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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. Ben P, I presume you mean the De-cats; Resonated de-cats- these knock the edge of the exhaust noise if running without catalytic convertor in XYZ Y pipe they also give a gain in the mid range torque over running normal non resonated de-cats i.e the Berks. Stock De-cats will make the exhaust noise a little more agressive if running without a race cat in the xyz again will not give the midrange torque as the resonated Motordyne de-cats. Waitng , depends if I have any stock in, I think I have a couple of XYZ Y pipes with race cats , 2 sets of Berks on there way and only 1 set of resonated de-cats at the moment . Resonated De-cats are on order but will take 5/7 weeks to come back in stock. Hoping to have a exhaust from Motordyne to try out , we have had a think about what is needed from a Z exhaust , so we going to hopefully modify the TDX to run rear Gamma silencers hopefully this will keep the exhaust to a reasonable level. mark
  2. Any uprev dealer can remap the UK cars , but we are able to LIVE map the UK cars now, which makes tuning FI cars a lot easier and safer. A UK car cant be lived mappd so you log tweak and send the map. All 350Z ECU,s self learn, thats what we play with when we remap a ECU we get the triming part of the map closer to the template AFR map. If you have fitted a Plenum spacer it will slowly revert to the mapped map , but if you reset it it will perform a little better for a while. Tricky once you see a ECU working live your understand how it all owrks and what I have been talking about over the last few months ( Fuel has 2 maps 1 , template AFR and 2, compensation. if the compensation is miles out it takes longer for the car to read the correct templated AFR ratio , if you add a mod, the compensation map needs tweaking so it is closer to the Templated AFR.) hope this helps. If you reset the ECU is cancels out the learnt fuelling so makes the car feel a little faster for a while till the ECU learns again
  3. wouldn't be able to tell you but another hassle would be your need to fit a throttle cable stock ECU can work with fly by wire but your also need a vacuum pump to suuply vacuum for the brakes. In my view on a road car waste of time and money.
  4. So do we carry them a w ell, let me know what you want do before a remap and I can owrk a deal out.
  5. TDX2 exhaust isnt available for 6/8 weeks and it comes with a XYZ Y pipe with a resonated silencer. I will check a price with Motordyne with regards pricing on the TDX2 with a race cat fitted , you can then delete the XYZ Y pipe from the Option 1 list. Will be in touch very soon. Mark
  6. If you run open ITB no Stock ECU wont work as you will need to run a RPM v,s throttle based ECU set up which the stock ECU wont be able to run something like a Motec M800 will be needed. But if you run the ITB,s inside a sealed airbox then via a tube to the stock AFM then yes I would say we could remap the stock ecu to suit
  7. no that will be okay , just need to keep the AFM isolated from any heat soak> Mark
  8. I been looking around to ship the Motordyne items cheaper but sea freighting only saves a very small amount, so it isn't worth the extra wait for the sea frieght up to 6/7 weeks we find sometimes. So the package deal is as follows; from a totally stock car 1, HKS panel filter Motordyne plenum spacer Motordyne resonated de-cats Motordyne XYZ Y pipe with race cat Uprev reflash Normal price £2033-07 inc vat package price £1933-00 inc vat 2, HKS panel filter Motordyne Plenum spacer Berks de-cats Motordyne XYZ Y pipe with race cat Uprev reflash Normal price £1692-32 inc vat package price £1592-88 inc vat You can add the MREV lower collector on the REV UP cars for an extra £460-00 inc vat. Not a huge discount but better than nothing. I will work out pricing on cars already fitted with other items on a one by one basis, but I am unable to offer the discount on the parts like I have done in the above deals. Mark
  9. The airflow meter bolts into a plastic pipes as standard which isolates the AFM from heat soak, if you bolt the AFM into an alloy pipe we find the inlet temps stay higher as the incoming air takes longer to cool the pipe. This may only make 2/3 bhp difference but with what we are chasing with these cars every little helps.
