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Everything posted by helimeddaz

  1. +1. I look at my Z and still can't belive it's mine. I waited so long and got the last of the 350's. I think you're right. Sorry Pete, if you're not fired up by yours. Find something else that makes you happy M8. Life's too short to make do.
  2. That Z is pure carnography M8. If you want to photograph my Z or jigger about with 1 of my shots with photo shop, I'll send you 1.
  3. Oh don't get me wrong I like the badge but I just would not, could not pay £80 beer tokens, genuine or not for a badge, Sorry How long have you been ere Stew for a badge to go up by 25%.
  4. What colour is it you want.......... red? Well I have to say, I was really impressed with the quality of robs work......... and it was 30 bucks delivered I've bought the authentic one in red, I have paid Envy for it but their suppliers have bumped up the price so they are trying to get it cheaper. I think £80 for a badge is more than enough so if they need any more cash then I will be sticking to the burger. R Sorry exsquise me...Did you say £80 for a badge. Someone is taking the P($$ here. Is it made of kryptonite. Stick with the Burger m8.
  5. My dream car too, but the Z was a dream car too and eventually I got there. I too would be disappointed I know to go back from an R35 to the Z, However last week I was parked up next to the only R35 in my area and was talkng to the lad that owns it. The things I wouldn't miss about an R35 are the 17 miles per gallon, £2,000 a year in tyres and £11,000 to fix a minor shunt when the bonnet blows. That would be worse he said if it was his daily driver. It's a Middlehirst motorsport car 1 of the first official R35's he said. I have a dream ,but I think this one will be unrealised. Pete you've cut yer cloth to match. Enjoy the Z and know that is someone else's dream car M8.
  6. I totally agree that the difference is not alot, But I would have thought the tolerances were a calculated amount. Before I do this I just thought I'd try to be logical first. If the aesthetic looks great, but everything else is off then it's not worth the expense later if the bearings are knackered or the cars reacts badly. If you see where I'm coming from...
  7. Don't bother with a re-furb kit. It depends how bad they are. Get someone in who knows what he's doing...
  8. You're not alone M8, Me neither and mine sticks out like sore thumb....It might be the cloking device fitted to the last Z's...
  9. Hi All, Feel free to move, Techy questions. Done search and FAQ. No Joy. So Spacers. I have read many threads on the Z should have looked like this and how much better it looks and sits, but what are the +'s and -'s of spacers? With spacers fitted obviously the car has a wider stance, but from an engineering point of view, does this put more pressure on the bearings and shafts by moving the supports (wheels) further apart? Does this have any effect on the handling, steering and braking? And lastly would the need for spacers be negated by fitting wheels with a different ofset to achive the same result? I await answers form our resident learned tome's of Z knowledge. I thank you.
  10. I'd buy just to put on a display stand in my front room. It's beautiful. Had a regular 1 on my 200SX. These are very loud in full dump mode...
  11. Sorry forgot to say, no paint correction needed at all on my Z (Only a year old and well looked after). One bonus is that Dave the Detailer was right. It's been much easier to do since the detail. I would recommend anyone to get it done right. I'm really keen with mine, but good Detailers are manic for the minor details (No pun intended) and I did learn a few things from him.
  12. Hi, If you're gunna pay for this then get some recommendations from people who've used the Detailer. Had Mind done a few weeks ago. Full detail and valet by D.P.N. up here in Yorkshire. Recommended by a Club member. As I said Mine was a Full Detail, it was a present for my birthday, but I think it was about £150. Take a look at this. viewtopic.php?f=22&t=34300 I think the results speak for themselves.
