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Everything posted by Impressed
I am not the police or any authority but I do find driving like this on a pubic road unacceptable. What does my post count matter? That just means I reply to the threads I feel I want to. Not every thread that may provoke a sale. It comes with age and experience to see w@nker driving when I see it. Especially when it is described in such detail. You are fighting the wrong war. Try explaining to a parent that their child has been killed due to some knob in a fast car. I do expect to be banned for this but. "you and many others on here are just immature boy racers with no conscience" And as for selling the Z to the OP I would rather crush it into a cube.. Bring on the Tesla. Dont bother correcting my spelling / grammar etc. I am dyslexic.
Have to disagree with this. I picked my Zed up a few weeks ago and when driving back on a straight dual carriageway at the appropriate speed, in rain, in 6th gear and with traction turned on, I slowed to about 55 due to a car ahead. When he moved over I gently accelerated back up the cruise speed and fish tailed left and right 3 or 4 times before I got it straight. Completely took me by surprise. It wasn't provoked at all but I suspect either greasy roads or possibly a fuel spillage perhaps? Either way, while I caught it, it could easily have spun and caused an accident. No clutch dumping was required to get it spinning Wonder what that's all about. I've never had my Z fishtail without provoking it. And certainly not with TC on. Even in the wet. And that's with forced induction too. I can get it right out of shape if I want to and slide all day long but I dint see how it's loss of traction can be so unexpected if you're not giving it the beans. Or like you say, oil on road etc. Agreed. I assume Jay Kay was having a laugh. As said earlier the OP was obviously being a pr!ck. As for the rest of you do you not see the problem behaving like this on a 30mph public road. I would suggest to the OP that as there has not been anyone killed he deletes the incriminating evidence from this thread. I am especially disappointed at a reputable trader not taking this behaviour seriously. So sad I may sell the Z and get a Tesla to get on a more responsible forum.
The wheels that mounted the pavement at 50mph at least.
Quote Tuga86 "U know what was the limit " Why the smiley ya pr!ck. Its not appropriate. Are you a Troll? just to wind people up. People on here give up there time to help.
First off I appreciate you have not dressed it up with “a giraffe jumped out†or similar. As you say you have learnt your lesson and taking it on the chin. BUT. Yes, even I drive like a tool sometimes. If I didn’t what would be the point of owning a Z. However I class driving like a tool as accelerating down a slip road so hard that I have to slow down again to join the motorway in the dry. Its fine to have a bit of fun but in a 30 zone, with the TC off in the wet (god knows why), where there are houses, footpaths, children and clearly very fast. WTF were you thinking. To do that much damage, especially to the back you must have being doing some (in 30 zone). That’s not spirited driving that’s being a tit. Spinning the wheels up in third gear even in the wet on a straight bit of road does not ring true to me, at lease not so violently that you have no time to react. You can spin the wheels in third in the wet if you rev it and dump the clutch or stamp on the throttle on a wet greasy road but you have to do it on purpose. Ekona is dead right and I don’t know why people are cutting you any slack. It’s a good job for you that the big guy with children that lives in that house in your third picture wasn’t home as I don’t think you would be typing. By the way I am not perfect. I wrote off my mothers 1L cherry when I was 17, ran into the back of a stationary car at traffic lights, I remember placing my hand on my passengers knee and wondering if today was the day I would get my hole then bang, not the bang I was hoping for. At 18 I wrote off my 1300S Astra at roundabout on a dual carriageway in the wet (lamp post). At 30 I wrote off my 2L Vectra when I fell asleep on the motorway (after taking Benylin for a cough at work) and drifted into the left hand lane into the back of a lorry. Now at 44 with no further accidents. Touch wood. I call this learning risk and learning to drive. So don’t get another Z yet, learn risk and learn to drive in a less powerful car. Feck me where is Wendy when you need her. I got a right doing a few weeks back for not realising I had a faulty tyre. I need you on this one Wendy, someone PM her. So you have said you have learned your lesson, I hope so. DELETED. PS. It seems you got that throttle response sorted out from your earlier post. Could you share the solution because there are a few on here that would like to create a 1000hp Z.
Did you pay by credit card?
Yes this is what I was asking originally but it got lost in the abuse. Could it be related to prolonged brake judder, we could all learn from this if anyone can answer. I will answer your question of a session of spirited driving.... I am embarrassed to say that when I had the rotors skimmed at 86000 miles they replaced the factory OEM pads.
