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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. P1283 NISSAN - Air Fuel Ratio (A/F) Sensor 1 Lean Shift Monitoring Bank 2 sounds like the front lambda on bank 2 has had a fault, you maybe luckily and reset it and it wont come back on. Another good idea is to swap the front lambda'a over from bank 1 to bank 2 and vice versa. This sometimes sorts the problem out. I doubt the plenum spacer/air filter will be the cause. Mark
  2. The cats have a matrix inside that converts the exhaust gas into a safer gas , a stock cat is around a density of 500 dpi where as a HFC(high flow cat) is nornally around 250/200dpi so it is less restricting,so the exhaust gas flows easier so less restricting , but still allows the car to pass the MOT emission test. Being less restricting fitting HFC's makes the car's sound a lot better and then fitting a nice exhaust system and a remap will keep the car legal and let the car sound and go like it should. hope that helps.
  3. It wont be a Stillen exhaust on the deal it will be a HKS , are you still interested? I also have a big berks delivery on it's way to the UK so we can also add a set of HFC,s into the deal if your interested in the HKS super sound master exhaust system. Mark
  4. We can do you an awesome deal on an exhaust and include a Uprev remap if so needed. Please dont count us out thou as we arent the cheapest labour rate but far cheaper than a main dealer but we know the 350/370 Zeds really well and have the latest diagnostic equipment in house.
  5. If it is in the sandwich plate it can be in the oil flow to the oil cooler or oil flow from the cooler, so you need to make sure they are in the same place before comparing.
  6. Temp sensor's need oil flow over them to read correctly. But reading in the sump is a pretty good idea. But I think you better readign the oil temp before it goes back into the motor after running htrough the oil cooler.
  7. Ended up a good tune after the initial dyno hassles; 1st run I noticed the car was running lean and there was slight noticable detonation at hgh RPM due to the fitment of the Berks HFC's So a few minutes building a base map and a couple of runs we was getting nearer to the require AFR's and the torque and BHP started to come back. A few pulls tweaking the cam control map to smooth the torque out. I also spent some time tuning cam control at part throttle to help mid range part throttle torque. Uploaded the normal Uprev throttle opening maps tweaked the speed limit and RPM limits.
  8. We can also supply aftermarket cooling fans for a cost of £78-00 inc vat + delivery. Just waiting for stock to srrive. Mark
  9. Just taken delivery of some Anti Roll bar drop links for all the 350Z cars. We can pass on the super deal we are getting these links for. Front or rear pair of links including VAT are £70-00 inc vat. Plenty in stock.
  10. Remove the 2nd set of cats using an after market front pipe. Re flash stock ECU using either Ecutek or Uprev, to raise boost to 1.1/1.2 bar and then leave alone they are quick enough at 550ish BHP and will be reliable. We dont just tune old GTRs and 350/370's!!!!
  11. Tim, You car is spot on re AFR, remember Anlid is runnign 95 octane fuel so it needs running richer than a car tuned on 98 octane fuel. Also the dyno plot is only for infomation how many times do you drive full throttle from 1500 rpm to 6500rpm , never I should think. must of the time you shift at 6500rpm the revs dropp to around 4500/5000rpm then you back on full throttle. I have never had the Uprev datalogs from you Tim so I cant speak on this lean spot you have spoken about? Mark
  12. Oil starvation has been put around re the engine failures, but the one that failed on my dyno had no issues of low oil pressure while on the dyno , oil and filter had been changed prior to the dyno work. After the failure we pulled the plugs out and looked down all the bores with our endescope. No. 3 pistons has gone only the gudgeon pin left connected to the con rod , with out any more stripping which we do if we do any motor change the con-rod is still connected to the crank I cant tell if the big end has seized but I doubt otherwise I am sure the rod would off been broken and cause major engine block damaged. So why did the piston break up , to many rev's , detonation. We wont know until we get the motor stripped we can say no more , but the amount of damage in that cylinder I doubt we will have any piston to inspect, but i am sure we can inspect the other 5 pistons for detonation damage inspect the bearing for hammering due to detonation. Mark
  13. They are the same control's just swapped over, I would think the wiring may well need extending but I am would need to check the 2 cars out, will endeavour to check this out next week. Mark
  14. You can fit a after market ECU if you want but for what most people want a stock remapped ECU works fine. You keep the cruise control,fly by wire,self diagnostic system. In my eyes the stock ECU is an awesome piece of kit especially as we can tune it.
  15. not really , you cant just fit wide bands to a JDM car thou. Really only a issue when tuning as we cant datalog the AFR via the ECU on early JDM cars.
  16. Nope you need to read ECU number from ECU code via OBD port
  17. Theoretically, yes. More pre-detonation will cause increased damage to the pistons, the rings and the bores, which can lead to oil passing the seals and getting burnt off in the combustion chamber, which obviously then causes massive oil consumption. From what we have seen the oil usage is due to polished bores and oil control rings wearing out, but oil in the breather system will lower the octane rating of the fuel.
  18. only late DE JDM ECU will work in a UK car but we need to turn a few CEL codes off in the ECU as there are wiring/component differences.
  19. I dont think a JDM ECU will code up (NATS) to run in a UK car but I havent tried it to be honest; UK car has a 155mph speed limiter. Easiet way to work out what ECU you have is to read the ECU number with either Consult or a Uprev system; DE UK car will have ECU 23710-CD700 for a cruise car 23710-CD800 for a non cruis ecar JDM cars early will be either 23710- CD405/406/415/416. But all the UK car's are wide band lambda cars but all JDM cars upto 09/2005 where narrow band lambda cars. So these ECU's wont swap over. Hope that helps Mark
  20. There is knock control under 4800 rpm. attached is a couple of screen shots from the UPREV software tuning package , should help you understand how the car runs knock control In the 1st screen you see the normal ignition running map , the number aren't in degree's of timing they are in mille seconds before peak cylinder pressure. The number will change per RPM increase. The high det map removes ignition timing if the car hears knock within the knock control window, on the 2nd screen grab your see green and red colouring when the car is running in the Red area we have full knock control , when it is Green area there is limited knock control which we have found will not prevent detonation occuring. When we tune for either Super unleaded or unleaded we make a bigger difference between the normal running map and the high detonation map so the car will feel slow if it see's detonation within the control area. We find when running on unleaded fuel (95 octane) even the high detonation map is to agressive re ignition timing for unleaded fuel. I hope this helps people understand how your cars work.
  21. Graham, that reads pretty good (speed read), seems to answer all the questions people will ask. Will spend sometime and properly read the whole lot thou.
  22. Chris, from our datalogging on the dyno yes I think all cars running 95 octane with a stock map (98 Octane) may be seeing detonation. Mark
  23. I was saying the car's only have knock control up to 4800rpm as a stock after this RPM the car doesnt have knock control. This is all in the stock ECU. If the car see's heavy knock readings it will switch to the high detonation map which has around 5 degree's timing removed. The car that we have here that has failed hasnt had a bottom end failure from what we can see , it has had piston failure. The car had a full service prior to dyno work. 1st pull on the dyno I noticed some wrong spoke to Scott saying I think the car is running 95 Octane fuel , he spoke to the customer that confirmed it was running on 95 octane fuel. I have a feeling that the usage of 95 octane fuel may have caused weakening of the piston's maybe due to continual detonation over a long period. Mark
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