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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Hope you get it sorted easily and cheaply
  2. If your going nismo personally I'd go decats. It loud but not loud loud. Plus the note isnt offensive.
  3. Yes not super hard. Maybe an hour at a garage?
  4. Gives a new meaning to doing a burnout! No one was hurt that was the main thing. Scary stuff.
  5. Funny how you seem to be having a dig at bazk for trying to get a nice courtesy car when you are quite happy to do it yourself when you car goes in for a service......guess they dont have micras at the porsche garage - perhaps they should have given you a beetle instead. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=42061&start=75 i suppose its the advantage of buying an expensive car form a company that only sells expensive cars, not only do the mechanics know which end the engine is, they only have nice courtesy cars You would be surprised. Not tarring all with the same brush but only if its a major/hard job that a proper tech will touch the car. For oil change, brakes and the likes a 17 year old apprentice will most likely be servicing it.
  6. decats. Cheaper, better noise and better for when you uprev it. HFC give a little rasp and metalicy sound. Not a bad thing it just sounds more "German". Just change them over MOT time. You need HFC to be pretty hot to pass aswell.
  7. No bull about it sir Cruise control was stuck on at 80mph, only went down to 65ish once for about 2 miles 93miles of motorway, 6 miles of 50mph dual carriageway and about 1 mile of 30mph to get me home When I'm doing 70 on a long run I get about 29-30mpg.
  8. Dblock

    standard airbox

    What year is your car?
  9. Zman alex for a standard undertray Tarmac for a zspeed one
  10. I think with the flag it looks pretty cool. Fully!
  11. Funny how you seem to be having a dig at bazk for trying to get a nice courtesy car when you are quite happy to do it yourself when you car goes in for a service......guess they dont have micras at the porsche garage - perhaps they should have given you a beetle instead. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=42061&start=75
  12. Mate, you can't go from an AMG Merc to a diesel pretend sports car Yes I can.....because I have My merc isn't amg and to be quite honest its the biggest disappointment of a car I've ever experienced but hey ho we all live and learn. V8 or not......it sounded @*!# (when being driven.....exhaust sounded ok revving in neutral).....drove @*!#.......handled ok to be fair.......interior quality sort of oddly @*!# (creaking all over the place). Not what I was hoping for and totally my fault for buying blind and paying a dickhead to repair it (for £1500). Just swallowed a £3500 loss on it within a month.......that's just how @*!# it is. Derv Audi.........fecking brilliant compromise and leagues ahead of the derv slk You bought a dud though, trust me normal mercs are gangsta
  13. Sounds like a loose connection tbh. Maybe try checking on google and the American sites too.
  14. I'm not 100% clued up but for 1-2k more are you not getting ones with significantly less miles? Not after a Jaaaag any more? Or just considering all options?
  15. Car dealerships I wonder about them sometimes. At least you got a result and hopefully you will get your car back fighting fit.
  16. Don't worry mate the right one is out there just need to find it
  17. YOY sales are down about 46% I think Harry Metcalfe tweeted the other day. Subs are stable, but no-one is walking into a shop and picking the odd copy up any more. I think we are losing the attention span for them too. Pistonheads with its relatively short but informative and new stories might be the way to go ? For back up purposes SMD of course.
  18. +1 Its weird when one of the regulars sells their 350 as then I remember I have has mine for 3 years now.
  19. I have a craving for some halo 3 in co op mode now
  20. I run it right down. I think I put in about 73-75 litres and got 30 odd quid off
  21. Japspeed or not 90% of Y pipes here are cheap copies and are rebranded japspeed or whatever else. As Russ says. If you have the money go for a Stillen. If not go for the japspeed/chinese copy. They will fit fine, welds are ok but the flexi's will break. But this is because of the flexi's and the design rather than the quality. Stillen has no flexis.
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