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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Yes other wise they wouldn't bother. Can catch a lot of people out.
  2. Firstly check the fuses coming from the battery on the +ve terminal. Also was your car on then it died if so sounds like your alternator.
  3. Dblock

    Happy Bunny!

    Good you done all the pointless mods. Now get some popchargers and an exhaust on there. Trust me on that it will take the car to the next level.
  4. +1 what are you a cheap southern fairy!? Oh........right Says the 'man' in the hairdressers car TShhhhhh BURN!!! DAMMMMM. FALL BACK SON! Mercs really do drive superb though. I'd get a test drive in a big one before you splash any cash. Even if your not that interested just try it out. Another odd ball unless your going for all out luxury and diesel a g37?
  5. I wouldnt unless its really mad snowy IMO. Its easier to get through snow with a smaller foot print. Less to cut through/flatten and more PSI on the tyre as it bites in.
  6. Which lexus? What about some random choices Phaeton, CLS320 cdi or audi a5?
  7. Its your hard earned mate and your opinion like I always bang on about but they do a really nice deep red? If whites what you want then thats fair enough. Chav
  8. Couldn't have put it better myself +1
  9. the 2 main people you need to watch for is the prats who think because its a 4x4 it will slow down quicker duhh! The other ones are the ones who buy cheap sheds with tyres that would drift on a 30c hot and dry day. Generally they are the ones who drive the worst everyone else generally is pretty careful.
  10. Basically he is saying some people on here say the 350z isnt that fast and spend money on it and make it into something its not or plough money into it when they could have bought an equality as fast car for less money. Dont just go on the speed. He bought the car full well knowing its abilities and outright speed isn't one of them.
  11. That must have been some fire work!
  12. The janny would use saw dust for any thing. Chucking dockys. Nearly finishing your juice putting a hole in it or removing the car and throwing it over a group of people. Fight na na na. Waiting for snow to "snowman" people. ur mum no ur mum. English people used to say the hardest guy In the school was **** of the school. What losers.
  13. Not everybody wants to drive hard. I think most people who think people are into cars are into driving fast and speed but thats not true. Alot of people appreciate the mechanics and engineering of cars or the looks and aesthetics e.g. slammed, dub look and stance whores etc. Some people want to make their car efficient as possible like the hypermilers. The could turn around to you and say you have baloon tyres, crappy wheels and scaffolding suspension but your car is modded to the way and needs of you. Handling in your eyes is better then styling not better just different.
  14. If your narrow minded enough to judge and class everyones car then yes. If you enjoy the way you want your car to look and not only mod but personalise it then do what you want. If someone calls it chav let them but more times then not they are jealous of your style and creativity.
  15. Postcode for the Spurs ground is N17 0AP. Trying to say Dave is an Oap?
  16. No, i definitely think BMW drivers have cornered the market on this one... They are by far the worst at indicating. But then again it may just be a german car thing. Totally gets my goat when others don't indicate....Unless of course its me who occassionally forgets, but then i expect everybody to know what i'm doing and get out of my way. I'm a girl, its my prerogative Maybe in engerland but in Scotland its 110% audi drivers.
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