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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. We have seen this a couple of times , you need to remove the plastic cover and clean and lubricate the idler spindle. fairly easy to be honest. Then do a reset, should all be good , your not that far from us either
  2. Colin, you brought it then from CD Nissan , my friend said they had sold a white 370Z, nice car. Mark
  3. Scorpion system is a little louder than a STD system , if fitted with a Y pipe and a remap gives a gain in bhp/torque. Mark
  4. How does it affect torque Mark? I think most of us on the here go for the thrill of acceleration on the road (attributable to torque AFAIK) rather than top speed (where you need HP). I'm not trying to be clever but I just wondered if that's the reason why we daily drivers don't notice an appreciable difference with the higher octane fuel. did you see my earlier question Mark ... I'm keen to get your views The cars only listen for Detonation(knock) to around 5000rpm after this it it to noisy to use a knock sensor to run closed loop knock control. If you run 95 octane the ECU will allow enough ignition to run nearly stock ignition timing up to around 5000rpm , thats why the cars dont feel that down on torque and bhp when running 95 octane fuel , over that RPM your running the risk of detonating a motor. Also the stock fuel map is pretty rich so this helps control detonation. The cars when you tune on 95 octane we find you cant tune close to det threshold , 95 once it start detonating doesnt stop where as super will run close and not walk into fall detonation. We find once you get the cars on the dyno, reset the ECU take approx 6/8 pulls to settle down to give good figures. This is the time for the car to wind the ignition in to give reasonable bhp/torque. hope this helps. Mark
  5. really , never heard of that to be honest, run a few imports on the dyno never found they was any different from a UK or US ecu , all work in the same way ,276bhp JDM early US cars run narrow band 02 sensors , all UK cars and late US 276bhp cars run wide band 02 sensors , self tune to ecu parameters,ignition timing self learns as well.
  6. I imagine that the ECU in the import is capable of switching maps if it is continually fed with 95 RON, it will just keep pulling timing until its forced to use a default map by the det sensors going all the time. It probably will feel better in slow stop start traffic because it will be running retarded ignition timing, but it will not do much for the high RPM band. high det ignition map pulls around 5 degrees of ignition timing in relation to low det map , also running 95 octane in a high compression motor is a no go I am afraid. Car will self learn the ignition your see around -30 bhp on a dyno run running 95 octane. Mapped a few cars to run on 95 octane thou , they run around 260ish bhp after setting up. Mark
  7. Jerry thought they fixed your car after fitting a new ECU? Have you got sports cats fitted?
  8. Biscuit, dont worry re the anti foulers, we can turn that fault code light,s off with the Uprev set up when we remap. Typical prob with high flow cats.
  9. Good idea. Edited to keep our friends in Northern Ireland happy. LONDON SOUTH EAST User name; Abbey Motorsport Location ; Oxted RH89HJ OBDII reader; NISSAN CONSULT 2 , full code reading including codes just for Nissan,s EAST ANGLIA User Name: Rtbiscuit Location: Ipswich OBDII Software: Digimoto 5 SOUTH WEST CHANNEL ISLANDS WEST MIDLANDS EAST MIDLANDS WALES User Name: Ian Location: Caerphilly OBDII Software: Scangauge 2 (Won't work on JDM models) NORTH EAST NORTH WEST YORKSHIRE HIGHLANDS & CENTRAL SCOTLAND NORTHERN IRELAND EIRE
  10. We can sort you out , 4 wheel laser alignment on site. Mark
  11. I think all the 275bhp JDM cars used narrow band O2 sensors , would need to look at the Nissan Fast system to give you 100% answer thou. I have run my JDM open loop using HKS F-con Pro, which I feel made the car more responsive on the track but since going over to the Uprev system I can even control the closed loop AFR which gives the car awesome drivability. Mark
  12. Sarah, I have one of these please, want to try it on a car while it is on the dyno , think it will owrk really well with a STD 06 airbox. If you could e-mail the invoice to mark(at)abbeymotorsport.co.uk with your bank details I get the money transfered ASAP. Your get my address from my website for the invoice. cheers. Mark
  13. Thats a early US 276bhp car then , the early JDM car was narrow band as well, both the US and JDM 276bhp car,s went wide band around 2005, but all the UK 276bhp cars where wide band.
  14. the UK STD lambda,s give a very good AFR reading , nigh on spot on the same as my Motec AFR on my dyno , they read right down to 9.0 AFR as well , so I dont think the are narrow bands, you looking @ a US or UK wiring diagrsm?
