car parts). The customs charge was only £1 or something but royal fail added on £6 or £8 the thieving gits. Last time I use that company.
  8. I get what your saying but you put any car into a search engine/forum search and you will always get negative things and problems but that's what the forums are usually about. You dont get many threads saying the 350z is great compared to I have a clicky axel or its bad on fuel as an example. When buying/running a merc if your fairly handy with the spanners you can run them for much less than the 350 as parts are easy to come by. But dealers are a rip of and Indy's are expensive. Your not going to be a pauper if you drive a merc generally. Im not too clued up of the v12 engine but I don't see why it wouldn't be reliable. All cars have problems and the forums generally exaggerate them. MB would give their flagship a dodgy engine I wouldn't have thought. Oil changes and the likes do your self as its much much much cheaper. Also Merc are good fun to work on. 1. loads of room 2. it was designed to be changed 3. big bolts. Much easier than working on the 350 in that way. They are fairly simple to work on e.g. oil filter is at the top. Im not sure about the v12 but the v8 takes 2 spark plugs per cylinder so thats 16 plugs. Even an indy will charge you a fair bit to do it but you could do it yourself and save £300-£400. Oil changes are easy but they take 9litres I think or is it 7 litres? Its things like airmatic and the fibre optic cd changer when they fail it can cost money to fix but if your savvy you can do them on the cheap too. Honestly you NEED to drive both otherwise no matter what you buy you will have wished you got the other
  9. Behind that guy is a grey car. On the left of the grey car is a child being strangled.
  10. I've been using the Valeo Silencio xtreme's and they seem quite good. Decently priced for silicone wipers too.
  11. You........are an effing legend Another happy customer I take it?
  12. Are you drunk? Or posting whilst on a rollercoaster?? in what way?
  13. Cl500 the old ones are 5l the newer ones are 5.4 but could be wrong. Merc parts are cheaper as long as you dont go the Merc for them. Merc parts are much cheaper than Nissan parts too. You have have to take anything clarkson says with salt.
  14. Ahh the 5.8 v12's dont know much about them TBH. It might be worth paying a specialist to check it over for you as these cars are loaded with tech. If its got airmatic check that thoroughly
  15. Yes the Amg's the early ones made about 350bhp same as the cl600 5.5 v12 n/a. Then the supercharged the Amg engines to make 493bhp. The v12 got twin turbos and got 493bhp. This was about 2003 I think. Both engines are sometimes known to make more power than quoted
  16. Depends on which year you get. The first cl600's are 5.5 n/a v12. They are about 350-360ish bhp. The later ones are 5.5 bi turbo and have 493bhp which is the same as the cl55 Amg. They claim it's a different drive the 55 being sportier and the 600 being more luxurious either way they are sill fast. Both will be silly to run but if your not hammering the miles then your ok. The cl600 with turbos obviously have a few more problems with having turbos but with nearly 500bhp standard and the ability to get more cheaply it has it's advantages. If you get a clk then go for a sport rather than an avantgarde. Some CL's came with a greyish wood I'm sure. Tbh you get used to it and it looks good. If you really hate it just wrap it They merc forums will poo poo you but 80% of them are idiots. So don't take any notice. The Clk is a c class where as a cl is an S class. The plus seats extra size and all the toys bump up the weight. Tbh forget 0-60 time as its heavy car. When testing one go from 30-70. It's pretty fast. Unless the lure of the v12 is too much. You need to test drive both IMO as they are different cars.
  17. Download skyfire. Its not perfect buts its ok. Get it jailbroken
  18. What? Is that a I'm a pussy to say what I think hat? British? Nah Proud to be SCOTTISH!
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