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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Bumper should be an easy fix. Hopefully you get it sorted with ease
  2. +1. The way insurance is going you would make that money back in 1 year .
  3. The best way to do it IMO. Car computers are notoriously inaccurate.
  4. This thread is useless without pics! Some copies are better than the real deal e.g. Made out of more flexible materials like the aero sync.
  5. Doesn't happen to my car. When I jack at the side the rear wheels stay on the ground.
  6. As said of getting a 987 go for a 2.9 or a 3,2. The chassis is that good even the 3,2 feels like it could handle another 50-100bhp with ease. That's if you can afford it but the 2.9 has the same power as the 3,2 but if better on fuel.
  7. Eco will probably have less rolling resistance but Eco tyres usually sacrifice grip for that.
  8. +1 standard system is horrible and when you put a nice new one on it makes the car so so so much better.
  9. I did 22k in the first year I had my Zed Makes me chuckle when I see posts from people who have done less than that in 5/6 years but are 'experts' on everything Zed related +1.
  10. But then why would there only be one wheel on the floor? You seem like a friendly chap
  11. nope i'd be sat there thinking, lol i saved a shed load of cash, and everyone still thinks i payed top dollar. somethings i buy branded others i don;t, but i don;t feel hollow inside if i didn;t Plus one its not like getting a 318i and sticking an ///M badge on it
  12. You doing it wrong then. My car is lowered yet I can still get the trolley jack in the back to jack up both rears at the same time. Front wheels are chocked and I have never had any problems.
  13. I do drive early in like Marzman mid 30s when really trying. My 172 would just about manage that.
  14. I can't remember but I'm sure it's a funny size. Remember if your fitting a sub there you need an infinite baffle sub.
  15. Every zeds different but mpg i get is Round the streets average 30mph (22mpg) Dual carraigeway at 55-60mph (40mpg) Motorway at 70mph (33mpg) 40mpg? I don't think so.
  16. You are right as always
  17. Is that purple bottle with the green top not cillit bang
  18. Bosch battery's IMO are better plus the guarantee is worth it too.
  19. Proper car. Very nice. Congrats
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