Sorry could not resist. Bring on the Plumbing quiz.
Sorry people, went out for a couple of beers and a game of darts last night with my mate the "Rocked Scientist". I had no chance his trajectory was spot on. I re-read Wendys and The Toons comments with a few beers in me and felt like I was being spoken to like a child. This is my excuse for coming over as a bit of a Knob. For the record, I am a mechanical engineer (Heating and ventilation) and I have read all these subjects but only in magazines. With help from my great late father I have a good knowledge of all things mechanical. My main point is valid. Once in a while you should check your tires all the way around. This was what I was trying to get across. So sorry Wendy. "The Toon" still not sure about you as I grew up in Sunderland. Anyway to the quiz. OK. My answers. I may be off on some so please correct me. 1) Do you know why there are 2 hydraulic circuits on your cars brakes? There is a common point of failure but we can come to that later. Opps I may have given you a hint to question 3 here. Its called redundancy. I have experienced this on my first car a 1300S Y reg astra. Master cylinder at fault. One circuit does front left and rear right, the other circuit does the opposite. The reason for this is that it is immediately obvious if one system fails but you can still bring the vehicle to a controlled stop. KO 1 AZ 1 2) Why do you think the prop shaft on your 350Z is made of the exotic material Carbon Fibre? Hint, it’s not so it looks nice or is lighter or stronger. I think the main reason is in the event of a rear end collision serious enough to shorten the car it makes it impossible for it to puncture and enter the driver compartment causing injury. Carbon fibre is strong in some respects but will disintegrate before piecing the drive tunnel. KO 0 AZ 0 3) Why do they make it difficult by having your 2 headlamps on different fuses? Redundancy again. KO 1 AZ 1 4) Why do they continue making plain engine bearings out of lead when it is very soft? I thing they are a few reasons. Any hard metallic particulate will be pressed into the lead and not cause further damage. If you lose oil pressure the bearing will melt and the knocking will alert you to a problem before the engine seizes, There is know reason to use a harder material as once started they don't contact the crankshaft due to oil pressure, that's why they say most engine wear takes place on starting. KO 0 AZ 0.5 5) Why do they make brake rotors out of cast iron when heat treated steel is much harder and wear resistant? Its economical to cast and machine. Also brakes operate at such temperatures that heat treated steel would soon lose its temper. KO 0 AZ 0.5 6) Why do you think they go to the effort of forging RAYs when casting is a cheaper option? Because forging makes the material stronger. KO 0 AZ 2 you get 2 because you mentioned grain. 7) Why do they make it so the impact of a collision has to be such that there is a danger of the chassis buckling before the airbags deploy? Why not give you a nice pillow anyway? The actual air bag deployment is very violent and is only deployed if the situation is life threatening. KO 1 never considered that. Early air bags actually used gun powder. I am sure they will be a bit more sophisticated now but they will generate heat as it is an oxidizing reaction. AZ 1 8) Why do you think it would be worse to have a blow out on a motorway at 70mph as opposed to on a back road at 60mph? I know which I would prefer. All the vehicles on your side are traveling in the same direction so impacts are lighter even though the speed is higher. Any solid objects are protected to direct you away from them if you lose control. You are not going to hit someone traveling in the opposite direction (game over). KO 1 more time AZ 1 run off area 9) Can you remember what a distributor and points were for? The points driven from a square cam on the camshaft (4 cylinder) provided the 12V timing pulse to the single coil at the correct time based on engine speed and vacuum. The distributor distributed the HV to the spark plugs in the correct order. In those days if you drove through a deep puddle you might be in trouble as a lot of the HV circuit was exposed and prone to shorting. On the 350Z as most modern cars the 12V timing pulse is provided by the ECU using much more information than the engine speed and crude mechanical vacuum advancement of old cars. The 12V is then converted to HV by the coil packs on top of each spark plug. Having the entire HV circuit protected from water etc they are much resistant KO 0 AZ 1 10) Do you understand why in the USA the 350Z is considered the most dangerous car? I could have worded this better. I think I followed a link on here that told me statistically it is the most dangerous car. My belief is that parents buy them for the kids because its only a 3.5l car compared to their 5l car. However its a tuned 3.5L engine and it catches the kids out. KO 0 AZ 1 Scores KO 4 AZ 9 AZ You win a dubious part (OK fully worn) tyre, where do you want it delivered. Apologies again.
