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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. Jerry , has it cured the problem you had? Mark
  2. Might not be the induction system , we have found the crank trigger sensor which is at the bottom of the gearbox, gets wet and upsets the crank trigger output.run the car for a while and it should sort itself out , will need the car turning off and restarting thou to reset the ECU. anymore questions fire away. Mark
  3. Yes I can if needed. Not done a 370 yet , but will do soon..... Mark
  4. Just been thinking that when we are asked to tune a JDM we need to check to see if we have the correct RAM image , we have asked for people to supply ECU number , but this needs either the ECU removed to check part number or take the ca rinto a Nissan dealer for them to look at the ECU via diagnostic port. But I have had a think , if you supply me your chassis number we can check via our JDM fast parts system what ECU number part number that is fitted to your car. hope this helps. Mark
  5. Ian, I tried to ring you last week re talking to you about buying a 34 , left a message on your answerphone , give me a ring tomoz , I think we do know what we are talking about re GTR,s Mark
  6. It,s not BHP that kills the VQ motor when F/I , the motor has a week conrod , the fails when you try to run to much torque through the motor. HKS say around a max of 360 lb/ft of torque (only a figure not a definite figure) on a STD motor. A S/C conversion works best as it only enchances the STD output does not increase mid range torque a huge amount, where as a Turbo conversion alway gives a car a huge amount of midrange torue which will kill the STD con rods. If HKS sold there S/C tuner kit a little cheaper and we can get around the LIVE mapping issues of the UK 276bhp that will be the way to go , I think around 400bhp flywheel and 340 ish lb/ft of torque would be pretty easily to tune the car for. I am not keen either the Vortech ( to noisy) or the Procharger kits (inefficent) but the early and late HKS S/C work very well we find. Mark
  7. def sounds like a heat shield noise , funny thing harmonics. Best to get the ca rup on a ramp a best to remove the heat shields and try the car. Mark
  8. forgot to say we have the NISSAN consult for diagnostics. Mark
  9. Thats what we have been thinking re dyno day maybe sort something out mid Feb when hopefully the weather will start getting a little better. If I could be a week day I am sure I can get 10/12 cars done , but if it is a Saturday can only really manage 6 cars I am afraid. Mark
  10. Do you want to go to a main dealer? I am sure we can look after your servicing as good as a main dealer. Mark
  11. Chris, maybe worth moving this to a seperate thread , good info for people to view. Mark
  12. This is a good comparison between the 3 350z motors all 3 have been UPREV tuned PURPLE 276bhp motor DARK GREEN 296bhp motor LIGHT GREEN 313 bhp motor For a road car I dont think you can beat a well tuned 276bhp far more mid range torque.
  13. Yeah they have an oil cooler fitted. Mark
  14. Track work it has been known to see 140+ temps , the cars do seem to run a little warm if they run on the track , but most cars do once, you start working them pretty hard ( trackwork you rev the car so much more than driving on the road) It would be good to hear from people that have been doing some high speed motorway work in Germany thou. I would advise if you going to track the car an oil cooler is a definite item to add.
  15. throttle body spacer-----dont know to be honest, would need to try it.
  16. I would like to try one of these carbon manifolds on a stock car to get my head around what it does, Very easy to get lost with a tune without understanding what everything is doing. Anyone got any pictures of the plenums inside ? The stainless steel kinetix plenum on a N/A 350z gives a little mid range torque but losses top end bhp agaisnt a STD plenum. I have a true dual system on my JDM 350z which I feel seems to hold the BHP back top end against cars run with a Ypipe and std or after market system.
