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Mark@Abbey m/s

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Everything posted by Mark@Abbey m/s

  1. We always knew the stock airbox works worked well , very little heat soak issues as well. Stock Its the same car as run under team Lizard (Steve Burke) we posted a few years ago , car is now a car is owned by Abbey Motorsport own. Depends what your using the car for , this being a race car we use the datalogging , ability to have switchable traction control , the ability to turn the ABS with the traction switch maps, different DBW (drive by wire) throttle maps per gears and per traction set up , run the passengers side fuel pump control against G readings G4X has a built in G-sensor, Pit lane speed limiter activation to name a few things. Stock ECU maybe will give the same number but it on a race car we need something a little better.
  2. Been very quiet on here but thought you guys would like to see what we have been working on @ Abbey over the last year or so , car was originally Steve Burkes that we used to help develop and service , due to some issue outside our control the car wasnt used for circ 4 years , we came to a deal with Steve and the car became Abbey Motorsport's minus the excellent Quaife Sequential. So we had a tidy up and fitted a built motor high compression around 13 to 1 , forged rods/pistons/ JWT cams A3505-REVC8 VQ35 Rev-Up C8 272 Deg/.473 cams , PPE Genuine Long tube headers , Motordyne shock wave exhaust with HFC added to keep the car race legal , Link Extreme ECU controlling the fuel/sparks, still running stock throttle body , plenum with plenum spacer and stock airbox and intake tube running on Super fuel 317 hub bhp so almost 360 flywheel BHP 80 bhp gain over a stock DE and 290+ flywheel torque , 3 lines are 60/80 and 100% throttle runs , should be fun.
  3. oil pressure isnt an input into the ECU in a stock car, we have fitted oil pressure sensor to a few cars and have used the oil temp gauge to show oil pressure as well , cans how both at the same time we set up 2 different maps to show either but if you had a blue tooth kit you could view oil pressure on your phone/tablet install.
  4. fuel return kit allows the fuel pressure to rise in relation to boost pressure, So keeping the differential fuel pressure correct so the injector spray pattern is consistent A non return fuel system when used on a FI car the differential fuel pressure drops as the boost rises , the injector spray will start to become in-consistent which can cause issues; Reason for return-less system is cheaper not as man parts and doesn't heat the fuel as nothing is returned. If your going FI a fuel return system is the way to go , people say you don't need it but it is a better way to go in our opinon
  5. Having a tidy up @ Abbey HQ , found a few parts that we are going to pass onto your guys at great deals; Will keep adding to this thread as we find time 1st item is a brand new pair of Motordyne ART pipes for a DE/REV UP 350Z (it is a pair will come with gaskets/bolts on the outlet side uses stock manifold to cat gaskets Looking for £350-00 inc vat + delivery Please email mark@abbeymotorsport.co.uk with any questions no takers , are the items cheap enough? average price for these are £600+ new ,
  6. This could be controlled via Ecutek Race Rom , we can control a relay , so we could use Air flow meter voltage or Injector pulse width to control the relay that controls the fuel pump
  7. Road or Track map? what run 2 types of fuel?
  8. the stuff we have with long tube are all race cars no cats no driven on the road and very aggressive builds I am afraid
  9. The only headers worth fitting are PPE long tube headers with the merge collectors, we tried the HR headers type on the DE they never give much more than 5 to 10 bhp which isn't good for the costs/time.
  10. Hi , Just to confirm we are still tuning 350Z with Uprev software and the 370's with Ecutek @ Abbey Motorsport after we have had a few customers ring and say we have stopped tuning these cars and they need to go to Horsham Developments; For the rest of August and September we are going to be offering Uprev single map tuning on our in house dyno for £360-00 inc vat, extra maps and ARC items will be extra. Nissan 370Z I will work on the deal pricing over the weekend
  11. looking at it that way yes your correct , I have no way to reply on the platforms these allegations are written so thought an open forum would be good but your correct guys it isnt the place. Thanks and stay say guys.
  12. yep got one of those here @ ShAbbey. Send me an Email to mark@abbeyMotorsport.co.uk should have a pick up pipe somewhere will need to have a better look
  13. I have been sent some information from another Facebook group that I am unable to defend myself on (this reply will also go on the main forum to allow the said people to reply in an open forum. I feel the use of Shabby Motorsport will go on record , the information regards Chris I never quoted that I said we "Built "Chris car the Abbey Built refereed to the building and tuning of the VQ35 motor maybe a mis-quote. With regards his experience with us @ Abbey Motorsport there is our side to the story that I will post up with out any issues on an open forum. I have adjusted the post as it wasn't the correct use of the forum for our Abbey Motorsport grievances. Just need people not on the locked Facebook pages etc to see how some people do business
  14. awesome build , Wiring specialities loom are pretty much plug and play , I presume your using the LS ECU so are you using the CAN BUS translator so the stock car is happy?
  15. It’s been bought to our attention that we have been on the receiving end of very negative posts on threads, pages and by direct message that we have no access to and are therefore unable to respond to. We have a long history and high level skill when it comes to Motorsport at many levels, including the world stage and while we will accept that there are issues when modifying cars beyond the duty that they were designed for, we always try our best to work with our customers to provide a fair and reasonable solution when things don’t go to plan. We have posted this here in open forum so that any grievances can be discussed fairly and with all parties having a right to respond, as with many things in life, there are usually always two viewpoints or sides to everything and then, somewhere in the middle, what actually happened. We feel strongly that we are being unreasonably targeted and wish to not only put an end to these defamatory statements, arguably boarding on Slander, by dealing with facts but also deal directly with any issues. Please contact us with any evidence of said defamation, as we are considering legal action and also so that we can set the record straight and state the facts, present evidence or at the very least, have fair right to reply and defend ourselves. Let’s keep the Z community in the UK open, fair and reasonable. Thanks for your consideration and co-operation. Mark, Scott and the team at Abbey Motorsport
  16. not any takers on this deal? People un-interested or not wanting to come to Abbey for tuning your 350/370Z , I would like to know why TBH Thanks Mark
  17. We are going to be doing discounted Uprev and EcuTek days at Abbey Motorsport 2 x UPREV (350Z) 2 x days a month this means 6 cars discounted from £400-00 inc vat to £360-00 inc vat if we do 3 tunes in a day (NA cars single maps) will require deposit 50% 1 x ECUTEK (370Z) 1 day a month this means 2 cars a month Basic Ecutek tune is £576-00 inc vat reduced to £536-00 inc vat (upgraded traction_pops and bangs available as extra’s) again will require deposit for booking 50%. If we can start to get a list below we can work on dates for the July dates @ Abbey Motorsport
  18. oil usage could be causing issues as it lowers the octane rating of the fuel. Few other ideas lean fuelling- air flow meter failings fuel pump dropping flow air leak (would normally throw a DTC thou
  19. One thing thou these are US car's. The DE car specs between UK-US and JDM are all a little different Mainly O2 sensors All The UK DE (276bhp) have wide-band lambda's Early US and Early JDM cars have a different wide band sensor think is was 2005 be fore the JDM/US cars went fully wideband But there are differences in the wiring between the cars dependant where they where built fo.
  20. have you balanced the whole rotating assembly? Crank/flywheel/clutch cover/rods/pistons?
  21. Interesting find on the ABS delete unit. re the heat difference across the axles I thought you ran without the ABS/VDC connected (fuse pulled) as seeing a difference in temps cross the calipers says that the VDC is still working. The rear biased valve , is this an extra drilling (line) in the new block assembly to allow a single line to control the feed to the 2 rear brake line? Found the website and the tech drawings , good piece of kit , good find.
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