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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Dblock

    2 Owners?

    Id buy one for cash at 5-6k
  2. I personally think both cars are far to sensible for a weekend car. It's also a lot of money sitting on the drive doing nothing but losing money. A couple of k a year maybe? I couldn't do that but then if you have the money why not I suppose. I still think the 996 turbo or gt3 would cost you less. There is a specialist in Shotts. Depreciation is quite low on them.
  3. Dblock

    oil fill?

    I usually add about 4.5ish and then top up slowly. Also with the filter in sure it's 4.9.
  4. Dblock

    2 Owners?

    Next time you buy a car your bring me
  5. Dblock

    2 Owners?

    The engine oil becomes acidic and can start eating away at your engine. Moisture could get to it, the other things can start to break down the oil. Now I doubt this will ruin your engine but its good practice and gives you a sense or security its all good. Plus everyone goes on about if you can afford the car you can afford to blah blah blah I think servicing should be in that category. IMO if I bought a 10 year old car with 10miles on it I would expect 10 stamps or proof of oil change but thats just me. If your a worrier do you think it was run on 99ron if it wasnt serviced when it was ment to?
  6. Hope you get it sorted mate
  7. What did abbey tell you about that?
  8. With 20 miles and espically if its a few miles here and couple there a petrol is better. No car will perform that great as it will be cold and diesels take a good while to heat up to give max mpg. Also short journeys kill diesels.
  9. How many miles a day and long journeys or short trips?
  10. 2.0 tdi with supporting mods and remap with be more than fast enough
  11. Im not sure but isnt it usually a release or thrust bearing or a fuel damper?
  12. Good luck with the search you will love it
  13. I'm not a fan of that rear but that must be a future classic.
  14. It should sit a little below 1krpm. You could clean the throttle body as it may be dirty but it won't affect the idle. But when you touch the throttle body it's the same procedure to reset the idle aswell as the throttle body. You need to do the throttle body reset then the learn idle air pedal dance. I'm sure someone will put a link up with the procedures.
  15. Yes il get some links up when I'm on a pc Yes they do fit. Are you sure? Okay, I've never tried it myself, but everything I've read on here over the years said that they don't fit. Happy to be proved wrong though, would really open the market up if that were the case.
  16. Get the pics up then probably to replace anything you need.
  17. I think I'm alone in this but I dont see what the hoo ha is with Chris Harris. I dont find him that informative, funny or clever he is boring and average. He is probably a nice guy in real life and Im sure he knows his stuff but his videos are pap.
  18. You can email Nissan in sure they do it for uk cars. There wasn't that many options on the 350z really.
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