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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Have you considered buying one that has already been supercharged? Obviously you don't get the satisfaction of doing it yourself but you get the performance as very little cost. I think you can have a lot of power maybe 600bhp or something before its undrivable. Newer supercharger make nice linear power curves rather than turbos where you get a massive surge of power.
  2. I have for sale an AMS lightweight idler pulley. This is the idler pulley on the top of the DE engines. I stole this from the internet but I cant put it any better TBH Pretty easy to change. 4 bolts off pull the old heavy rusty one off and put this shiny new lightweight one on! AMS are the best pulleys out there IMO. Im looking for £25 posted please but would be interested in a swap for something cool maybe? Any questions please PM me. Thanks
  3. cheers guys puts my mind at rest. See these bloody jap cars It was a 30min job on the boxster Narcotic effect I should have hung about
  4. camskill are usually the cheapest and will match prices elsewhere.
  5. Try reading the code with the "pedal dance"
  6. Im 99% sure that pipe is linked to the AC. It could be? I'l give my garage a ring in the morning if I can have everything back together by then...sigh
  7. Thats a releif I should be able to put everything back thogether and they should be able to sort that. I wonder what it is then? When it came out it was "fizzy"
  8. Its only leaking in one place also.
  9. So I have been installing pulleys. I've had to move the ac radiator out of the way a few times. I was under the car and I didnt even touch anything and I heard a hissing. Seemed to be coming from my radiator sort of bit. Just as I put my ear near it starting peeing out green stuff! So here are the pics. So basically. Is that A/C refridgerant? Do I need a big radiator thing and pipes or can a garage cut that big off and repair the pipe? All advice appricated
  10. Can you see what I have done? I've taken off the top idler pulley bracket. Cut one corner off so the power steering bracket can still fit (like a spacer) and now I can use a smaller belt. The same size as a revup! The pulley does nothing and is prone to fail. There is no disadvantage of removing it. Your only saving 0.5kg but its hard to turn plus I've fitted my AMS crank and alt pulley so hopefully they will make a slight difference.
  11. They are DC sport copies. Casting and inside quality isnt as nice as DC's. They also aren't ceramic coated. Some people say they will crack but a few members ran them on here fine.
  12. Its just a re-branded kestral Im sure.
  13. Is it a da or a rotary? If da then kestrel das-6 abs rotary a cpc 800
  14. They are one of the better n/a gainers but £ for £ they are expensive
  15. Manged to do it. Thanks anyways.
  16. You CAN do it in the car. But its a pain in the back side. I'd budget about 10-18 hours.
  17. Mine are Iridium plated, more expensive than gold
  18. Kass? I bet 95% of English people are alright but the not so nice ones stick out like a sore thumb. It's not the other way round. Scottish people are super polite. I don't know why have such a fearsome reputation down there? Stella, pasties and benefits Aswell as still walking around like you own half the world. Trying to act hard. Just generally talking crap. I was born in England but moved to Scotland when I was 4. I used to think I was English until about 7-8 when I realised its a dump and Scotland is my home. Scotland is a much much nicer place. People are friendlier here. It's cleaner. Uni is still free. We IMO have a very progressive government. But seriously what makes any body anything isn't colour or race or where you was born. It's your feeling. I feel a little bit of William Wallace in me. I feel proud when I see the blue and white flag. I've worn a kilt in England to show our national dress. I think about the rolling green hills and amazing lochs. The long days and the best summers. Irn bru and tablet. If you feel that passionately about a country who is anyone to say otherwise. Conversely a person who is a criminal steals of the state it's people should have no claim to which country they are from IMO. Plus if anyone English starts on you (loosely translated as - looks at you with anything less than a beaming smile) your now naturally hard and scary enough (purely by being scottish) to growl at them and utter something about a 'glasgee kass' which will send his little black heart running back for the boarder.
  19. If you use Porsche to service then yes silly running costs. If you are a cheap skate you can buy all Oem part for very little money. Specialists are pretty cheap too. I'd go for a 987 boxster over a cayman but that's me.
  20. Stella, pasties and benefits Aswell as still walking around like you own half the world. Trying to act hard. Just generally talking crap. I was born in England but moved to Scotland when I was 4. I used to think I was English until about 7-8 when I realised its a dump and Scotland is my home. Scotland is a much much nicer place. People are friendlier here. It's cleaner. Uni is still free. We IMO have a very progressive government. But seriously what makes any body anything isn't colour or race or where you was born. It's your feeling. I feel a little bit of William Wallace in me. I feel proud when I see the blue and white flag. I've worn a kilt in England to show our national dress. I think about the rolling green hills and amazing lochs. The long days and the best summers. Irn bru and tablet. If you feel that passionately about a country who is anyone to say otherwise. Conversely a person who is a criminal steals of the state it's people should have no claim to which country they are from IMO.
  21. So thread revival. I've taken off the radiator. Now I need the smaller/thinner radiator out of the way. The one for the ac I'm sure. Any way know if I can move it or do I have to get someone to discharge it? I still can't get my impact gun in
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