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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. Yes we always change the valve stem seal when we rebuild the VQ's but it isn't the issue that causes the oil usage. Don't waste you money just changing valve stem seals as this wont cure the issue.
  2. This is Abbey Schedule; Pre lube the motor before start to ensure all the bearings have prior lubrication we use a pressurise oil system to pump the oil around. start the motor after initial build to check for leaks / bleed the cooling system. Onto the dyno , start up and run under light load to ensure Map is good enough to run some load , the run the motor under load say 3000 to 4000rpm. We check the Vacuum the motor is pulling when new the car will be run under different loads (no full throttle high loads) and keep checking the vacuum at idle , once you see the idle increase and settle down , you know the piston rings have bedded in. This can normally be done in 2 to 3 hours (40-60 miles) We don't believe cars need running in for a 1000 miles, modern machining leave a far better finish than engines built 30 years ago. bearings require very little running in maybe a couple of heat cycles Modern running in oil helps as well. We will drop this after 600/1000miles.
  3. newly built motor needs on synthetic oil (proper running oil is even better) engines need running in we prefer to do this on our in house dyno which allows us to control the running in period this will bed the rings in quickly this is the main thing for low oil usage. oil burning Zed motors isnt a valve stem issue every motor we have stripped have had the oil control ring worn out. The OP what was replaced when the motor was rebuilt? Zed
  4. no hassle with the ECU difference. Yes give me a ring on Tuesday to discuss.
  5. Fit a DE motor will run on your REV UP ecu
  6. Guys if we go with Open track I can sort a group buy on spaces and possibly free garages.
  7. I can sort a trackday out I am sure , I will speak to Dave @ Open Track and maybe get a group deal. Just sorting a date might be the issue. Any prefer track? We might bring the 350Z racer as well?
  8. George, I am interested in the whole lot including engine loom and ECU. I can also do a good deal/swop for a LSX motor. I am away on holiday this week , seen me a PM we can have a chat via PM or a chat when I am back later this week.
  9. need to check oil pressure with a gauge Andy
  10. I think we should let the 1st person that wanted the item have 1st refusal.
  11. I have the Cosworth plenum if Evilscorp changes his mind. Can we have a deal on the heads?
  12. P0350and the multi cylinder misfire go together , Have you changed the spark plugs and check for oil down the spark plug holes? The NATS code was from when you had a battery issue just delete this.
  13. What Alignment Rig machine was being used? Even swapped across to read in MM it will read down to 0.1mm, every machine can be run in degree/min and MM sounds like they didn't understand the machine they where using. These cars rear need some rear toe in as the suspension gives very little - toe gain when squatting under load. Front camber if you dont have adjustable arms the gain you get from lowering is better than stock setting . Rear camber we run anything from -1.0 degree up to -2 degree for a trackday car. Front toe I would run parallel toe out will make the car to "pointy" to direct.
  14. Hi , if your changing piston/rod weight on a V6 it will need balancing. We use a company called Basset Down in Hungerford they balance all our engine components.
  15. Okay so they have changed the cam chain/tensioners? I don't understand the -16 timing is this @ Idle? Can you send me a datalog from the Uprev to my email addy? I will need to send you a list to allow you to log the correct parameters so can I have an email addy please? Thanks
  16. On the later cars the HR the TB are wired live all the time. Moving the TB seems to corrupt the IDLE/NATS Eprom and causes Idle issues. I would not open any TB without disconnecting the TB/ battery and ECU. Thanks
  17. 370Z we use Ecutek only cost is £525-00 inc vat.
  18. We are £81-60 inc vat an hour labour rate. We have been seeing DE motors having the same issue as the HR with regards oil gallery gaskets failing. Currently waiting for new delivery on oil gallery gaskets. Should be back in stock later this week. Thanks
  19. Sorry for the slow reply; Where are you based in the UK? What is the actually issue your are having , pedal sticking down? If it is anything hydraulic we would change the clutch master/slave and hose. We have found a very good supply for the master/slave far cheaper than Nissan prices. Thanks
  20. I doubt if the clutch was fitted over a year ago this is the issue as this will throw a DTC fairly quickly. Engine front cover needs to be removed as you need to see the inlet/exhaust cam pulley crank timing timing marks.
  21. Just a reminder we are doing the base Uprev tuning with pops and bangs on all 350Z for £370 Inc vat any date or time. Any questions ask away
  22. It isn't a solenoid issue I am afraid the datalogs from the ECU showing both cams aren't in the correct position @ idle. They where both showing -16 deg this will put the cam control in limp mode (cams control will not work) this would be as the ECU will not be controlling the soleniods The filter would of made no difference the DTC light coming back on maybe the de-cats causing this issue as I didn't leave a Uprev licesne in the car so the DTC for cat efficiency wasn't turned off. The car drove fine but was low on torque due to the cam control not working. I expect it would be one of the following issues 1, flywheel fitted in wrong position 2, cam chain stretched ans the cam sensors recording the cam is in the worng postion . Any questions ask away
  23. This should work , we can turn the DTC's off for the missing exhaust cams your lose the NATS thou or your need to have your keys re-coded. Will just need the DE maps pulled across to the REVUP ECU. Also allows us to live map the car when tuning not datalog and flash You can also use a US DE ECU this is what we used when we started to tune the UK DE for FI before we had enough data to tune these cars without live mapping, I think the ECU number is 23710-CF000 ( will double check)
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