strange fault this one. weird how its only at 3Krpm. reminds me of my Evo, fitted new spark plugs, gap was too big, as soon as you come on boost, the boost blew the spark out causing a miss. but obviously theres no boost to blow out the spark on these
I doubt this will be a spark plug issues but I haven't seen or heard the problem myself, these cars just misfire on a cylinder all the time when the plugs are worn out or if the car has the wrong plugs fitted , we had a car in last week fitted with wrong plugs that caused a full cylinder misfire but this also caused a CEL for a misfire
could it not be spark plugs/coils breaking down as the engine gets loaded up? especially if its only a splutter? surely if it was the MAF, it would be jerking around all over the place and not just a miss at 3k as it can control the airflow?
We have seen cars with a stumble being caused by AFM , you can see this on the dyno the car was going ultra lean just before the stumble was felt
get under it and check your lambda sensor wires if it looks like theyve been rubbing. and remove your sims from the decats. i fitted the sims from zmanalex to my japspeed decats, then lowered the car, had a random look under the car to see how low the exhaust was and noticed the 02 sensors were really low. going to remove them on my days off, so im using the derv at the mo.
The post cat lambda's don't control fuelling at all they only measure the exhuast gas to tell the ECU if the cats are doing there job , that's why the cars throw CELS when removing the cats, its the pre cat lambda's that control the closed loop fuelling, you can disconnect the post cat lambda's and the car will run the same but just with a constant CEL up