  17. Have a look here 2nd post viewtopic.php?f=114&t=27916 Anymore questions fire away Mark
  18. Just thought I would start another thread to make it easy for people to find. I have a few maps for the UK 276BHP cars already, And with the time I have been playing with the 350 I know what cars need and dont need if they are slightly different in relation to tweaking the map. Within the £345-00 inc vat Reflash cost , I do now include an hour or so to tweak the map if I feel we can get a little more from your car. I think this is a good deal not really any movement in the price as the dyno costs money and the UPREV system and license,s aren,t cheap. I think 3 cars is the maximum I can do in 1 day and if you want before and after plots after fitting major items like exhaust that will limit the car run in 1 day. But I can overlay anyones car with anyones elses dyno plots are we run the cars all under the same times on the dyno. So that is a dyno day in itselfs. But I have a 276bhp UK car on the way and from what I have seen so far I have some idea,s up my sleeves on the tuning path of these 350z,s. Yes we can fit any items supplied by us or you the customers as we arent just a dyno shop we are a 1 stop Z workshop. see our signature below. Mark
  19. we find this is normally caused by a out of tolerance reading from the crank signal sensor. Sometimes even a bit if clutch dust will cause this problem. The car reads the engine crank position from around the flywheel with a inductive senor which fits in the gearbox , there are a numbe rof cut outs that tell the ECU at what postion the engine is to allow the car to inject the right amount of fuel and fire the mixture at the right time also tells the ecu what revs the car is doing. any fluctuation in this signal coul dmake the rev counter jump around. but it doesnt seem to cause any perfomance loss. hope the helps. Mark
  20. I have a few maps for the UK 276BHP cars already, And with the time I have been playing with the 350 I know what cars need and dont need if they are slightly different in relation to tweaking the map. Within the £345-00 inc vat Reflash cost , I do now include an hour or so to tweak the map if I feel we can get a little more from your car. I think this is a good deal not really any movement in the price as the dyno costs money and the UPREV system and license,s are cheap. I think 3 cars is the maximum I can do in 1 day and if you want before and after plots after fitting major items like exhaust that will limit the car run in 1 day. But I can overlay anyones car with anyones elses dyno plots are we run the cars all under the same times on the dyno. So that is a dyno day in itselfs. But I have a 276bhp UK car on the way and from what I have seen so far I have some idea,s up my sleeves on the tuning path of these 350z,s. Yes we can fit any items supplied by us or you the customers as we arent just a dyno shop we are a 1 stop Z workshop. see our signature below. Mark
  21. Just thought I would help you 370 owners with some info I have been told by my friends in the US. Seems Nissan has not fitted any kind of oil cooler on the 370 cars , I have been told that if you use the car on the track or are a very spirited driver on the road the cars suffer from extremely high oil temperture even to a point that the engine have suffered bearin failure. Seems a lot of US owners are fitting oil cooler kits. We can also tune your cars with the UpRev system ( we may need a car to upload the RAM from before we can tune thou , need a ECU number to confirm if we do have a correct RAM image) , unlike the 350 your cars get full throttle in ever gear but they do limit the lower gear performance by limiting the valve lift. Any questions re your car feel free to ask away. Mark
  22. Just thought I would update this thread a little , as a lot of you will know we run John Bradshaws Drag cars for him , which 1 is a 350z car running a slightly modified VQ35DE motor. http://www.bramsracing.com/ Within this partnership with JB we work with a well known US tuner of the VQ engine Z,s from US. http://www.theexperience.com These are the people that built JB 350z and are helping us out with the development of the VQ motor to hopefully make the 350 be the 1st Japanese powered car into the 6,s outside the US. Performance Motorsport are based in Long Island , they know Adam from Z1auto very well. So togther with Performance Motorsport , Abbey will be keeping the 350Z owners at the forefront of development on your cars.
  23. all sounds good the tuning on your Revup motored 350z GT4 Zed , I presume you have a MREV lower collector fitted? I know Peter well @ Thor we supplied him his Dynapack a few years ago. I have not used a Utec yet but they must work well , only thing I can get my head aroud is how it copes with the learning side of the STD ECU ( this isnt to upset this thread ) just like some answers to allow my brain to understand the system. The STD ecu reads the fuelling (in AFR) via the pre cat Lambda,s so even if you tweak the fuelling ( I presume on UTEC by offsetting the Air flow meter voltage) you will adjust the fuelling until the STD tries to retune to get the correct fuelling ( STD ecu reads in AFR ) When you tuned the car how many runs do you do the allow the car to sort out the self learn , we find that you need 5/6 runs once you have reprogrammed the ECU for the car to self learn sufficently to give a proper dyno run , the 1st 3/4 runs will be down on BHP and Torque as the car slowly tunes itself towards the figures you have in the ECU. Good thread , looks like we will start on an extensive tuning program with a RevUp motor soon , may even run some E85 or race fuel. Roll on 2010 should be a good year.
  24. Can I put my 2 pences worth into this thread; tonysoprano is my father my partner in Abbey Motorsport , we are not just a tuning shop thou , we can do everything on a 350 Z not just tune them, We are the only non Nissan dealer in the UK to have a Nissan Consult 2 with the supporting cards for security set up and we have a Nissan trained technician that has done his time on 350z,s. We have had a few 350,s with non start issues and can say Alan,s problem sounds different to what we have seen before. Mostly the cars we have seen that wont start just need the NATS code resetting or by resetting the ECU. Just a few pointers; 1, key needs to be coded to the NATS box. So you should be able to swap and ECU between cars without recoding keys/nats box 2, the ECU has 4 12volt feeds; Pin 109 is 12 volt feed from ignition switch. (non permanent) Pin 119/120 are feed from the ECM relay. Pin 120 goes to the ECU and Pin 119 feeds the main engine sensors (Air flow meter Crank/cam sensors) (non permanent) Pin No 121 is permanent 12 volt feed. I would say if the dealer cant comunicate with the ECU either Pin 109 or Pin121 arent getting 12v correctly. Also the fans running at half speed say there is a problem that will not allow the car to run. this is Nissans way of saying there is a major problem. If you cant communicate with the ECU a reflash wont work either as we program through the ODB2 connection. Shame Andy is so far away from us as I am sure we could help you out, but Andy feel free to give us a ring to discuss anything or we can answer your questions on here to help people out in the future. hope this helps thou. Mark
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