  13. JL audio stuff is good quality, but you've beat me with the amp. Never heard of em....
  14. The best advice I can give "Scrap the Bose", all of it. It's too big to be a paper weight. When you take all the Hi-Fi out you can see what poor quality it is. The sub is unreal. I know they can be fixed and I applaud the poeple who fix-em. However it's difficult to make crap into anything else, but more crap. Just my own opinion........ There's stacks of gear to chose from. A good thing for a Blonde to do is go to a really good Car Audio shop and collect up all the cataloges from Alpine, Kenwood, Pioneer, JBL, Hertz, JL Audio and even Sony have a good look at em while yer gettin yer roots done, (chuckle) pick what yer like and in yer budget and lastly find someone who know what they're doing to install it. Job done...... :teeth:X
  15. Thanks for that. It's just a lip I want. Don't want to change the bumper. That info explains the picture I have. 06 car, same bumper no bonnet bulge, so the lip will fit. It's been a real trial to get a good fitting lip for it. this will be number 3.
  16. 600cc Turbo m8. Lighter than a Ducks fart and off like a shot up to 40mph. Funny thing is my girlfriend has one of these (Four2). It's mad after driving round in the Z all day and then getting in the Smart to go out. Truth is it's too fast for it's own good and does 90 flat out. Worse than that is, she treats the throttle like an on-off swich, it scares the crap out of me everytime I get in it.
  17. Hi, Not hi-jacking yer post, but you might be able to help me with this information..... Do the 06+ facelift cars have the same front bumper as MY58, but not the bonnet bulge. Trying to buy a front lip (Still) and the picture the supplier has sent shows the same small recell in the middle of the chin, but the car it does not have the same bonnet as mine? I should know this by now, but I'm a little unsure. Many thanks.
  18. Hi, Do the 06+ facelift cars have the same front bumper as MY58, but not the bonnet bulge. Trying to buy a front lip (Still) and the picture the supplier has sent shows the same small recell in the middle of the chin, but the car it does not have the same bonnet as mine? I should know this by now, but I'm a little unsure. Ta.
  19. Obvious? On the other hand - maybe he was in the wrong lane by mistake and thought "sh!t, I'd better pull away quick and get in front so I can get back in". This has happened to me. The problem is, if you drive a sports car and you do genuinely get in the wrong lane of a road - everyone assumes you're a queue jumping ar$ehole and won't let you back in! Theory: When you make a mistake, it's an honest and genuine mistake. When somebody else makes a mistake - they're clearly a complete chimp and shouldn't be on the road... Fair point, However and there always is one. If you do make this mistake genuinly, put on your indicator and wave nicely to the other motorists in a polite gesture of apology and you will get back in (evetually). when your intention is to gain an unfair advange you do what he did and bang your foot down HARD, but in this case get P*&&6d on by a Z. This is a case of the biter being bit. I'm really enjoying this debate however meaningless it appears.
  20. +1. This has nothing to do with a drag race m8. It's obvious he was 1 of those inconsiderate T*&Ts who thinks it's fine to ignore the highway code (Will not speak of the SPEED infractions here ) and cut in front of other drivers, when, and where, he wants. From your description he knew he was in the wrong lane and thought "Oh yes my sports car is more important these other mere mortals also on their way to work, so i'll excersise my obvious authority and put myself in my righteous place in front of these peons" In my humble opinion you expressed YOUR Righteous indignation and brought his opinion of himself, Boxter or not, down a peg or 2. No one was killed or injured so, harmless fun and well done.
  21. Car looks great M8 , but there's a scary bloke in 1 of the photos taking a picture of your car....
  22. Hi, I'm just down the road in Sunny Cas. Had my old 200SX re-gassed by a local firm some time back. Don't remember the name of the lads company, but He's call Adam Tel:- 07973 665249. from Kippax. Top job, knew his stuff when he did it.
  23. nope....press and keep pressed and it locks so that it cant be deactivated unless you restart the engine. as for the big daddy and braking comments many people say all sorts happen with the esp off but i have done a good few track days and with the traction control off you can easily snog the a tyre wall or try your wrc skills off the track I think the most usless piece if kit on your Z my friend is the Traction control, I bet your never driver with it on from day 1. Well you wouldn't think so with the amount of tyres you killed in just short of 2 years.
  24. Correct me if I wrong (I know you will) 1 Press takes it half way off (Big brother looking over yer shoulder) hence the front braking and stability correction and a long press is totally off and stays off untill you turn the ignition key off and back on. Think thats what I read.
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