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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. What do you need to know re the dyno plots? The 1st plots is axle hub BHP and Torque. You need to divide the hub torque by the final drive ratio which is 4.651 to 1 this gets your a flywheel torque figure. Hub bhp you can add 35bhp to get a approx flywheel bhp figure. The other dyno plot gives you flywheel torque(the same as above working out) and air fuel ratio. Any more questions ask away , PM me your email addressand I will send you the dyno plots via email. Mark
  2. To be 100% honest they do give a little better flow so will give a little more BHP/TORQUE but unless you can get one pretty cheap I wouldn't bother to be honest. Just fir a free flowing panel filter and a remap makes a huge difference.
  3. Did you remove the heater controls and start the car up? This will throw a CEL as the heatercontrol is on thr CAN bus circuit. Make sur eit is connected the dis connect the battery for a couple of minutes then re-connect this should turn the light off again. Mark
  4. System really needs to be bleed diagonal, i.e blled left front with right rear , inner then outer nipples. Then bleed the right front with left rear , inner then outer nipples. Then you should pressure bleed the system , pump up the pedal the crack open the nipple to allow the pedal to go to the floor.
  5. We run the motrs for around 20/24 runs , which then they need a rebuild. Bigest trouble we cant strip the motors easily as it is major work to remove the sump or cylinder heads. So we normally only have 2 motors in the UK and 1 in the US being rebuilt, but as it is the beginning of the year we have 3 motors ready to go. We find a few things that the motors have trouble with; running the car on the ORB ( making boost on the line) it is very agressive on the front cam lower sprocket, the cam buckets and the exhaust valves. The motor runs to 10,000 rpm with STOCK Nissan cam drive chain and gears so w ehave to keep an eye on these. Crank rods and pistons and bearings we now seem to have it all under control now . Head gaskets we use a normal high end performance gasket with very good quality head studs.
  6. We have 3 engines for the drag car , 2 are on there way the other one that was used for the map build is being refreshed before being shipped.
  7. Mine JDM is a ST and it is only 276bhp like every other JDM car , ST doesn't have any extra parts or a different ECU map from any other JDM manual car.
  8. All the DE engines have the same BHP , 278ps I think.
  9. Hi Guys, inlet port design is different on the HR motor so the DE/REV UP wont take the HR plenum at all. Re fitting a HR into a DE/REV UP car isnt a bad job but you need a gearbox/engine complete, engine wiring loom , dash clocks ( due to the extra rpm the HR runs) and ECU. 1 interesting fact you boys might like to know the 370 VHR motor , the short motor i.e block size is the same size as the HR motor ( the increase in capacity does make any difference to block size) so the VHR bottom end will fit with HR top end parts so you can have a 3.7 ltr HR pretty easily. Agree plenum spacer panel filter and a remap will make your 28 bhp car go far better. Mark
  10. Seen this a few times normally it is bad contact on the throttle body connections. We tweak the male terminals to make a better contact normally sorts the problem we find. Any more questions ask away
  11. We have developed our own drop links. We use heavy duty sealed joints. Far better quality than the stock links and more robust against the british weather than some of the aftermarket kts around. If you look in our own Abbey part of this forum you see pictures and prices (I think I have updated the price for 20% VAT)
  12. Been away in the US for a week dynoing the 2011 Project Zed engines. thanks to Performance Motorsport AET turbo's 6 boost manifolds Shane Tecklenburg Gizzmo roll on Easter weekend when we can unleash the motor at proper boost levels.
  13. Ian, running the jets they said only yielded around 40 bhp , I have leaned the car off to make 50 bhp. Try what they say but the balls fairly in your court, we deal with the Rev up motors daily we kinda know them very well. I even let you use the dyno with Wizard helping if you want. I have seen a bigger pile of broken engines parts while I was in the US a weel ago through badly tuned 350Z's and G35 cars. dont get bhp crazy , supercharging make a less agressive torque than dropping in 100+ bhp of gas. I have seen turbo Z's break the rids at 380bhp , the cylinder pressure caused by gas is more agressive than turbo power. But if you want 100+ bhp go for it but dont cry if it breaks.
