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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Single button, and he plays a sax ! Shame he is colour blind
  2. If the st was running above 280bhp the st would eat it.
  3. 1760 kg thats not that much heavier than the 350 considering.
  4. You got me there. I was ment to upload a different picture The suit doesnt sit right with 2 buttons and thin or big you get a crease around the mid rift. No good for photos. such a daft unwritten rule even u don't agree with it Huh? Only one of my buttons is done So your on the right then not the left lol Seems you don't know left from right or how to close buttons then mate
  5. £2k? maybe £800-£900 with labour from a garage. Very good mod, gives good Gaines but poor bhp per £ though. Headers aren't value for performance. They just aren't. They're a total PITA to fit with the engine still in, it's possible but expensive. Headers are something you should consider alongside cams as part of a proper N/A build, they're unlikely to give you more than 10bhp for your £2k otherwise. The fact that you've asked this question suggests that you shouldn't consider such a build until you do a LOT more research. DB
  6. such a daft unwritten rule even u don't agree with it Huh? Only one of my buttons is done
  7. Married with 2 kids but he is a good lucking guy No way doing up the top button is Daniel Craig. What happened to double breasted suits?
  8. Im the one on the right. My brother got the looks I got the erm... I love thsi suit though wasnt expensive either fits like a dream. Awesome sunny day at Guthrie Castle. But if you dont fancy wearing a suit and you have the legs for it Both pictures where taking in England. I had to rep Yo'
  9. WOW where do I start. But seriously if your going to wear a suit SHAVE!!!!!! Also dont do both buttons up unless your a geek. Only do the top one up .
  10. Ricey I dont think it is the gylcol problem as it would be loud about 2k rpm. You said the ATF had been changed and they would have noticed it then. With auto's if your putting on no power (nearly) they sometimes jerk a little. I agree some injector cleaner or a tank of V power should maybe sort you out. OBD-2 wont tell you much and unless you got a reader I wouldnt bother TBH. Really for anything like that you need STAR. So was I right about Merc's or was I right The engine is a corker isnt it. Its like no matter what rpm it snaps your neck. The CD changer is cool isnt it. Needs a remap now for an extra 20ish bhp and a slight raise in mpg
  11. Are you sure Depends what sort of blue aswell. That John major comment is spot on. Some people wear grey pinstripe suits Who has to wear a suit for work?
  12. *Random content* I don't get to wear a suit very often. Its usually a special occasion when I do. I do like wearing one though I feel like a real business man or high flyer. A good suit makes a man look sharp and sophisticated . A good suit can make a fat man look thinner or a skinny man wider. People treat you differently when wearing a nice suit. They speak to you differently, treat you like your important. Which is good. I'm sure the whole point of a suit is to make you look smart and presentable so if your doing a deal you look professional, suave and like a go getter. So why do people wear grey suits? When I look at someone wearing a grey suit I think loser, meaningless person and that they have given up not only on their job but their life. A grey suit is horrible. It impress no one. It makes you look scruffy. It makes you look unimportant. It shows you dont care and your not going anywhere. It shows your most likely bad at your job and you think your more important than you are. Any suit I mean ANY suit looks better in jet black or blue or anything darker than grey. I really hate them grey shiney material suits too If I did wear a suit everyday for work I'd have nice suits. I went with my friend to buy a suit once. Burtons where only £30 cheaper than Slaters. Slaters suits are awesome and customer service is spot on aswell, They can even taylor it for you. My dad says Italy is great for suits as its fairly cheap for the quality of work and your getting a custom fitted suit. You see some people with horrible fitting suits and they say I hate wearing this its so uncomfortable but a well cut suit is quite nice to wear. So does anyone agree or disagree? Yes random I know.
  13. The makes an awesome auto with all the torque. I honestly dont know why anyone would want a manual.
  14. Dblock

    M Series.

    BMW & MERC > Audi(VAG) I know someone who has an A5. I dont think a coupe is great for families IMO. The doors are quite wide to so supermarkets might be a pain.
  15. Your going to make him go in a huff now
  16. Where the hell is that sand coming from?
  17. If you want a mint one Vik54 is selling a mint condition one
  18. Thanks for the replies. I don't want you to get the wrong impression, i'm not in the habit of doing stupid speeds on main roads or anything silly. My question could equally as well apply to a track situation, I was speaking generally to get my point across. The question really should have been about the differences between FWD and RWD I suppose. I disagree with the implication however, that by someone pushing their car a little and enjoys it must be driving like an idiot and not be well respected. The effortless nature described in the first reply does seem attractive I must say. I have a 172 also. I love the 172 its awesome. Im not wanting to start a ep3 vs 172 debate but IMO they are great cars and more fun than the ep3' IMO. You can just chuck them in the corners and jump on the brakes and throw it into gear and away you go. The 350 takes skill to drive fast but its more rewarding. In a fwd car its too easy point and shoot if you will. You have to work the 350 but it gives you alot of feel and satisfaction from driving it. I sometimes love to give it a good blast but sometimes you can be on a b road driving just keeping it in 4th and still having enough go keep pace. I'm not really a fast driver its all about the drama to me, with an exhaust it sounds like your going fast, the seating position is perfect and you feel like your going fast IMO. Have you thought of a s2k over a dc5? You need to test drive one ideally though as it might be horrible to you or you might love it.
  19. Torque is awesome compared to the high revving vtec. You throw the 350z about like your civic you will crash because 1. its heavy 2. its rwd. You need to drive rwd cars differently. its all about being smooth and having skill. It depends, you put half of us in an s2k we would moan. Yes its a capable car but IMO not the same as the 350z ( my opinion and its good that people have different opinions. I also want an s2k one day so im not a hater btw) The 350z is effortless and a great all round day to day car. The doc wrote the s2k is better at 10/10ths but on an everyday basis its better. I only use s2k as its close to an ep3 and a 350z. A scooby would be a good shout. A dc5 although awesome wouldnt it be more of the same?
  20. Dblock


    I'd go on condition, spec, how nice the seller is then colour.
  21. Very very good price. I might be interested actually.
  22. Is that the one that goes to the throttle body? The picture is tiny.
  23. Dblock


    Just tell him you can pay cash and he can have it sold. If he doesnt want to budge on price you will have to move on or buy it
  24. Dblock


    IMO there is more than enough zeds on the market to be picky. If its not worth it you cant reduce the price. If your happy with it why not buy it? I'd say and I could be wrong its £500-£800 over price. But it might be mint.
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