  10. We carry the lower collector on the shelf. Mark
  11. I am afraid they do , Steve (Mr Lizard) race car came alive when we fitted the Mrev, Gamma exhaust system , Resonated De-cats and a reflash made a huge difference in torque and bhp. Really even at idle/low rpm what do you need to bother tweaking the map or does the UTEC cancel the closed loop aprt of the stock map. With you year car you can have multi maps on the cruise control switch so you can have economy maps , valet maps , unleaded maps with out any extra switches and wiring. I can even supply a modded ECU so the DE boys can have multi maps on the cruise switch. But the Novidem isn't cheap like the Vortech kit(espec when S/H) , which I am afraid isn't in the same league at the HKS S/C kit with refinement, power delivery. Have you driven a S/C when the belt is removed your finded the charger is restrictive when it is sucked throu.
  12. Would worry to be honest DVLA seem to blow hot and cold , sometimes fast sometimes slow. Give them a ring , dont let Wasso make you get all worried.
  13. GT4, l think you have ¤issed the point some what. I like to see what price you think you can fit a S/C kit properly for? Wasoo cars is an Revup car which do not give the returns we are now seeing from DE engines as of late but maybe Wasso will fit a Motordyne lower collector at a later date to release alittle more mid range torque. The D1 throttle controller is a waste of money IF your going to remap. NOS is a good mod you only use it when you want to where as a S/C car you always have boost you can't even turn the boost down. The best mod I feel is the remap it doesn't give you masses of BHP/TORQUE but tidies the car up most people say the cars are just "better" After that has been done ( normally people fit a plenum spacer before a remap) I would think maybe a set of uprated roll bars tightens the ride up without making the car uncomfortable.
  14. Chris you do know HR race cats are different to DE/Rev up race cats?
  15. Okay had lots of PM about package deals; Been working out the best way to offer a little better deal if you have a package fitted and have worked out the only way to reduce the costs a little is to possible seafreight the parts in this will reduce the parts cost a little I hope. I am working with Motordyne at getting a sea freight cost for the items we normal air freight in, so hopefully should have some prices very soon. I will require deposits from people with regards package pricing as this will require us ordering more parts them we normally would carry in stock espec Resonated de-cats kits. I can say we aren't going to be able to save a huge chunk off of the final invoice but I hope to save a little. will be in touch very soon. Mark
  16. Yes but an stock inlet tube keeps the air inlet temp at a more reasonable level which helps a lot , stock airbox also gives better part throttle response as well, Dont think Nissan spent a fortune on something that wouldn't work would they!!!!!!
  17. No one carries stock as Motordyne haven't got stock at the moment They are changing fabricatiors at the moment , stock should be replenished in 6/8 weeks I have been told. I have been thinking today after listening to Mr Lizards Gamma that if we fit with a race cats I should think it will be okay, I will check it out onmy car , then perhaps we can supply a Gamma system less the XYZ Y pipe so if you all readyhave a Y pipe you dont need to buy the whole Gamma system ( gamma system is the front half of a TDX but with silencers at the back instead off the resonated rear pipes) Looks like we are going to sea freight stuff in to give you guys a better deal ( most prob want deposits up front thou) Will let you know ASAP.
  18. JDM cars always give a few more bhp we find for some unknown reason.
  19. I have a apir of calipers that came off of my UK 350Z , no discs thou. £200-00 any good to you. Mark
  20. The TDX is the same as the orginal Shockwave , both systems use the Stock XYZ Y pipe that is supplied with a resonated silencer that goes into the mid silencer that then splits into 2 outlets, you can then change the rear end of the system to fit Gamma silencers if you so need.
  21. Lots of PM,s , working on prices at the moment , still waiting for stock Levels from Motordyne US, hopefully have some answer within 3/4 days. Mark
  22. Andymc , what about the torque, you got to love the HR motor so much torque and bhp over its younger models.
  23. TDX comes with resonated XYZ Y pipe fitted, Ceaser already has a XYZ Y pipe fitted by us a few weeks ago, I think the TDX 2 will be loud unless you have the extra rear silencers like Steve Mr Lizard has fitted(called Gamma silencers_ steve system is actually called a Gamma system will ask if they still make this system still). But I think I might ask Steve if we can bolt his system to my UK 350z to see how noisy it actually is on the road. Motordyne has decided to stop making their best system the VQ...
  24. Resonated De-cat pipes give more mid range torque.
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