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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. In a word no, this will show you have a loss via the piston rings , but the oil control rings work in a different way to the top 2 compression rings. You will always get a small loss as the piston rings have a small gap to allow for expansion so even as the rings are correctly placed you will get some gas pressure loss. The oil rings work by scrapping the oil from the bores. They are the lowest of the rings pack. Mark
  2. we can look down the bores to inspect the cylinder bore condition do a cylinder leakage test , compression test. But you cant inspect the oil rings I am afraid. I thought it was the Rev Up motor that had oil uage issues but it seems the early car's (DE motors) are starting to show problems now
  3. try a 20W60 oil that the thickest that is around. But i doubt that will stop the oil buring thou.
  4. Doesnt matter what number a dyno gives , as long as you have your car run on the same dyno and keep the pulls to the same time and ramp rate you see the gains/losses. We run all the 350/370Z's with the same ramp rate so everyone can compare there figures. Re manufacturer's figures I wont take any notice until I have run them on our dyno.
  5. Chris, as I said there is a swap over re ECU number on the 2010 cars. If it comes to it I will buy a ECU from the US with the correct number. Cheers Mark
  6. I've a 2010 Anniversary auto if that's any use? Mike, PM your reg or chassis number and I will check the ECU number on Monday. Thanks Mark Mark
  7. Chris, Nissan decided to do ECU Rom change just after your build date. I have 3 possible customers in Aussie that want e tunes but I don't want to cross load maps that far away from home. An 2011 car would be better to be honest but I will work out the date of the change next week. Thanks
  8. Hi, I need a 2010/2011 370Z Auto to allow me to down load the ECU data so we can Uprev tune these cars. Any one want a cheap deal on a remap in return for the data from your ECU. It will not cause you any hassle with your warranty. thanks Mark
  9. Why dont you talk to Tarmac re shipping?
  10. SS, to much Chocolate last night..... Mark
  11. thats sounds awesome getting married and then off to Canada. I am sure there are plenty of Z's around just make sure you have your winter tyres at the ready. And US truck proper sized , Look at the Titan Truck they are lovley. bet you cant wait.
  12. Another good idea is to tweak the connectors on the throttle body , these seem to become loose and then make a bad connection twisting the male part will provide a better connection. then reset the ECU ( disconnecting the Battery will also do the same thing as an ECU reset)
  13. never taken much notice to the shape , but I have been out and measured the pipework the HR has smaller inlet pipes that the DE/REV-up Y pipes; The limiting factor I feel on these cars are the CATS , a Y-pipe will give you more midrange grunt but top end will be the same as the CATS are the resticting issues. Stock exhaust are good for 400bhp so they wont be any issue on a Normal RPM limit N/A car.
  14. Motordyne only list 1 Y pipe for a 3 350z models. The 313 bhp just has extra weights/double skimming for noise issues.
  15. They are all the same the Y pipes on all the 350Z cars.
  16. Nissan dont run a degree figure in the ignition map they run a millisecond figure before peak cylinder pressure, does the the same thing but not as simple to tune. The timing difference between high and low detonation on a DE motor is around 10 degree's but I would imagine to tune for unleaded we would run the car a little richer as well as retarding ignition timing say around 4/6 degree's Igntion timing.
  17. It could cause damage , I have never had a car in with detonation damage, so maybe it is okay to run the cars on unleaded. If the car see's detonation it will switch to the high detonation Ignition map it wont switch back to the low detonation ignition map until the ignition switch has been cycled off. So the car onc eit is on the high det map will run around 6 degree's retard on the timing over the entire ignition map so it will not cause damage. I am developing a unleaded map for all the 350Z car but we are just a little short on dyno time at the moment. Mark
  18. Stock Airboxes with panel filters are the best in my opinon.
  19. its only the latest 370z that has full time ignition control (knock) , all the 350Z car only have knock control up to around 5000rpm. Attached is a knock control map from the stock ECU , your see there is knock control up to 5000rpm this is the RED zones , the GREN zones there is no knock control.|Where the green is there isnt any knock control. Mark
  20. Ian, I have the S/C sold as per our phone call yesterday. I have sent you a email as well regarding the sale of this Kit. thanks Mark
  21. mmmmm and then I have to buy a Busa as well then, did anyone say turbo chargers......LOL
  22. If you want to run E10 or E85 properly you need to retune the car as you require approx 20% more E85 to get the right AFR. To run E85 your need bigger injectors and fuel pump and a remap , something I have done on a GTR Skyline but not on a 350Z , but we are working on a motor in the US that will be making big BHP on E85 and a stock ECU very soon ( it will have a big pair of blowers fitted as well thou) E85 is cheaper but yu do need a lot more of it.
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