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Everything posted by helimeddaz

  1. +1... I bet they don't have 50 friends in their contact list.lol
  2. Alpine make a nice in dash 1din drawer for the Ipod come with the required cable, maybe Pioneer do to 1. This is my install...
  3. Used "Ram" (Wakefield) myself over the years M8, on 2 other cars, a 200SX and a Civic Type R. Good work on them. No more!!! Made a right pigs ear of the Z. Took them nearly 14 days to sort it. All sort of issues when the brought back my PnJ (Pride and Joy) 1. Sat nav wouldn't talk. Brought it back like that. (They rang everybody to try and sort it, cos they didn't know what was wrong and then canniblised the Bose head unit to make it work). 2. System not set up when delivered back. 3. Front speakers wouldn't work at all. 4. Left a loose screw rattling aroung in the dash. (which drove me mad for a month). 5. Insufficient dynamatting. I dont think they used what I paid for. 6. Sub not mounted correctly which then tore loose and had to be fixed. But worst of all they dinked 1 of my wheels, on a car that was only 3 months old at the time and denied it. It seemed to me they had so much work, that they were fitting me in around all the contract work for dealers (Reversing sensor and piddling jobs like that) While the Z was in for a full install. I got the impression this time that they had let an apprentice do the work without supervision. I wouldn't matter to me if the car had been £5000 or £32000 they should have got it right 1st time. (They're not cheap either).It's what they are supposed to be pro's at doing. Instead I had to argue to get it sorted. I later had to get an expert in to sort out the mess. I know this has turned into a bit of a rant, but I wouldn't buy a fuse from Ram never mind let them work on any car for me again. Sorry, feel better for that.
  4. Well... Here's the update! Went to dealers today. Evans Halshaw Nissan (Leeds). Asked for the Service Manager (Carl) and explained that this was a 1 shot deal and if they got this wrong or cocked up they would not see me come service time. I asked that he give the job card for my hard earned Z to his best man and was assured that this would happen, He said they had a 350 specialist. Explained what had occured with the battery. He did feel that 2 weeks on a Z would not be unheard of for the battery to drain off and said that it needs 7 to 9 volts minimum to power up the systems before turning over the engine. There is a work shop viewing window, so once my keys were handed over I positioned myself to watch. The Z was duly brought in and attached to the diagnostic kit. I saw the tech doing a number of checks with the machine and visually. He too about an hour in total. When the tests were done the service manager came back to me and the verdict was that the battery was in fine fettle and the readings showed no excessive power "off" systems drain, even with my Hi-Fi install. The charging rate was within limits. He also said that the diagnostic had read the recorded the low battery episode from the cars memory (Don't know about that one). He said that was all they could do at this stage, but if I had any problems, book it back in and they would re-check it. Overall I am satisfied with the Dealers checks and the Dealership was very helpful and listened to my concerns about my Z. I will consider them at service time. Although I may book it in and take my Ipod, a buttie and a flask and sit at the window and watch them (Like a hawk).lol Not very trusting I know, But I worked hard for my pride and joy and take it personally if it's not given the TLC I deem fit.
  5. Get the car towed to a specialist with ECU's and get a second opinion. If your feeling is right this sounds like a typical dealer rabbit out of a hat solution when they don't have a clue (Sadly not just a Nissan dealer trait). You can't hurt anything by doing this, it's out of warranty I guess. As stated above if the ECU is fried then save half your money and get a tuned remap 1 and smile and give the finger as you scream past the dealers showroom window when its fixed.
  6. the dealer might have disconnected the light so it didn't drain the battery when the boot was open all day on the forecourt Ah, Never thought of that. Mine was the last of their Z's and was the showroom car, but I bet thats was why it was off. Left the Z at home all day on charge. I have a really good electronic charger which you can use while the battery is still connected to the car. It cycles and recycles the charge rate and then goes into "Flo" mode to maintain it once it registers full. Just taken it of charge and all seems ok. Off into Nissan Leeds Weds A.M. so I'll update once I've had their verdict. Thanks for all the advice. As always top owners..
  7. Ahhhhhhh....... this is a VERY important thing to mention. The dealer will say it's down to this and it might well be. How does that work? When you switch off the key the HI-Fi is all powered down! (No power cap for sub installed) I had exacly the same kit in a Civic type R will no issues at all. I know the stealers will look for any loophole they can, But a battery test will prove the battery good or not and then if thats ok, a power drain test with the ignition off will show any excessive drains beyond normal. I know all cars have some drain when turned off. ECU, Airbag system recycle checks and so on. I've left it stood for a week before with no issues. For once I hope I've been daft enough to have left something on (Interior light or something) 1 Thought I have had. When I took delivery the boot light did not work. When I noticed I polled the cover off to change the bulb as you would and found that the plug was not attached, so I plugged it back in and it worked. Never thought to check if it stayed on all the time and wouldn't see it as I have a tonneau cover fitted. Am I being paranoid or do you think the wires were off for a reason?
