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Everything posted by helimeddaz

  1. Greekman, At the risk of sounding sensible, the last time I used some HKS gear, Their web site HKS europe had translations of the installation instructions. Check the site or give them a bell M8.
  2. Hope to have mine sorted too with it's kit on as soon as I find a front lip that actually fits a facelift Z properly.... The Quest goes on... Any Help Anybody?
  3. One word M8. B...E...A...utiful. great camera work too.
  4. loads of stuff on the market M8. If you want a top job though get a good detailer in who'll clean and re-weather the top. I'll last longer too.
  5. Looks top quality M8, Hope to see it again soon at a meet. Well done.
  6. Shaun, Try looking at Hertz speakers web site. I fitted some Hertz Hi-Energy Space. They are a shallow mount too and exceptional quality. http://www.hertzaudiovideo.com/default_en.htm Great sound, Just dyna-mat the doors well.
  7. My daily commute is 30miles, the last 18 of which are on back roads, some "A" some not. I come across every type of rolling road block on route from Blue rince coffin dodgers to Artics that can hardly make some of the turns. There are 2 long straights where an overtake is possible and safe and I use them, because it's possible and safe to do so. I have completed and passed the recognised Police RoadCraft course and overtake in an approved, documented and assessed manor. The Z is not quiet when you push the loud peddle. Therefore if you wake up some poor sole who's driving at 28mph in a 60 limit as you overtake, he complains and thats it, ASBO time. Based on this information I could generate an ASBO and be on a curfew in 1 journey. I would challenge this and ask nicely to see video, photographic or winess statements from independent sources when the officers next come back to see me, at my convenience and in the presence of, my duely appointed legal representation. Total B*^^%X if you ask me. Appart from that the colour on my Z makes it a rolling ASBO.....I'm truly boned arn't I ?
  8. Good spot, Just testing to see if you were all really looking. Here's an original. (Not farted about with) Farted about with this 1 to get rid of the finger. Pity I can't edit the tractors in the background.
  9. God Mate what a palarva..... You would have thought that Nissan being such a massive company would see things like this as a priority and have some kind of expert trouble shooter to send in and help the dealers out if they have limited knowledge of a specific model. Or is that just too logical. Good luck with it. I hope is sorted for good Mate.
  10. handsome b'tard At that time in the morning (Daft o'clock on way to work) we were both so bleary eyed, I bet we both wouldn't have know if a sheep had been in the opposite driver's seat.
  11. First day off in ages... So, Set about alittle wash and brush up after my full paint detail 2 weeks ago. Dave from D.P.N. was right, much easier with a good coat of wax in place. I would like to get rid of the Blue rusted out rolling @*!#-box in the back ground, but I don't have photoshop and couldn't do it if I had. Thats as arty as I get.... Hope you all like the Pics..
  12. Black 370 Roadster this morning. Harewood bank nr Leeds. Smiled and She smiled back.... Result.
  13. Call Opie Oils M8, They'll sort yer.
  14. Went to work today with a mate and left the Z at home for some TLC by Steve from S.P.F. After my close encounter of the Armour Plated Feathered kind my front bumper was poorly and some other horrors were hidden beneath by the sound of all the rattling behind the bumper. You can see from the damage pics what had happened, but the bird was as tough as a Turkey cooked from Xmas Day to New Years Eve. Before it's Star Trek like shields failed, it had penetrated the outer skin and demolished the protective guard behind it, smashing it in to 2 pieces. Leaving it's Arse, Legs and feet sticking out through the crack. Cracked right to the back.... Steve had to take off the Bumper, clean the damaged surfaces and plastic weld the outer skin. He cleaned out all the bits of plastic, I've only managed to find 2 pieces that fit together and I don't know what it was. (If you do let me know). Along with the plastic, was what was left of it's head and thorax (Couldn't find the git's crash helmet). He then prepared the repaired surface, Colour matched the Paint (Not easy with this colour), blew in the match and laquered it. He then refitted the bumper. Job done. Honestly, and you can see from the pics, I can't see the damage or the join. Its a perfect repair. I can't praise this guy or his skill enough. The man's a magician. Bumper Off..... Bumper Fixed and back on... Don't know what this part was or did.... Top Job, I'm so pleased with it, back the way it was. If you need a fix on your Z in the Yorkshire area and no one else can help, Give this lad a call. Steve Parsley is his name.. His Company is S.P.F. Tel:-07894 912432. Paintwork. Bumper Scuffs and Repairs. Alloy Wheels. Dashboards. Machine Polishing. Leather Repairs. Velour Repairs. I would highly recommend his services to anyone Z owner or not. Hope you enjoyed my write-up Daz.
  15. Feel for you dude.... If you go through insurance I bet you will have a hefty excess to pay,.. I'd get some quotes and sort it myself personally.... Damage is repairable Good luck dude Done a bit of checking. One of the people I've used in the past. Does plastic welding. Used this lad before to sort a little wheel ding. Top job. Also does Dash repairs, Upholstery, Dents and scratches. Good bloke to know. He's coming to do it on Thursday while I'm at work. I'll take some after shots, so you can see the result.
  16. And they are linked via the pipework and only the left one as the pump, so like Martin said it must be for the extra capacity for the headlights. +1. The NS tank is for the H/L washer. It needs a tank for the higher pressure water delivery on that side. I noticed when you fill the washer bottle that the level drop as it fills the N/S to balance the levels. Tip of the day fill slowly and check it a few mins later.
  17. Well this is the aftermath of my close encounter of the feathered kind. Just undecided what to do....... What do we think.......?
  18. It's the Air-con refill and pressure test port.
  19. Too Feckin right... Spent ages pullin all the crap out of the crack. Can't believe where it's gone. Dead straight hairline crack and half the little git went through it. Arse & feet outside and head and body through the crack. just friggin charmin. Don't know why it didn't just fly. Any other bird would have, but No this crazy B*&^%$d thought I know I'll av a bit of a jog tonight, tone mi legs up a bit and av a bit of a dust up with Daz's pride and joy. Cos am ard me! We'll it was ard'ish. I'll post some pics in mornin. Knackered and gutted... Off to bed to sleep. Might feel better after a kip. Although I doubt it
  20. I just need to find a good nismo n1 front lip for an 58 plate bumper fit. If any supplier on the forum has 1 please pm me. I've tried this before I had a crack in it. The crack is right in the corner where the chin meet the main part of the bumper. Hope I have better luck. Need 1 now. (SOoooooooo Pi*&^d off I can't believe it)
  21. Eventful journey home. Got on to last leg of trip from work. Local by-pass, Nice tarmac to terrorise, foot down and out of the undergrowth runs an Armour plated Kamikaze Road-Runner. Just caught a glimpse of the little b*&^%$D as it disappered under the front of the Z. Then Thud. Felt like a concrete block, not some screwy bird. Got home into some light and there's a crack in the middle section of the lip centre section running front to back. (Along with lots of feathers and Smeg left behind) Picture to follow too dark, But it's not good (Mega P-*&^%d off). What to do....? Call insurance and let them sort it ?(protected no claims) Sort it myself? Suggestions.....?
  22. Hi, Don't want to hi-jack yer post, but in the more years than I care to remember of modding lots of Jap performance cars, I've never fitted a set of spacers. So.... without me sounding like a complete dummy can 1 of you tell me the Pro's and Con's of spacers. Small words please..... And....by the way your Z looks superb m8. Ta.
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