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Everything posted by AshRiggs

  1. Hi again, Pictures can be found here. http://gallery.me.com/ashriggs#100074
  2. Hi thanks for your reply. Will post some pictures for you. Forgot to mention my 350 is an import. Not sure if this makes any difference? No the blocks have not been chopped at all. Does this mean i need the Bose or none Bose cable? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi All, Can anyone help? My 350 has/had a Kenwood Mini Disc player with as Nissan CD/MD Changer Control. The changer control has a Nissan label on the rear but nothing to say if its Bose or not. The Kenwood MD & Controller are both single din items. I want to replace this with a double din JVC unit. After looking at the cable threads on here I've got a bit confused. Could someone please clarify which iso cable harness I need? I know you guys & girls will have the answer, so if you could put a newbie out of his confused misery I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Can anyone help please? My Jap import has a set of buttons below the oem screen in the cubby hole. I'd like to swop this panel for a blank one without buttons as the oem sat nav etc is being replaced with a lilliput screen and car computer. Does anyone know where I can get a blank panel, or even if its replaceable as a separate part from the rest of the surround? Your help is much appreciated. Ash
  5. Hi Again, As part of the same subject I was just wondering which head unit you are using or which one you would recommend? Also, I've got all the bits now so any navigation software you'd like to donate would be very much appreciated.
  6. Sorry to hear you don't have an iPhone. They are very good. Perhaps you could let me know the best route for the VGA cable to the screen? Straight through the centre console?
  7. Forgot to also ask if you know of any good looking way to dock an iphone in the car? Perhaps a modified ashtray or something? Any ideas?
  8. I'd really like a copy of that software and the skin. Is there any chance you could upload it to my mobile me account? The linitx screen does automatically switch on when there is a signal present on the VGA and also automatic switching for the reverse camera when a +12v feed is detected on one of its input cables so that would be very handy. It switches from VGA to the RCA input for this so I was wondering if you knew if the oem camera has an RCA connector or not? Thought of a couple of other things.... What is the best route for the VGA and USB cable to the screen? Can you get a 'thin' VGA cable or do you have to go with a thick chunky one intended for a PC monitor? Many thanks again.
  9. That is all really useful information. Thank you, I really appreciate it and will definately take you up on the software offer. Couple of other things... Can the I go 8 software be run from within centrafuse or do you have to quit centrafuse to use it? Also, I can't find any lilliput screens on linitx. Do you know if they supply them or are their own brand screens any good? And finally, you never mentioned about a digital Tv receiver in your reply. Do you have any experience of these? Your time taken to answer these questions is very much appreciated. You are very helpful. Best. Ashley.
  10. I'm actually looking to instal a Mac mini. That way I can have the best of both worlds by being able to run Windows or the native Leopard OS. I was thinking of using Centrafuse as the front end software under Windows XP. It certainly looks very good. Being an iPhone user it would be very handy to have a Mac in the car as well as at home and there are some good apps that will allow you to use the iPhone as a remote mouse and keyboard. So far in my research it looks like the Carnetix P1900 is the best PSU for this, unless you know better? Also do you know the best position in the car to locate the PSU? Im also going to need some advise on which GPS receiver and Digital TV antenna are the best to use? Thanks in advance. Ashley.
  11. Ah! Thanks for that. Thought they would probably have something similar. If there is any other advise on offer I would be very greatful.
  12. Hi, Thank you for the speedy replies, the tip and the welcome. A couple more questions if you have the time to answer. Does your lilliput screen turn itself on when power is applied? Or do you have to access its buttons somehow? Also, if you have a reverse camera fitted does the lilliput automatically switch to that input when you put your car into reverse? I ask these questions as the alternative touchscreen I put the link to above does have these options. Thanks in advance. Ashley
  13. Hi All, Could anyone suggest which model Lilliput touchscreen is the best to replace the oem one in the cubby hole for carputer purposes? Suggestions of which one has the best spec and best fit without any trimming etc. would be very much appreciated. Alternatively does anyone know if this screen is a good fit? http://linitx.com/viewproduct.php?prodid=10773 Best. Ashley
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