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Everything posted by helimeddaz

  1. If you needs to lift yer skirt (Bonnet) for a good cleaning, Dave Naxton does a really top job of the engine bay. Google D.P.N. I Highly recommend his services. Did my Chewitts paintwork last week. Spot on.
  2. I know this will sound daft, but....... Inside the doors there are some red reflectors. Are these supposed to light up when the door is opened? Took me a year for that to bother me enough to ask.....
  3. I've had a punt as well. (Different item number) We could start a trend.
  4. I know I'll get stick, but I like it.
  5. +1 M8. Awsome gear made by HKS. Pure quality.
  6. One word....YAK............
  7. I know my taste in colours might be a bit questionable to some, but when I first saw this car a GTR which I love.... I actually gipped and got a little bit of sick in my mouth.....NOooooooooooooooooooooo.
  8. Still waiting for Dave to put the products used list up.....
  9. Not too bad m8. Usual U.S. delivery times up to 2 weeks. Shipping costs reasonable. Got stung for 20 odd quid of import duty robbery though. Ordered some reflectors and emblems and a carbon rear defuser all arrived ok.
  10. If it's the 1 in the states m8, Ive used em. No problems. I did ring-em in the end to comfirm my order. All the parts came and were top quality.
  11. Some of the images were taken part way through the detail. That was only the first coat of rubber protector, it isn't like normal tyre dressing A second coat was applied which evens things out. My fault that. Kept rushing outside and snapping picture's like an over excited Japanese photography student on special assignment. I finished up with 150+ shots of before, during and after. In the end it was like collecting a new car again, the finish was that good. I can't recommend D.P.N. enough. Here's a few more....
  12. I know mate. Dave was at it for 6 hours n 45 minutes. I had to make him have a break. (Hot sausage rolls) or he would have just carried on. Just wished the Sun would have stayed out for thr final pics. Yoy just have to see it in the flesh to appriciate it. Stunning
  13. I know mate. Dave was at it for 6 hours n 45 minutes. I had to make him have a break. (Hot sausage rolls) or he would have just carried on.
  14. Its not too hard Mate. Just changed mine again..... I used a bucket of hot ish water and a big sponge to warm up the sticky backing tape halding the front badge on (less dangerous to yer paint than a heat gun). Have a bit of fishing wire and flat bladed driver and some card board to protect the paint if you lever the badge up. It came off easily once it was warmed up.
  15. Dave said he would list the products he used later. This is a code for members to use for a 10% discount on anything the order.....EBVCS10A At www.car-care-direct.co.uk Could you help make members aware that its available. Ta.
  16. Well.......Where do I start....? Dave finished at 4:15. To say this bloke is fastidious (good word) is 1 thing, but I think he's borderline OCD. When you look at the pics it's the detail (No Pun) that impresses me most. Get this!... He put stripes in my mats and cleaned and protected the inside (Yes the inside) of my exhaust tips...Now come on that is impressive ! Obviously the car is only a year old , so the paint should be in good nick, but no B.S. its better than when I drove it out of the show room. I don't know all the things he's done to the paint, but it's magic. If he'd told me he'd shined it with Dragon P*&S I'd believe him. Its just soooo good. All the pearl and metallic is vibrant and the finish is like glass. The picture speak for themselves, Oh and he even shined the wheel arch liners (Mad).... Hope you like the pics............. Before... After...... Before..... After..... Need I say More? Dave has left me some card and vouchers for 10% off for members. Hes supplies the products he uses...And he will post on this thread what he's done to my Z....
  17. Just a little update......... He's still here and tending to my Z. 6 hours he's been at it. Pics to follow.
  18. D.P.N. Car detailind and Valeting... He's at my place now fettling my Z. Top bloke. Check out the web site.
  19. Will do.... Been out for a look. Half n half pic not good really cos my paints in really good shape. (Only a tear old and no bad marks or swirls) I'll get the best shots I can..
  20. I am really happy today..... It was my birthday earlier this month and my present has just arrived. My Girlfriend bought me a Full interior and Exterior Valet and Detail form Dave Naxton and D.P.N. Car Detailing. He was recommended by the forum. He arrive on the dot and is tending to my Z. I have taken some before shots and I'll take some when he's done. She must love me....(Don't know why).
  21. I didn't think the pics were that bad (for me anyway) The Sub is in a custom box with the Monoblock next to it. There are some plans on here for the Boxes do a search (Easy). Pull out the circular plate it makes things easier.
  22. Top Z m8. Really nice. A good but for anybody wanting a Z.
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