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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. Coming from the US , are you sure it will fit at all , you may struggle to fit the kit with our steering column on the other side.
  2. It is looking like I will be making the trip up to Scotland the week beginning the 15th October. any takers?
  3. cost is as before in this thread; £550-00 inc vat We normally find around 10 to 15bhp from a tune but the improved throttle response is the main gain with these remaps.
  4. We carry the uprated CSC in stock. PM for any more infomation.
  5. We have seen stock CSC fail with after market clutches. Normally the higher loading from the uprated covers cause issues. The issue with the CSC is it doesn't like heat or the extra load. Do you think you at ride the clutch a little? Mark
  6. Okay new bump for this thread , looks like I have a couple of GT86's that require tuning so I can add these to the group; again who is interested? thanks
  7. TBH I wouldnt bother , we will get a small gain from changing from the HR Y pipe to a HKS pipe but the map has already been tweaked so that will take care of the extra flow.
  8. Ian, thanks for the feedback. Hope you had a good time at the ring.
  9. Yes we remove the jerky issue that is seen on the HR engine. Thanks
  10. we do after market replacements for £204-00 inc vat a pair +postage
  11. We remap the throttle maps to make the car more reponsive ,tweaks the fuel and ignition maps and work on the cams maps to remove the glitch the HR seems to have at small throttle openings; Also the ECU is mapped for the car mods. thanks
  12. Did you open the throttle when carrying out the compression test?
  13. Still no firm definite bookings; I am open to idea's re booking dates; Still very interested in coming up North to tune a few cars..
  14. It isn't a throttle butterfly problem , cleaning them will make no difference. But if you want to clean them disconnect the battery and disconnect the ECU.
  15. Give us a ring you can offer a better deal and we can fit it as well FOC. Thanks
  16. The car is using oil, running with stock cats burnt the oil smoke off running without cats you see and smell the oil smoke.
  17. BLUE smoke....Cats normally burn the oil smoke off , seeing as your in a REV UP powered car you may have an engine that uses oil I am afraid.
  18. yes as you have removed the Cats these clean the exhaust gas....
  19. We run more Ignition timing with decats , fitting CATS slows the flow up so therefore you could cause damage. Especially while running flat out , knock control is turned off over 4800 rpm. no you should be okay as the car in stock calibration is tuned very safely.
  20. If your going to clean the TB's, disconnect the wiring to the TB's and disconnect the battery as well, opening the TB connected cusses issues with the ECU idle circuit.
  21. Sounds like the normal exhaust cam control issues on a HR Nissan 350Z , easy fix with a Uprev tune.
  22. It will be a week day I am afraid , thread has gone very quiet thou doesn't seem like we can get the numbers; Maybe we can bump this thread again. Can we put together a possible group of 4 cars (1 days work) for late August possible? thanks
  23. We have to send the ECU to be reprogrammed; There are 2 Eprom chips in the ECU 1 controls idle and NATS the other everything else. If you move the butterflies on the Throttle bodies WITHOUT disconnecting the ECU and Throttle body plugs it corrupts the IDLE/NATS EPROM. This is what causes the bad idle, we can have this Eprom reprogrammed but you lose the NATS in the your ECU. so please disconnect the battery and TB wiring plugs when you clean your throttle bodies please.
  24. Looks like everything is up in the air at the moment; I am am coming up North to tune only 4 cars , so the cost will rise by £35-00 each making £585-00 inc vat I need deposits (50%) from 4 people before I will look into booking a dyno and flight and accomodation. will be August now I am afraid. thanks
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