  14. Rev up cars have all the same internal stuff as the DE , same con rods that break when you run to much torque Ian , just like I have told you before. Nothing is forged in these motors. Th Rev up engines have oil buring issues as well Nissan changed the ring design on these motors , which cause these cars to burn oil , if you order a set of rings for a rev up engine nowdays you get earlier DE pistons rings , that will stop your oil usage. You need to keep an eye on the oil level on Rev up motors.
  15. Yes Ian I think so, was going to ring them later.
  16. Stock 313bhp motor will run 500bhp without any internal mods I am sure there is a supercharger kit made in the US I will ask my friend who makes it. You need all the normal mods like fuel return system injectors fuel pump and a retune of stock ECU. HKS don't make a S/C for the 313 motor thou. I personally you just fit twin turbo's.
  17. Yes agree but even without this expensive item they go far better after a remap
  18. We have tuned a few 296ps cars. Wasso basically answered most of your questions. Basic tune I would say plenum spacer/ air filter and remap. we do gain MPG, improve throttle response , generally make it better. There are a few options to go after this as well , that we can discuss. we charge £402-00 inc vat for the remap this includes dyno time and we can do the job while you wait for the car. Any questions ask away , your find dyno sheets on this forum under our Abbey banner in traders.
  19. If you use unleaded on the stock map the car will always be pulling timing so your not burning the air fuel mixture properly, so he car will be more unecomoical. We tuned a rev up car this week , which was running unleaded on a stock map the car was only giving around 230 hub bhp. After re tuning the fuel ignition cams maps we go the car back to 260 hub bhp which is pretty good for a car running on 95 octane fuel. I am in the process in putting my DE 276bhp car back to stock to allow us to build a 95 octane map.
  20. Personally I think the rose jointed bush is the way to go , it is only a few more pounds expensive than the Super pro bush. We can supply these as well thou. If the car is running so low I feel the compression arm is running out of it's safe angle so it will over work the bush. The rose joint will work up to far greater angle than a super pro bush. We have had no troubles with rose jointed bush , I have been running these on my JDM car for 3 years now no noise issues either. They be back in stock very soon may even be next week.
  21. Steve's car isnt used on the road so it doesnt really have as much issues as running a car lower on the road as the car is serviced a lot more between runs. But it is only around 30/35mm lower than a stock car , we also run small diameter tyres so this makes the car look a lot lower.
  22. Yes Jez is right the Uprev system tune's the car via the OBD diagnostic port. You can tune all the fuelling/ignition parameters and the variable cam timing and a host of other parameters within the stock ECU. You can even tune the ca rto run F/I via the stock ECU with larger injecotrs and air flow meter. If you have a JDM early car or a late 05 onwards (rev up) UK car you can even have multiply maps via the Cruise control switches. When we build a map for the cars, us @ Abbey have tuned over 100 350Z now, so we have a lot of base maps we work thorough running different fuelling and re mapping the cam timing to find the best power and torque even tweaking the inlet cam map a few degrees will make the car feel more responsive and gain and hold torque we have found, this is recored on the dyno . We also have found the Rev up cars neded to be tuned to a different AFR than the DE and HR cars. We are in the process in building some Unleaded 95 octane maps for these cars. We hope to be able to offer a post servic efor totally stock cars. I have a good 95 octane map for a Rev up already , just going to put my early DE car back to totally stock to unable us to build a 95 octane map. We charge £400-20 inc vat for N/A map to tune a F/I map is a little more expensive. We charge by the hour and you need to buy a Uprev licensce. Any questions ask away.
  23. That is far to low , it will wear the front compression arms bushes out in no time , rear driveshaft angle will be excessive as well for constant running. I would say a max of 25mm is the most you can lower the 350Z to keep reasonable suspension angles. SPC make a nice front suspension top arm to allow the camber to be adjusted, not cheap thou. Raise it up a few MM I am sure it will ride far better and be more usable.
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