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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. mmmmm strange; you got your car at the moment? try disconnecting the front lambda's putting the car into no closed loop lambda control see if this cures the stumble?
  2. 1st time I have seen a car mis-fire/stumble due to De-cats being fitted thou, they run lean but not to the point that they have a mis-fire/stumble. The AFR in the AFR layout map in the stock ECU are this area is 14.5 so the car should run around that figure, the car is adding fuel around that area to make the required AFR number but I am extremely surprised to see this problem. Something to note I feel. But NeilP if you having a dig at me getting something wrong whys that? We all aren't perfect and we all make mistakes and without seeing a car the crystal ball can be wrong sometimes.
  3. Had a car in yesterday to have a look at with the same sort of issue as your car , after investigation it wasnt the airflow meter, I feel the fitting of the de-cat pipes was making the car run very lean around the 3K rpm area especially at part throttle , resetting the ECU helped but reading the front lamba's and the amount of self learn tune the car was using the car was still to lean in that area. So I was wrong with saying it was an air flow meter problem, sorry.
  4. We are Milltek dealers as well , we carry a system in stock all the time so we can supply a centre pipe on it's own if you need one.
  5. We all might as well jum on the band wagon now , we have stock as well , but if you come and see us to check the problem out, we wont sell you one if you dont need one.
  6. Thats not quite true , they will adjust to the parameters in the map but the parameter in the ECU might not be correct for the specification of the car. A re set will reset the self learn that the ECU has learnt , so this maybe closer to the setting's that the mods fitted to the car require and the car wont take as long to re learn. Mark
  7. strange fault this one. weird how its only at 3Krpm. reminds me of my Evo, fitted new spark plugs, gap was too big, as soon as you come on boost, the boost blew the spark out causing a miss. but obviously theres no boost to blow out the spark on these I doubt this will be a spark plug issues but I haven't seen or heard the problem myself, these cars just misfire on a cylinder all the time when the plugs are worn out or if the car has the wrong plugs fitted , we had a car in last week fitted with wrong plugs that caused a full cylinder misfire but this also caused a CEL for a misfire could it not be spark plugs/coils breaking down as the engine gets loaded up? especially if its only a splutter? surely if it was the MAF, it would be jerking around all over the place and not just a miss at 3k as it can control the airflow? We have seen cars with a stumble being caused by AFM , you can see this on the dyno the car was going ultra lean just before the stumble was felt get under it and check your lambda sensor wires if it looks like theyve been rubbing. and remove your sims from the decats. i fitted the sims from zmanalex to my japspeed decats, then lowered the car, had a random look under the car to see how low the exhaust was and noticed the 02 sensors were really low. going to remove them on my days off, so im using the derv at the mo. The post cat lambda's don't control fuelling at all they only measure the exhuast gas to tell the ECU if the cats are doing there job , that's why the cars throw CELS when removing the cats, its the pre cat lambda's that control the closed loop fuelling, you can disconnect the post cat lambda's and the car will run the same but just with a constant CEL up
  8. Hi, Either use a scope and log the output from the AFM or use the Nissan consult again to datalog the air flow meter voltage
  9. Yes the AFM can be checked using the Nissan Consult diagnostic machine, we are based just off of Junction 6 of the M25. Mark
  10. If it is a hard misfire/cut out I would say it will be electrical, so maybe spark pplugs/coils or even crank trigger/ cam trigger problem or even a Air flow meter problem. I doubt that fitting De-cats will cause this problem thou. Where are you based? are you local to us @ Abbey?
  11. Afraid not , running these cars on 95 octane fuel is false economy I feel.
  12. whoops sorry , only just back to the workshop and found the Magazine on my desk.
  13. Any one seen the latest EVO magazine , good write up on a buying guide for the 350Z in this months magazine,well worth a read. Mark
  14. We carry Berk HFc's in stock and we can carry out the Uprev remap in-house dyno. Berk Race cats deals; 350Z DE/REV up berks are £400-00 inc vat 350Z HR/370z berks are £435-00 inc vat we will fit these free of charge is you book at UPREV remap at the same time and even give you £25-00 off of the Uprev price. so to supply fit and remap a DE/REV up will be £777-00 inc VAT HR/370Z will be £812-00 inc VAT Any questions ask away and we arent to far from you.
  15. That place is so awesome.
  16. it will require a few part but that would add a few quid to the kit and in these days everyone likes a cheap deal. Just bring it to us, no hassle for you no wasted brake fluid and a perfect job.
  17. Yes I agree but that would add cost to the price of the brake line kit. HEL/HKS kit is very cheap but it does take time to fit correctly especially if it is your 1st kit you are fitting.
  18. You need to tidy up the face of the threaded connection into the caliper to allow the banjo bolt copper washer to seat correctly, we have fitted load's of these kits and we will tidy up the face of the caliper as our 1st job.
  19. With the old CKP fitted have you checked the ignition timing to see if the ignition timing is correct? Sounds like it is retarded or on limp home, I feelt he car needs to go a Consult to find the problem. The traction/ABS light CEL is the following problem C1103 R Front Wheel Sensor Circuit Open/Short Mark
  20. It is a job that can be done and the tachometer issue is pretty easy to fix; RB25 gearbox , RB25 sump , R32 Wiring loom/ECU. some fabrication work to make it fit; I see the job done before and it looks pretty good when done properly.
  21. Heff, our links come with new nuts with the links; they take around an hour to fit per axle so to fit front and rears will be around 2 hours. To change the roll bars rubber's will take a little longer , around 2 hours for the rear roll bar and 1.5 hour for the front bar. If you send me a email to mark@abbeymotorsport.co.uk I will sort out a full estimate for the work requested. Mark
  22. The stock system from Y pipe back isnt that restrictive , w ehave seen FI cars with stock rear section flowing 400bhp. If you want a quiet car leave the stock system fitted. Running HFC's with a good Y pipe and system works and sounds good.
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