So Wendy, Now you know I am a qualified engineer and I am not a 17 year old that has bought a 3.5l car you don’t seem so volatile. I have read structures, material science, engineering and manufacturing engineering. So let’s have a quiz. It’s off topic but may be fun. These may not all apply to the 350Z but cars in general. Anybody can take part but please let Wendy and The Toon reply first. I would like to have an apriciation of these two. Please people do not look these up on Wiki etc. that would spoil it. I have picked these questions out of my brain and I will answer them in the same manner to the best of my knowlege. Obviously I have the advantage as they are my questions. I am unsure of a couple to be honest as I ran out of questions. 1) Do you know why there are 2 hydraulic circuits on your cars brakes? There is a common point of failure but we can come to that later. Opps I may have given you a hint to question 3 here. 2) Why do you think the prop shaft on your 350Z is made of the exotic material Carbon Fibre? Hint, it’s not so it looks nice or is lighter or stronger. 3) Why do they make it difficult by having your 2 headlamps on different fuses? 4) Why do they continue making plain engine bearings out of lead when it is very soft? 5) Why do they make brake rotors out of cast iron when heat treated steel is much harder and wear resistant? 6) Why do you think they go to the effort of forging RAYs when casting is a cheaper option? 7) Why do they make it so the impact of a collision has to be such that there is a danger of the chassis buckling before the airbags deploy? Why not give you a nice pillow anyway? 8) Why do you think it would be worse to have a blow out on a motorway at 70mph as opposed to on a back road at 60mph? I know which I would prefer. 9) Can you remember what a distributor and points were for? 10) Do you understand why in the USA the 350Z is considered the most dangerous car? Sorry some people but I do not appreciate being belittled on a public forum.
Wendy, Due to my engineering knowledge and 28 years of owning and taking to bits cars and motorcycles I knew from the symptoms that the slight judder was due the brake rotor starting to delaminate. I also knew that it was not going to fail catastrophically but gradually get worse. So I took the decision to hold off a few months to align the MOT, Service, rotor machining and any other faults that may present themselves for one visit to the garage.I do the common checks occasionally like fluids, tire pressures and visual inspection but like I said, the rest of the tyre was fine even the edges apart from this spot. So the only mistake I made was to assume that the tyre would be evenly worn around it circumference. Read again before you rant, CIRCUMFERENCE. I did check the full width.The damaged tyre had no symptoms what so ever so why would I suspect this.This was the very reason for my post to alert others that it is possible for this to happen without you knowing and to check the full tyre. I should not tell you this but I let the service go 400 miles overdue for these dates to align. Please feel free to use that as a basis for your next novel. Do you have a check list for these items you could share? I would hate for my balancing to go out of date and not realise.
I did not get the tracking done as the tyres were evenly worn except this part. If I had pictured more of the tyre you would see that the rest of this edge is ok. I am now thinking to get the tracking checked anyway.
Thank you doc. To clarify a few points, These tyres were fitted a couple of years ago because its all the garage had in stock to fit and I had a nail in a tyre. I now have four Avon tyres. The brake judder was not serious enough to be of immediate concern, intact it was within MOT limits. The front rotors have now been skimmed. Yes I tried to make the post slightly amusing but my intention was to get a serious point across which is:- I checked the tyre pressure and wear on inside edge and outer edge what I could see on full lock. I foolishly expected the edge wear to be more or less even around the circumference of the tyre. So I missed this damage on the inside edge which is why I put in big bold letters "CHECK THE TYRE"I think if you read my post again Wendy you will see it is Serious if slightly amusing. How often do you check the full circumference inside and out?
Yep it actually was on my car and it drove fine. I have 2 theorys. 1. Its a cheap tyre and that part was softer than the rest. This happened to my father many years ago on a brand new Datsun Cherry. A tire with plenty of tread developed a flat spot. The dealership had it examined and the results were that that part of the rubber had not been vulcanised. 2. For some time (quite a few months) I have had some brake judder on the front. I was waiting until the service and MOT to get it all sorted together. It was not bothering me that much because by daily comute is 20 miles motorway and a couple of miles back roads. It is possible that the tight spot on the disc was causing most of the braking force to be consentrated on this part of the tyre. Any knowlegable types please chip in. Where you can see the braiding split the rubber was around 0.5mm thick. Just perfect for a blowout on my way home. If on the motorway, damaged wheel, crash barriers and lorrys etc. If on the back roads, head on into an inocent family? I dont want to think about that. If you are going to take the effort to check your tyres dont just take a look at a bit of it and check the pressure. CHECK THE TYRE.
