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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. yeah that makes the torque curve look ultra flat with huge dyno scales not auto scales like the dynapack does.
  2. Neil when I get a 350Z back on the dyno , I will do the 2 different ways on a dyno plot and let you know.
  3. you cant compare a roller dyno plot to a hub dyno plot I am afraid. If you really want a answer get your car back on RS dyno after Dan finishes your car.
  4. fit a sequential gearbox and use nitrous.
  5. because it makes no boost till 5500rpm.
  6. Just been on the dyno with another 4 cylinder turbocharged car; 1 dyno plots below 1 normal dyno plot 1500 rpm to 6300rpm other is a static load plot , both show different figures Normal plot shows 176bhp static load is 194bhp. so the car has gain 18bhp without any tuning work. normal dyno pull below By abbeymotorsport at 2012-03-14 Static dyno load below By abbeymotorsport at 2012-03-14 same car same dyno same day.
  7. 2.7 bar and some NOS but it is only a 2.0ltr still.
  8. Just use the multi map feature on the Uprev 1 map for NOS use and 1 map for NON NOS use. anyway good luck with the car NeilP. Dynapac'sk are pretty good arent they,had ours for 9 years now. Awesome piece of kit. Had a EVO on the dyno yesterday. By abbeymotorsport at 2012-03-14 Tuned by APT tuning http://www.rosssport.com/
  9. We always add 45bhp to a hub figure to get a estimated flywheel figure. NeilP I am not going to query any figures but 265bhp @ the hubs is just a normal good tune on a Rev Up motor with all the normal added parts tuned with any kind of ECU. Running a stepped dyno run always gives a bigger figure I have never run a car like that thou so I cant comment and what other cars will give in relation to a BHP figure. I ask Dan to tell me what length run he does on a normal run and what he does on a step run and when I have a car on the dyno next I do the same and see what figures I get. Post your dyno plot up please Neil.
  10. I agree the Standalone will normally give a more of a gain , but work out the £'s per bhp. I have fitted a few Hlatechs and even removed a few and mapped the cars with Uprev. I feel the gain we come when we can go fully standalone with either LINK or Syvecs which will happen soon. NeilP what other mods do oyu have that is working with the Haltech to give you a gain of 40BHP? I presume you havent had the throttle map changed with Uprev before tunin with the Haltech? Mark
  11. The UK ecu does nothing different to the JDM or even US ECU;s. They all run a closed loop AFR system so even if you fit and parts they tune back to the AFR in the AFR layout map. The cars wont run dangerously lean after fitting de-cats or HFC's but they wont be running at the best AFR. The main worry is that if the car has been Upreved and has been tuned the car without De-cats/HFC's then fit de-cats or HFC's then the car will run very lean. I ask Will370 if I can post his dyno plots up of the AFR after fitting HFC's to a already tuned 350Z to show you what happens.
  12. dont carry these in stock as we feel they dont give any more better results than the basic spacer. Mark
  13. Really, any change to the breathing of the car will need a check on the dyno , but I would think the boost will drop.
  14. If you get one , I will Uprev it for free of charge as I know you think re-mapping Zed's is a waste of time but I am sure you wont want to remove it after I have tweaked the map.
  15. Matt, around 10/15bh and the same in torque , but the real gain is the throttle response and driveability you gain after the remap , if you have a search around your find a few thread son here with people describing how the car felt after a tune. Just fit a plenum spacer and a aftermarket filter and a tune and away you go. Mark
  16. Anders yep we could do that via Logmein , do they quite often with cars abroad.
  17. Anti foulers bolt into the orginal post cat lambda bosses , Japspeed de-cats seem to have these slightly to low in my opinon.
  18. Might have a HKS supercharger for sale soon , S/h but very low mileage , tuner kit thou no fuel system or management maps.
  19. We could supply a Oisiris standard lead and software , you datalog the parameters I require send me the logs I will then send you a tuned map you up load it. I normally get the map spot on pretty quickly , been doing this for around 6 months with cars all over the world. I have tuned over 200 350/370 Zeds so far with the Uprev software so I have a huge amount of data , I afraid I will only tune N/A cars via datalogs thou. sound any good to you guys?
  20. your's is an auto as well......so even more losses......LOL
  21. If you take off about 15% as an average for drivetrain losses you will get around abouts your wheel HP Nope dis-agree, on above; I try not to quote flywheel BHP as the estimate to convert hub/wheel bhp is always a good start to a long debate; It isnt a % loss it is a set figure+ a very small % , it has be discussed so many times; if you use a percentage a car with a 100bhp will have a loss of 15 bhp but the same car with 1000bhp will have 150bhp loss , 150bhp loss in heat is so much it would melt the gearox/rear diff. A totally stock HR will give around 265/270 hub bhp , so a stock flywheel figure for a HR according to Nissan is 313 bhp , 313 - 270= 43 bhp loss , so add 43 to 282.4 bhp = 325bhp flywheel. Abbey add 35bhp to the hub figure as a conservstive flywheel figure.
  22. Just had a look @ a stock catalyst from a DE car and yes there are 2 matrix's within the cat pipe , the rear 02 sensor is actually in between the 2 matrix's and the front matrix looks far more dense than the rear matrix.
  23. Best reply I have read , dont get held up on top end BHP level with these cars, the mods and tuning will make the cars so much stronger mid range and thats where we drive them mostly.
  24. The R35GTR has 2 sets of cats but both the 350?370 only have 1 set of cats.
  25. Dis-agree with this but I may be biased as I have a hub based dyno , if you don't use the conversion figure to estimate flywheel bhp it is a very good tool. Just look at the wheel/hub figures and you wont be far wrong.
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