  15. Nope , uses Nissan,s own 4 wire sensor I think.
  16. UK ECU is a self learner like all the Z ecu,s but the UK ECU cant be lived mapped thou. Yes you have a trim map which is in AFR and a compensation map for wide open throttle maps. Ignition side of the ECU is even more complicated , using burn time not spark timing figure. We have used piggy backs, standalone ECU,s and everything else available. Have a look at the Uprev site tells you everything you need to know
  17. Luke, look at this thread viewtopic.php?f=114&t=27916 2nd set of dyno plots are for a GT4 car , I am working on a car at the moment that will have a Motordyne MREV lower collector and we will try the car without any CATS as well soon so will have some more dyno plots. I do know the car will gain around 5/8 bhp and 10 lb/ft of torque normally after removeing the cats as long as you put up with the noise
  18. Early 276 bhp cars like the normal stuff , better Y pipe, fit race cats or remove the cats, different exhaust if you want to , air filter element or air filter system for the noise. Good reflash. I think a tuning package will be the best idea as we know what works and what doesnt , but I know some people like buying and fitting there own parts but this sometimes isnt the way to go and some parts in my opinon dont give any return.
  19. Morning , the STD ECU you find in my opinon is far to inteligent to work with a piggyback system, the system uses Widenbands to feedback to running AFR and trims all the time , so even if you intercept say the air flow meter wiring and fudge the AFM voltage( I have been tuning Japanese car for over 10 years) the car will 1st try to tune itself back to the correct AFR then it will put on a CEL light as it will notice it is trying to trimt he fuelling more than it should need to. Re the ignition timing the car is far more intelligent to allow any gain to be had form tuning with a piggyback system , Nissan have tuned the car using fuel burn rates , we can tune the ignition a little for N/A and re work the ignition map completely for a F/I set up , but you have to work the Low Detonation map as well as the High Detonation map as the car works between the 2. Haltech isnt a piggy back system in the real world , it allows you to map the fuel and ignition direct as well as the cam maps, but still allows the cam bus system to work properly. You can buy a UPREV system to allow you to tweak you own maps but the UK cars cant be lived mapped.
  20. The Revup motor is the hardest 350z motor to find BHP/TORQUE from. These cars as you find looking around on this forum , give more top end BHP than a DE early motor , but give a flatter torque curve but less torque than an early DE motor. I feel we can give you a little better mile per gallon due to the cars being a touch rich on part throttle, we tweak the cams to give a little more bhp top end and more torque below 3000rpm. definitely not I am afraid , I am speaking to Motordyne about the set up trying to get an idea what it does. again dont think so , these seem to gain a little top end BHP but loss a little torque around the modrange on a DE motor not tried one on a Revup yet thou. The 06 standard air filter box is the best out there I feel , only the Ignen and AEM will give a little more BHP but with more noise and modifications ( remove the passengers side washer bottle) and both can cause water ingress ( engine damage if deep enough water) Not seen a Revup fitted with headers yet , but may do very soon. On the Revup , I feel you need to loose the cats , good quality Y pipe , I feel the STD rear exhaust section will work okay , free flow element in the STD airbox , single piece flywheel and a good remap you make around 270/275 bhp @ the hubs up(approx 310 flywheel) from around 260ish stock hub bhp. And around 10 lb/ft through out the rev range. Throttle response will be greatly enchanced , MPG a little better , you can have multi maps on the Revup GT4 stock ECU,s (extra cost) hope this all helps.
  21. I got a genuine ING,s wing here if you want one , but it wont be that cheap thou. Mark
  22. We deal with Motordyne direct as well. But I have never found an exhaust that will give 20bhp even with a remap thou. I am slowly workking out what does and doesnt work on these cars, the list that doesn,t is bigger than the list that does thou.....LOL
  23. Bennet, So the car had 260 bhp at the hub,s before or after tuning? just trying to work out figures in my head. On your dyno plots can you tell me what gear you was running the car in please, what start and finish rpm and how long the run was over , just helps me workout a comparision between Revup motored car runs on mine and thors dyno, cheers dude I have a Revup car bolted on the dyno as we speak , it is fitted with a MREV2 lower collector , I still dont think it will match a early DE motor for midrange torque thou, after some UPREV mapping the early cars give so much mid range torque , it may give the top end bhp figure the revup motor but it always lack torque , it is due to the wilder cams of the revup motor. We have noticed on the US car the Auto Revup car,s has a milder cam,s than the manual cars.
  24. RT, your car is okay , we have some much data for the base stuff nowdays , the live mapping is for the F/I cars really. nope cant do that I am afraid, wish we could thou Mark
  25. Not a simple way but we are working on it Re UK ecu,s; yeah cant understand it , they could of had the same spec of ECU in all the cars , just different maps in each car. The list of RAM images we have for the cars is huge and we are still finding different spec,s all the time. Even a cruise control car has a different RAM to a non cruise control car. You can cut and paste maps across thou between RAM images thou so that helps say doing a tune on a non cruise car that I havent tuned before you can just use a map from a cruise car cut and pasted across.
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