  8. I had this down as a lottery win purchase, You can keep the Lambo's and Fezza's, but this thread would put me off no matter how much money I'd got. Had this vision of a working mans Super-car. (Obviously not) If I owned 1 I'd be taking it back and if I held a contract for the delivery of 1 I'd cancel. That pricing is beyond stupidity, But if the owner pay it. Hopefully someone will come up with a workaround soon, But the stealers will then probably void your warranty. (cynical I know, but sadly realistic too).
  9. Hope this is going to be simple...Dont want to go looking for trouble at this stage... Fingers crossed.. Had a big Hi-fi install done months ago.. So cant see it being that or it would have gone sooner.
  10. Booked it in for battery check Weds with the steelers. Always brings me out in a sweat when I have to get involved with them. I suppose it's a matter of trust (Or lack of it). No Tracker or drains I know of. when it's off it's off. Any recommendations from my Yorkshire region owners for a good dealers service centre? A dealer with someone who knows something about 350's would be good.
  11. Hi All, Right then, been away on mi hols for 2 weeks and today went to start the Z and guess what? Battery flat as a F%$3. Now I would expect a bit of a drain over 2 weeks, but this is really flat and would not turn over the engine. I've had to go to work in the other car, Smart 4/2 (No Laughing) while the Z recharges. My question is to our learned elders. Do we think think this is a normal drain or not. The Z was new 21st Feb this year and has had no issues to date with the battery or starting.
  12. Sorry this isn't a dig, but lots of ex Rex owners defend the rex saying it doesn't drink oil, and your right 2.5 litres isn't alot over the ownership.i'm guessing you had it 2 years? but considering the zed takes 5 litres at an oil change thats half the zeds oil drank. i've had my car a year and its drunk exactly 0 litres of extra oil. i had to do no top ups between buying her (just been serviced) to getting her serviced. to me that statement proves, the rex drinks oil. maybe not to the scaremongering levels that alot of other people talk of but for me that make it an oil drinker. Oh I dont disagree it uses oil, but as you say there is alot of scary stories. Alot depended on the way you drove it. If you stood on the loud peddle frequently it used more, but driving it on a daily commute on auto pilot as such it went for periods without using any. It is in the end a total loss system, designed to use oil. I went into ownership knowing that and accepting it. What I wasn't prepared for was the fuel consumption (That was scary) My Z like yours loses none (Touch wood,So far) Nor would I expect it to. I love the Z and have never felt happier driving. In fact I've had the Oil changed twice already 1st at 3000m and then at 6000m (want it to be well), but didn't have to top up, even though I've played out in it a bit shall we say.
  13. I agree with alot said here. I could not afford the Z previously, so bought a new RX8 PZ version. In truth I loved it. It handled well (Prodrive suspension) It was very well built and reliable. Don't pay attention to the OIL horror stories (2.5 Ltr of top up whilst I owned it). It went well when you got the engine spun up 5000rpm and above (Sounded like a Zipper) all the way up to 10 Grand. I kept it for just shy of 2 years. The downside... Massive lack of torque. Never have I come across a car more in need of forced induction than an RX8. A complete git to get more power from without spending a mortgage on. However the real killer is its thirst. In the end it was breaking my heart at the petrol pump. If driven spiritedly you can get the fuel consumption to 12 miles to the gallon easy. I was in the end sad to let it go, it drove so nicely, but I just couldn't keep up with it... The price of a new 350 plumetted and I bought 1 of the last. It may not handle quite as well as a Prodrive fettled set up in standard form, but in terns of smile factor and Sooo much torque (And mines still loosening up, 6000 miles done) The Z is way ahead. The build quality is on a par. The Z is faster accelerating with longer legs. Looks better and believe it, in terms of fuel economy the Z is 10 to 15 miles to the gallon better under combined driving scenarios, even if you drove the RX like yer granny in fluffy socks with scensors it the toes on an economy drive, the RX would drink fuel like a dehydrated camel drinks water at the oasis. Trust me buy a Z, take from one who's bought the T shirt and worn it out...
  14. Hi all, Great turn out today, Really nice to meet all that attended. Thanks. Lots of Z's all different. Amazing. Somme pics. Hope to see you all again soon.
  15. I like mine as they are too, but I prefer your headlights, who did-em dude ?
  16. Thanks alot for the info. Used SUMO before. Good guys. When I get it done I'll let you know. Nice to see another in-yer-face Tempur. So glad I bought it in this colour. Looks great in the sun.
  17. Looks spot on m8. Nice job.
  18. These pic dont open m*. try the IMG file...
  19. Yeh I think they look great too, whatever colour they are. Not to everybody's taste I know, but thats what makes modding good. Each to their own 'n' all that. On the silver Z the whites just goes on mine, Orange was the way to go.
  20. The headlight LED's on the last Z's are built in, factory fit. They dont flash either. And unfortunately I cant turn them off, so regardless of the others theres not much I can do about it.
  21. Like I said they only look bright for the camera. Maybe you'll see em at a meet some time. If you want to take a good shot of yours. use a tripod and turn off the flash. 5 secomd max shutter should do it, but start from .5 of a second and go up... Easier than it sounds.
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