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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. We had ARTS in stock for over a year very good sellers; They change there design quiet often as they are flicking between fabrication companies lately.
  2. When we Uprev the car we retune the fueling to lean the AFR ratio off , when you fit Berks this also makes the car run a little leaner so the 2 working together isnt good. A small amount of time on the dyno to retune the car will make all things nice and safe again.
  3. Berk Race cats deals; 350Z DE/REV up berks are £400-00 inc vat 350Z HR/370z berks are £435-00 inc vat we will fit these free of charge is you book at UPREV remap at the same time and even give you £25-00 off of the Uprev price. so to supply fit and remap a DE/REV up will be £777-00 inc VAT HR/370Z will be £812-00 inc VAT We should have delivery on the Berks Cats in 2/3 weeks I hope. Mark
  4. you cant compare a manual to an auto gearbox torque , as they are run in a different gear ratio.
  5. UK spec 278bhp car (DE engine) CANT have multi maps. All other car can have multi maps even i the car came without cruise control ( we can retro fit acruis einto any car and also have a solution if you have a non stock steering wheel)
  6. Guys get the fastest time slips scanned and emailed to me please; mark@abbeymotorsport.co.uk
  7. Right , been thinking about looking after you guys; What about a deal with supplying/fitting the HFC's and a reflash with the Uprev system? Will work a price out over the next few days. keep an eye out for the deal on this thread.
  8. Just sorting out a initial order from Stillen , what do you guys want then? Might sea freight some stuff to give you guys even a better deal. If you guys n girls list what you want prices on we can get some shipping figures worked out for you.
  9. Chaps and gurls; have a look at the new Brams Raing You Tube TV channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BramsRacingTV let me know your feedback please.
  10. Chaps and gurls; have a look at the new Brams Raing You Tube TV channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BramsRacingTV let me know your feedback please.
  11. Hi Guys, thaks for the thumbs up Sasha, no worries re picking the car up and lucily I was flying out of terminal 3 around the same time you was flying back in. I was off to Uprev in the US for the meeting at UPREV to allow us to retune the R35GTR ecu which we can now do. We are £72-00 inc vat for workshop time and £100-00 inc vat for dyno time, Consult 2/3 used for Diagnostic's. With Nissan trained Tech as well ;-) SS , your just very luck and Nessa twisted my arm......
  12. mmmmmm. N/A or F/I tune? sounds like we could have a deal/
  13. Sorry just look at the link you posted. Thanks Does it go throught the front and rear bulkheads for extra stiffness?
  14. We can do a very good deal on these.
  15. No HKS filter was used.......... Some one care to supply all the filter's ( minus the HKS ones I will suplly that) I supply the dyno free of charge. Let me know , turbo cars are notoriuos to give un relaible figures due to heat soak , even a Zed will need cooling to give the same AIR INTAKE TEMP ambient figure doesn't really make a different as long as it is around 30+ degree's in the dyno room. Let me know if you want the test done on our Dynapack? we can even log the ECU data to get a fair test. Mark
  16. Sorry for the slow reply, best thing for this is you to buy a Osiris Standard system , this allow's you to flash the ECU yourself witha map supplied by ourselves , you can then log a few parameters send them to me I can then tweak the map to suit and send it back to be reloaded. This system cost's US$500-00 + shipping.
  17. They all do the same job we have found! We use HKS in stock ready to go
  18. Hi, why didnt you buy the XYZ Y pipe from us , we carry these in stock and I can do an awesome deal to include a Uprev remap as well From the cars we have dynoed I feel the gains you get from fitting new filters kits like the Stillen or Ignen aren't worth the money spent buying and fitting. Also removing the front bumper to fit the filter's can put the bonnet lifter warning lights on so a trip to a dealer is needed to turn these off or we can turn them off for you. Just some panel filters work very well but the main gains comes from the Uprev remap you can bolt all the parts on you want but the main gains comes from the remap we have proven. Mark
  19. Cheers Guys n Girls re the replies. I am away in the US at the moment will sort out questions when I am back in the UK. The 370 your correct it doesn't need a bonnet like the 350 Stillen kit.
  20. We have brought Stillen stuff for a while but after meeting up with the Guys from Stillen at Uprev meeting we got chatting and a proper dealership set up. I dont bullshit, anyone can buy parts from any supplier and say they are dealers. I know you buy direct from Stillen they said that. Just thought I have a chat with them and they said hey you should be a dealer of Stillen. Good luck with your shop Tarmac. We have some awesome stuff coming from Uprev with Z's as well.
  21. Hi guys n girls, Just out in the US at the moment , been to Uprev in Texas for a update on some new idea's coming out of Uprev. Stillen where there so we got talking, just got to iron out a few queries then we will be an official Stillen dealer. So any questions re parts you want pricing on ask away. It looks like we maybe the appointed supplier/fitter and tuner for the Stillen 370Z Supercharger kit. We are starting to get all the main 350/370Z part suppliers on board at Abbey , all the suppliers are really happy to be involved with Abbey with our experience in tuning Nissans for over 20 years. Mark
  22. Is it the Ian short bloke that can chat the legs of a donkey? I think it is, he has done a few jobs for us as well. I been thinking bout upgrading the system in the Zed I will have a look at your set up SS and have a think. cheers.
  23. These cars dont have brake pads wear sensors. Think it is best to get a Diagnostic machine plugged in to see if there is any retained faults. but if it was reset doing a turn off back on, just like a control alt delete on a computer unless it comes back on again I wouldn't worry.
  24. There will be a few package deals around very soon. Remember you get tea/coffee and toast with or without marmite ony our trips to see us @ Abbey!|!!!!
  25. Pleased to say Abbey are now a Berks Dealer. So together with UPREV Motordyne HKS we know supply all the main tuning parts for the 350/370Z cars. Keep an eye out for the 1st shipment prices from Berks. Mark
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