MOT Friday gone. Had a quick look around the Z. Wipers, lights and tyres look ok to me. Anyway all going well untill the Eagle eyed inspector found this..... I personally think he was being a bit picky. What do you guys think.
If yours hase stopped working check the fluid level. When it gets low the headlamp washers are disabled to save whats left for your windscreen. They are on all the time and squirt every 3 times the windscreen is washed. The button simply gives you an opotunity to squirt manually. It is law that these are fitted and working on cars fitted with HID. So may fail an MOT. Can you not just point them to the side and annoy other drivers.
Thank you. I will be getting it welded for the time being. I will consider an upgrade later and will probably be seeking your advice again. Thanks again.
Thank you CS. Had a look at your options and as tempting as they are I think I will try to get a few more miles before I replace. However I will bear it in mind for future. Thanks for the advice.
Had a noisy exhaust recently and presumed it was a loose coupling before the back box. Upon inspection, the weld on the flange on the pipe from the back box connecting to the mid section has cracked all the way around (back box pipe flange). The rest of the exhaust seems fine. Car is an MY08 313 with 50000 miles. Could a garage re-weld this? I am quite happy with the standard exhaust. What do you guy’s recon pricewise? I suspect it would require tack welding in position and then removing for full welding. Any help appreciated. Regards
Even if computers cannot generate truly random numbers they can generate a very close approximation unless you now everything about the way the system generates them. E.g. Calculations since last reboot, time since last reboot, keystrokes since a specific time, cpu usage time against idle etc. there are a number of variables that can be incorporated into the random number generator calculation to make it almost truly random (to everyone except the software developer). This is why the Lotto is drawn using a mechanical device that not only produces random numbers which rely on chaos theory but can be appreciated as random to the general public. As coldel has already said there are factors that make the draw machine not truly random but I think this would have been picked up statistically by now and the bias corrected or another solution sought. I think coldel’s situation is due to the fact that the numbers are as random as possible. To quote “AK350Z†who quoted “Douglas Adams†“Million to one chances crop up nine times out of ten.†I presume this translates to “nobody reports things which happen all the time (like two lines of numbers with no relation to each other which happens often), but when you get something which seems odd you just have to tell someone†Anyway very interesting.
"Ball 5: Looking for one specific number (which is the other draw ball +1, this is a condition of the probability) so 1/46. " Now I agree. And its indeed the exact same odds as getting. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 or 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 or indeed any 2nd line of numbers that have a 'relationship' to the first line. This is all getting a bit random but for the interesting conversation.
I don’t have the mathematical dexterity to argue the point about the last main ball but I still cant agree. Imagine the last main ball was one lower and not one higher. You would then have just swapped the lines over (making one ball still 1 higher) and still calculated the odds at 116m to 1. But we know the odds are now lower as there 2 possible numbers that could have been selected to effectively achieve the same odd looking outcome. I am no expert but I can’t understand why the last number being a consecutive number as being significant when it has the same chance as any other number left in the draw.
After much deliberation the GF decided in the Nikon D3100 DSLR for Christmas. Went Jessop’s and was told the factory in Thailand is currently under water and they are not expecting to be producing cameras until February for delivery to store in April. Ended up getting pretty much the last D5100 in Scotland at £200 more. Thats 2 less tanks of petrol this year. Bugger.
Did that girl center right of shot at 32 sec have a dry suit on. Is that not cheating?
I guess that what you worked out as 116,531,800 to 1 is actually the very same odds as winning with all numbers correct. I think it is wrong that you should include in the calculations that the last number was incremented by 1 as this is still a unique number and has exactly the same chance as any other. I think (check my math) this would bring it down to 2330636 to 1. Of course if your first 4 and both stars had came out up you would have won the same prize twice (£2,824.30 x 2 according to Wiki estimate) so overall you were at no disadvantage. Given the sheer volume of tickets sold these oddities probably crop up more often the one might think. Just checked the odds of getting 4 main and 2 stars correct and it comes out at 517919 to 1. And if I can get my head around this, this is exactly what you have done (if you imagine that you first line was what the machine drew and your second was what you drew). Cant quite get my head round why this figure is not 116,531,800 / 50 as I originally thought..... My head hurts. Probability is a complicated beast.