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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Not that bad, like Cancer is not that serious Taste is personal. If we all liked the same things life would be boring.
  2. I dont like the massive intercooler but TBH its not that bad?
  3. You could paint the bungs black? just re read. You could make the hole slightly bigger? Maybe cut the pipes and fan them out slighlty?
  4. Dblock


    misleading title though.
  5. Yes but until that point it will be chaos. When we reach peak oil will be scary.
  6. It doesnt bother me too much as its usually raining. I can only see 1 bucket though
  7. Lol! If anything I think the forum is on its winter holiday at the moment. Saying that if it was a chocolate cake I'd find you and id down it.
  8. Happy birthday mate. Hope you have a great one.
  9. Read code if there is one. Clean maf check nothing is lose.
  10. So much so he posted it twice! Good job! Its not my fault The forum is a little under the weather atm :wink:
  11. here is one for £31 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OBDMATE-OM500-Scan-Tool-OBD-II-JOBD-Code-Reader-/160918631423?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item25777f73ff
  12. Hmm they are probably out of stock. When I'm on the pc il send you a link.
  13. Not great as when you apply load it will drop but if it's notably hard to start change it. Doing short journeys never helps as the battery never gets a chance to charge properly.
  14. Not really a resolution more of a realisation. A few friends and family where very Ill or passed away last year, all too young. I've been really stressed and busy this year and I can't change that but I need to enjoy life and my family more, moan less and approciate everything I have.
  15. Also I get my quote from admiral and haggle with them. Normally get between £20-£60 off not bad for a little bit of hassle.
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