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Posts posted by SunZed

  1. lol. Why would that change the signal? - Unless theres an aerial or somthing attached to the windscreen!


    They are making up crap, so you have to pay for the repairs.... make them prove it!

  2. I am actually an accountant.


    Book keeping is actually the easiest thing to do! - Depending on the size of the business...


    I would suggest a local accountancy firm, but to save you quite a few quid i'd try doing it yourself...


    How do you record your expenses and income? Cashbook?/Bank statments/Invoices etc?

  3. I think it's down to the person...


    I work my ass off and enjoy the luxeries I can afford because of it. Most of my friends are at Uni, so they appricate my car as they could barely afford to insure it, let alone buy one.


    I think your mates are a bit boring, I would start hanging round with different people, they'll soon realise they've wasted their lives in front of the TV or down the same shitty pub.

  4. I'm 20years old. I have only had the Zed for about 4 weeks. It's the best drive, but the most expensive i've had.


    I got my insurance for £1500 with adrian flux. I wouldn't of paid any more than that.


    Next year I should be able to haggle it down to £1000.


    If you have the money... do it!

  5. My Clio ran a bit lumpy for a while. - It was only a coil pack, but when I waas researchign it, it could be lower down than that? - Or just a sensor?


    Which coils did you change, as it could still be down to a faulty coil? - Double check them.....

  6. Hi,


    I couldn't find a thread using the search button, so i'd thought i'd put it out there...


    I was in the Croydon Asda car park today, looking for a tidy car space, either next to two nice cars, or in the corner with only one car on one of the sides....


    I couldn't find any except i found two car spaces next to each other.... a really old fiesta on one side and a rusty rover on the other. - I parked obviously, directly in the middle of these car spaces....


    Then I sat there wondering? Will someone key my car for taking two spaces? Or if I park next to one of these terrible looking cars, will I receive a nice little dink or worse?



    I just wondered what people do, and what lengths you go to, to keep your pride and joy safe?


    P.S I even did this with my Renault Clio.

  7. Changed my name, so theres no confusion! :D


    1. Martin W

    2. M350ZB -(Veilside King!)

    3. AndyWood

    4. Cavey.

    5. Waylander

    6. Chilli Red

    7. AdrianK

    8. Boomer816

    9. Rich5259


    11. Rtbiscuit

    12. Darren-B

    13. AKA350z

    14. Sunset350Z (Z or no Z)!

    15. The Choo

    16. Biscuit

    17. Mick43

    18. H5

    19. Ian

    20. DoogyRev

    21. Chris` I

    22. Sunzed

    23. Matt (From A To Zed)

    24. IanS

    25. Hotrain69

    26. Bulletmagnet

    27. Japex

    28. edgeydt50

    29. rawbhp

    30. greasemonkey1234


  8. I have my 'Z!!! :)


    I am now wondering what changes I can make, while keeping it as standard as possible for resale in the future! :)


    I really want to enhance the sound of my 'Z, but I don't want to take away any power in the process!


    I am enjoying the sound it currently makes, but being me, I want somthing more profound!


    I will also be looking at a carbon fibre bonnet and spoiler? - I think thats all I really want to change at the moment.



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