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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. You are right about the ball joints. I'l be changing the bushes to poly ones soon but thats no use to you. Sorry mate.
  2. Yeah more weight but hardly it wasnt THAT much. A good HR will still have a good few Hp more than a fully n/a and Upreved DE. Plus you get the dual intakes, better/newer/more powerful engine, better interior a better base to tune in n/a or turbo/supercharge if you want. The final model is always more polished. If you have the HR its a great car. If you don't a DE is still awesome.
  3. I personally think the roadster is uglyyyyyyyy but I prefer convertibles Yes it might not be as stiff, heavier but you have a way better drive when the roof is down. Its way more involving and you can hear, see and smell the car. Top down for fun any day of the week. BTW I drive a coupe so I'm not being biased.
  4. Shame as I got the same response when I offered him a very lifelike doll
  5. Disagree, a HR has a fair chunk more power than a DE plus a better base to tune from. I thought the HR was 300bhp? happy to be corrected as i'm still learning about these 309bhp or 313ps.
  6. Disagree, a HR has a fair chunk more power than a DE plus a better base to tune from.
  7. Also people who have it need to ensure that they close the toilet lid before flushing as the flush causes it to spray into the air. Alcohol hand cleaner is ineffective but normal hand soap will kill it. I've heard its not soap that kills it but the washing of your hands and friction "gets" it off.
  8. You'd need social contact for that so you'll be fine BURNNN! fall back son! :lol:
  9. I wouldn't say a daft idea just one that wouldn't work ATM. Also I personally think forum cars are worth more than non forum cars as enthusiasts usually take better care of their cares. Also what happened to the make sure your car has only ever been filled with 99ron and all that?
  10. Sounds cocky. I think you should turn up to BBK's house and spread your germs.
  11. Sorry to hear about this, health over car though. Hope you get better soon
  12. Dblock


    I bought Dc's and the no name ones at the same time. The Dc's where quite clean on the inside and seemed like they where really good quality. The no names was a design copy but there was a difference in quality but saying that comparing Dc's to Chinese copies inst a testament to quality either nor am I an expert but they seemed good.
  13. Dblock


    This may not be helpful but I've got some DC's and they fit fine.
  14. Rip mate. Condolences to his family. Still a shock though.
  15. Acutally you insulted Shinjuku, he never insulted you. Scum? But harsh.
  16. I agree its just way to expensive considering there is a few other much much cheaper options. At £40 i'd buy it.
  17. Couldnt find anything. A weird place that I dont really understand but would probably know is 4chan?
  18. Disagree personally look at the 200sx. About 7-8 years ago 1-2k would buy you a minter. Now minimum is about 3k for a rough one. But they are in demand. Same with e36 325i's and 328i as more and more people realise they are cheap the price will go up as there is only a limited supply, Nissan or not.
  19. Awesome Bob you should smoke a massive cigar. That would look gangsta!
  20. Why? To be successful there needs to be a really small amount of cars and then the forum could dictate price. Is there a really small amount of cars?? No. No but its an interesting point.
  21. TBH I wouldnt even know where to start. Good luck though
  22. Why? To be successful there needs to be a really small amount of cars and then the forum could dictate price.
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